Difference between normal people and us

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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19 Dec 2014, 3:07 am

So you think it is vainful that we think about the difference.
because of that thinking itself makes us distant from normal.
but i think some reason can be with conscience and sympathetic and empathic, so at least with a woman, we can be familiar with earch other through thinking.
Empathy is very difficult to adjust into thinking.
But not impossible.
Though I must admit, if most of us can't do understand empathy, these thinking in this thread is vainful.
Besides, you are rather careless on the other hand, and I am rather careless on you hand, I suppose you underestimate long time repetition's result.
Like there seems to be no exact reasonable efficient way to learn chess and just must to play many times to learn, thinking and learning many times not about different subjects but one same subject can be only one way to be good at the subject or the problem.

But I like your mild irony very much.
I loved such thinking style.
And I'll love it again.

I have lost it and I miss it.
I have lost it because I have had a pressure from my family and society to be more and more normal.
But now ironically to be more normal, I need to get back it I suppose.


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19 Dec 2014, 6:31 am

MathIm wrote:
So you think it is vainful that we think about the difference.
because of that thinking itself makes us distant from normal.

Contrasting differences can be useful if it helps you to understand yourself. Contrasting differences in order to make yourself feel better is not good.

Snowy Owl
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19 Dec 2014, 12:17 pm

I dont believe that it is vainful for any of us to spend time trying to make sense of our bizarre worlds of Autism and Aspergers - I've been doing it all of my life and I'm 69 years old going on 70. Indeed, I have spent the last twenty years writing about it, won Top Contributor badges and nominations in Yahoo and in Linked In for it, written / self published 5 Amazon Bestsellers about it and am a featured writer on the Huffington Post about it.

I never do it to feel good. I do it to make sense of my bizarre worlds of Autism and Asperger's Syndrome, because even I consider those worlds are bizarre when compared to most other peoples'. I think, heck, what did I do to get lumbered with this bag of extreme suicide ideation, severe learning difficulties, relating difficulties, communicating difficulties, obsessive compulsive traits, attention deficit traits, selective retrograde amnesia, anterograde amnesia, psychogenic amnesia, dissociative amnesia, meltdowns into near death comas and freaky out of body experiences.

Sanity is a relative thing. The United Nations World Health Organisation class Autism and Asperger's Syndrome as serious mental diseases - so they think we are insane - and judging by what I read in the newspapers, journals and blogs that I access on the internet I am inclined to consider they are correct - Penn State University research says that as children we are 25-30 times as likely to contemplate/attempt suicide than any other class of children and Cambridge University research says that adults we are 9 times as likely to contemplate/attempt suicide - I can list over 2000 occasions in my youth when I died, most if not all of them being deliberately contrived - that was insane by the standards of 'normal' people. But I'll come and do it all over again if they'll let me. Best white knuckle ride I have ever ridden - Woo Hoo - Geronimoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

adriantesq - Born 1945, diagnosed as Savant 1949, Autist 1950, Unfulfilled musical genius 1953, Autistic Psychopath 1960, Aspie 1994, appointed as the County Surveyors Society Chief Instructor Suicide Avoidance and Prevention in 1995, became Amazon Best Selling Author in Biographies and Memoirs of Childhood Autism and Asperger's Syndrome 2014, and Ambassador for Autie and Aspie Students of Energime University 2016.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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19 Dec 2014, 1:42 pm

"to develop defensive filters between their conscious and subconscious minds."
can this mean, in my case, i'm dvelopping defensive filters against conscious from subconscious?

"It seems to me that a person can have metacognition in regard to conscious thought, subconscious thought, or both.
I think that most of my metacognition is in regard to conscious thought, and it is extremely difficult for me to "see" what is happening in my subconscious."
i'm not confident but this sounds for me that there's left side and right side as subconscious and conscious, and there's three metacognition between left and right.
left is blue and thin and right is red and thick for me.
Like field extention in mathematics, subconscious exists as k(or K), conscious exists as K(or L).
Then, metacognition is M(or F) or N(or G), intermediate field.
Please understand field as our thinking function, not as strict mathematical form.
I think it's not a big matter, because both thinking and mathematics seem to have calculating and computing exactly.
And there's also metacognition MN(or FG) and 'M or N'(or 'F or G')
somehow, F seems to be ruled or ristricted with L.
and G seems to be ruled or ristricted with K.
So your metacognition is made in F. probably you recognize your whole body as world or something, higher than conscious or larger than conscious.
and my metacgnition is made in G. i recognize my eyesight or large space out of my body as world and everything. my conscious's working place. i mean my subconscious.
Though, I have had felt I was rather in F and L.
Before I tried to get into mathematics.
Then I loved history and aesthetics.
So, our body's boundary may belong to FG or 'F or G'.
Probably, skin is 'F or G' and circumstance of skin is 'FG'
So there's 6 consciousness or 6 cognition we have.
I suppose.
or maybe we should estimate this only just 3.
K 'F or G' L
this 4 root is all constituted with only 3 place.
We live in only this 3 place.
Possibly, there's 4 variety of autism.
K F L is conscious type.
K G L is subconscious type.
K FG L is probably metacognition type.
K 'F or G' L is probably as well metacognition type.
We should call the latter two A and B.
A and B may feel they aren't in conscious and aren't in subconscious.
Probably, shut out the other side metacognition.
Normal person can deal both A and B, i mean FG and 'F or G'.
But we cannot.
I suppose K 'F or G' L type person love to contact with body.
ugh or um, probably, sexual addiction is related to these two, or only just K 'F or G' L.
And K FG L type person maybe love to manipulate things, particularly small things, exact manipulation, no jumping, no harsh change.

"My conscious thought has the ability to access certain types of information that is generally thought to be buried deep within the subconscious.
Do you also have this characteristic? From what you've said so far, I would guess that you do.

In that case, we may be more alike than we think, though I may have developed some disorder that separates me from something you still have access to. "
I don't know.
I thought I have a bad memory, because my mark at school was bad. Though I couldn't concentrate on studying then.
But maybe I have remembered many behaviours of a person.
Probably, impressions is my memory's good point.
So, perhaps, I have no certain good memory.
All my memories may be translated or interpreted to certain impressions.
Even in this thread.
I remember all of persons with certain impressions I suppose, probably more than you or them.


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19 Dec 2014, 4:54 pm

MathIm wrote:
I don't know. I thought I have a bad memory, because my mark at school was bad. Though I couldn't concentrate on studying then. But maybe I have remembered many behaviours of a person.
Probably, impressions is my memory's good point. So, perhaps, I have no certain good memory.
All my memories may be translated or interpreted to certain impressions. Even in this thread.
I remember all of persons with certain impressions I suppose, probably more than you or them.

Can you describe your memory process in any more detail?
Is it good with social things or people, and bad with other types of things?
What sort of patterns to tend to remember better than others?

this is from the wiki entry for Oxytocin that I just recently read.
I think it's significant because Oxytocin seems to produce the opposite effects of those very often associated with having autism. This may suggest that autistics may have very low available natural levels of Oxytocin.
It may also be possible that some autistics have no problem at all with Oxytocin, or even have high levels.
I don't know much about it yet.
But here's the entry from wiki concerning types of memory:

" Cognitive function: Certain learning and memory functions are impaired by centrally administered oxytocin. Also, systemic oxytocin administration can impair memory retrieval in certain aversive memory tasks. Interestingly, oxytocin does seem to facilitate learning and memory specifically for social information. Healthy males administered intranasal oxytocin show improved memory for human faces, in particular happy faces. They also show improved recognition for positive social cues over threatening social cues and improved recognition of fear."

Anachronism: an object misplaced in time.
"It's true we are immune, when fact is fiction and TV reality"
"It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards"

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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19 Dec 2014, 10:36 pm

I seem I have no good memory for persons' faces.
It is difficult to see a face and maybe to recognize it as well.
I suppose I need some professional help to understand my own memory process.
It is really ambiguous.

When I meet a girl, I'm really sorry for her, i feel i interrude her right to be herself.
A girl makes a sexual meaning more often than a man.
For her it must be a little, but for me it is too much, and always it is very embarassing for me.
Even her sense of choice in clothes.
It is a past for her.
But for me it is a present, really intense.
I won't see her steadily, alternatively, I see her small behaviour and a bit of faces of her. Fortunately, a small piece of her existence and behaviour is as well expressing herself, somehow, I don't remember detail of what I see, but I am remembering her nuances very very much. So maybe it was really trivial only once nuance for her but for me it is really thankful always or some times really hurt. Though, a case to be hurt is generally with a man for me.
For me, every day has really different nuance from other day.

So, my difficulty to recognize a person's face is because for me it means too various as it is put small pieces of nuance together.
I can translate a face to every meaning.
At least, if it is not artificially made one like as a photo which is an explanation for a book for psychology.
So I feel too much expression from a person.
And maybe I make only a very small expression only at very small times.
Maybe I was really specific and really exact to express myself.
Otherwise really aloof and nothing.

You make a really difficult and really interesting question and a reasoning, chemistry and neurology and psychiatry or psychology and philosophy.
I want to talk to you a half year or a year later as well, when maybe I'm understanding what you recommend, links to several pages on wikipedia.

You are really interesting.
I hope I am to you as well.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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20 Dec 2014, 11:44 am

I think, autism spectrum is similar to a woman in society generally ruled with a man.
A man has sadistic behaviour and also outward assimilation behaviour.
Though, they are hiding one side.
Maybe because to adjust herself,himself for a woman.
This may be utilized to deceive a woman as well.
And a woman is restricted to respond to everything only with one side.
She is numb about the other side.
Even though, in different situation like with a family member or with a friend, they can behave the other side.
Woman's ruling is very rare in man's society, largest society.
Woman's everything is suboption for man and man's society.
They rerely select woman's suggestion.
Even though, a woman's suggestion is always or very often eagerer than a man's.
And serious.

Perhaps, an autsim spectrum among a man is very similar to a woman.
and an autism spectrum among a woman can mean another gender.

Supposedly, woman's culture is better for an autism spectrum.
However a man with autism spectrum must be brought up in man's culture.

Listening to mother's story in her young period.
Similar experience exists there.
Even though, that was overgeneralization and I have been hurt and I have had been hurt very very seriously in my past with her.


Snowy Owl
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20 Dec 2014, 3:22 pm

@ MathIm - Very quickly - Can I say - The impression I have of you from my very short and very small acquaintance with you from what you write in your posts here in this thread is of duality - or perhaps more correctly of dichotomy - not so much that you are two personalities but that you seem drawn to explanations of your and others traits in terms of dichotomy - conversations that don t go anywhere because they are poles apart of a spectrum which do not talk to each other as if neither of them exist to the other - I even found it hard to use the word spectrum then because they don't even seem to meet in the middle - there is no common middle between them - in string theory they would not be the same string, but different strings - in membrane theory they not me the same membrane but different ones - I find this very disturbing - as if I am looking at schizophrenia - and I cant understand schizophrenia - so i cant handle it - like calculus - I missed the first lecture so I never understood calculus and yet my numeracy IQ is higher than my spatial IQ is higher than my verbal IQ - like electrical engineering - I missed the first lecture so I only got 4% in the exam because I couldn't understand how something as liquid as electricity travels through wires not through pipes - I hope I am making sense - because I would love for you to read Dr Deepak Chopra's book, Synchrodestiny, and practice the daily exercises it suggests for a period of three months as I did about three years ago because I found it an immensely unifying experience - I no longer feel different from the cosmos - I feel part of the cosmos - I no longer feel different to god - I feel part of god - I no longer love anyone conditionally - I love all unconditionally - I no longer forgive anyone conditionally - I forgive all unconditionally - I think reading and practicing synchrodestiny would heal you - and until you are healed you will not be a contributor to the reduction in entropy in life, death, nature, fate, fortune, god, the universe and all that but a contributor to the increase in entropy of the creation

adriantesq - Born 1945, diagnosed as Savant 1949, Autist 1950, Unfulfilled musical genius 1953, Autistic Psychopath 1960, Aspie 1994, appointed as the County Surveyors Society Chief Instructor Suicide Avoidance and Prevention in 1995, became Amazon Best Selling Author in Biographies and Memoirs of Childhood Autism and Asperger's Syndrome 2014, and Ambassador for Autie and Aspie Students of Energime University 2016.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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21 Dec 2014, 2:04 am

Thank you for a good advice.
This is really good and really kind to me.
Oh, dichotomy.
And you haven't mentioned I am a schizophrenia.
But now I suppose I have shizophrenia.
It is unexpected but I have read again about shizophrenia, I'm fitting it quite well.
Dichotomy, yes.
But supposedly quite many mathematicians use dichotomy as well.
because, at first, there seemed to be no relation, but result of studying, a mathematician find a relation. Like S duality and T duality in string theories.
That is one of mathematician's work.
I'm sorry if my suggestion annoy you and everyone who watched or watches this thread.
I have thought I need strong dichotomy to integrate m theory and string theories.
So dichotomy became my habbit.
Even before I know string theories, I have such a habbit, but now the habbit is much stronger.

" in string theory they would not be the same string, but different strings - in membrane theory they not me the same membrane but different ones - I find this very disturbing - as if I am looking at schizophrenia"
So, autism spectrum disorders are similar to string theories.
Then people with this spectrum should give up about understanding each other.

Or maybe, I'm not autism spectrum.
I'm sorry I misunderstood your sentence above.
I'm not autism spectrum.
If so, I'm very sorry I disturb everyone here so much.
Forget me.
I have supposedly a different spectrum from autism.

I'm very surprised, and thank you so much.
I'll try your advice, Deepak Chopra.
I'm very curious.

But I hope you reconsider my idea particularly similarity of a woman and a autism spectrum.
This two looks absolutely different, unbearably different, intolerably different, but at least, there's very important relation between them, I'm sure.

Wall between two is very high.
Wall like needed energy for chamical reaction.
But beyond wall, a woman and a autism is nearer than a autism and a normal in same side against a wall.
Trust me.

I'm sorry.
Don't trust me.
Because I'm different from autism.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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21 Dec 2014, 5:51 am

Perhaps, my opinion's most important point is;

our sensitivity require clearness even in home
our sensitivity strongly require calmness in outside, society, working.
They have their common lacking, their common problems, undissapear problems like hydra.
their problems generally cannot be a problem for us and we can't recognize a problem of that kind as a problem.
and our problems generally aren't their problems and ignored.
so, should we call our disability, ignoring?
or should we call their ignoaring, disability?

this is similar situation between people with science literacy in developed countries and people with cargo cult in undeveloped countries.

we should be recognized just as undeveloped but potentially developing.
we should be treated as much as undeveloped coutries helped by organizations in developed countries.

But I'm sorry if I'm not autism.
but schizophrenia.

I'm sorry, if i am not autism but schizophrenia.
and i'm tg.
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Snowy Owl
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21 Dec 2014, 11:50 am

Mathlm - I am not upset or offended by you - I am like you - I wonder about who I am, what I am, where I am, why I am and how I got to be this way - I was born in 1945 so I am 69 years old. However, I suffered a head injury in 1960 that suppressed my memory faculty until 1994. So I spent those 34 years of my life forgetting who I was, what I was, where I was, why I was and I got to be that way, every time I fell asleep. Each time I woke it was as if I had just been born, with no history, nothing inside my head to tell me who I was, what I was, where I was, why I was and how I got to be that way. I relied on journals that my wife encouraged me to write about us and diaries on my desk at work that my employer encouraged me to write about my work. The reason this ended in 1994 was that I had a severe nervous breakdown when memories from the first 15 years of my, between 1945 and 1960. began bubbling into my thoughts. I was planning vitally secret and important government changes at that time, so my employer commissioned a private consultant clinical psychiatrist to diagnose and treat the cause of the breakdown. He diagnosed and treated me for Asperger's Syndrome and that transformed my performance at work so much that I was asked to coach and counsel colleagues all over the country using our professional intranet. We were a 'bred' government profession, dating back to the Norman Conquest, 1066, and all therefore had Asperger's Syndrome, so they all wanted to retire, as we were all, theoretically, no longer considered mentally competent for our roles. As I was designing a government restructuring I was asked to plan for our early retirement / voluntary redundancy so we could leave and our replacement by departmental directors instead. So, I did, except I did not leave. The directors asked me to stay on and help them set up and nurse the new system, to avoid the progress we had achieved backsliding. I stayed on as long as I felt I was needed and, as I could not face the prospect of having no useful role in life any more, tried to kill myself, whilst on Christmas leave 2000, as Boxing Day was the seventh anniversary of my last great memory crash. But my gurus in heaven told me there was more I needed to do here on earth for them and my God, Queen and Country, so I returned after 8 hours conferring on what was required of me, and got on with the new todolist I had to follow. What I am doing now, in writing this post on WrongPlanet to you is on that todolist, so you can thank my gurus in heaven for including you in their plan. It has something to do with the County Surveyors Society International Limited but I don't know what yet.

Namaste :santa:

adriantesq - Born 1945, diagnosed as Savant 1949, Autist 1950, Unfulfilled musical genius 1953, Autistic Psychopath 1960, Aspie 1994, appointed as the County Surveyors Society Chief Instructor Suicide Avoidance and Prevention in 1995, became Amazon Best Selling Author in Biographies and Memoirs of Childhood Autism and Asperger's Syndrome 2014, and Ambassador for Autie and Aspie Students of Energime University 2016.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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21 Dec 2014, 3:19 pm


adriantesq wrote:
Each time I woke it was as if I had just been born, with no history, nothing inside my head to tell me who I was, what I was, where I was, why I was and how I got to be that way.

I'm hesitating to say this but, I was so as well, probably not as serious as mr.ms.adriantesq but, when I have been dropped out from a private junior high school, and have been a truant in public one, and after several years from then. I lost every wit to fit myself into society, into adult, into a worker, I spent many years with black thought, and a while later red thought with meeting a good Japanese thinker on internet, but before it and even after it depression and depression, a little hope and a little hope. I have no idea what i am. complete lost of identity. complete lost of even slight view of future. maybe i'm sereously in psychiatric disorder, but nobody tell me about it, maybe my mother foolishly brought me a clinic, not psychiatric one. and nothing more than it. even i mentioned psychiatric one several times. she seemed to think always, it is trivial it is as same as her past experience, foolishly, she has no such experience, she has few, but friends, and i have no, even one. it is absurd that only a small diagnose on my body, several times putting stethoscope on, seeing in my mouth, that's all. it is ok, a small clinic, a clinic for townsmen, preparing for a common cold and some special disease is enough. but for me! what a silly ristricting option for me, my mother made.

I'm sorry, if i am not autism but schizophrenia.
and i'm tg.
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Snowy Owl
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21 Dec 2014, 5:25 pm

MathIm - It sounds to me as if you are searching for meaning and purpose but have no map to help you - my maps were given to me by my mother's maternal grandfather between the age of 3 days old and three and a half years old - books that he taught me to read from - and books that I was allowed to peruse in the library at his eldest daughter's home between the ages of three and a half and four and a half - a set off books I was given to study at Infants School because I had to be isolated from the other children there due to my daily meltdowns into near death coma to fly to heaven for tutorials from my gurus there - an uncle who had been a padre in India during the Second World War so he knew about the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and Dhammapada and Aham Brahmasmi and Tat Tvam Asi - a lovely French Canadian tutor - and a wonderful pianoforte music teacher - all when I was between the ages of seven and a half and eleven and a half - a wonderful art and architecture teacher - when I was between eleven and a half years of age and fifteen and a half years of age - and innumerable county surveyors all of whom as we were all inter-related from the same family origin back in the depths of of the history of the British Isles - between when I was fifteen and a half years of age and thirty and half years of age. I found excellent meaning and purpose from those maps, enough to keep me in full time professional employment until I was sixty five years old.

Fearful that I would miss working to those maps and start wanting to kill myself, because that is how I have reacted to such feelings of worthlessness in the past, I updated my knowledge and skills, and wrote a long essay setting out the narrative / theory of everything by which I had made sense of my world and my place in it, and considered if it gave me sufficient scope to allow me to change my world and my place in it in response to my life of retirement and found it did.

My emotions were so uplifted by this that I want to share my joy and enlightenment with everyone who was in the same position as I had been before writing it, so I adapted it into an autobiography of the narrative and analytical sequel describing how my experience had made me feel so good, and published them as Kindle ebooks on Amazon and went to Yahoo Answers and began coaching and counselling other people who were feeling low to assist them out of their despondencies and two of these had autism and aspergers syndrome like me, so I invited them to email me and talk their problems through with me to see if I could help. They obtained and read copies of my two books and said I should try to get more people to read them, so I enrolled on a course to to get my books better known.

It involved a lot of hard work, but, by a year later, I had changed them into four books and they had rocketed to the top of the Amazon Bestsellers list in their genre and niche and Arianna Huffington, Editor in Chief of Huffington Post, the most popular English language e-newspaper worldwide with almost 100,000,000 readers annually asked me to become a featured author in that publication, so I did.

I then wrote a book in a different genre, which over 370 people downloaded, and it became an Amazon Bestseller too. That was in September. I have since written and published another two, one in early November and the other in late November, but I published them on Smashwords and they haven't been distributed to Amazon yet. I am in the process of editing a fourth in this series for publication later this month.

Next year I plan on starting to compile and publish an encyclopaedia as a curriculum and series of books as texts for people with autism and aspergers syndrome to obtain the same primary professional qualification as me as a non-profit venture with the support and encouragement of the Government of Wales and the Prince of Wales.

If you would like to email me and become my friend on facebook. like Tyler Fahey and Shonah Mealiff, two young people I am helping overcome their feelings of melancholy, then please do so. It pains me to see someone like you so depressed and unhappy. My email address is [email protected]

Namaste :santa:

adriantesq - Born 1945, diagnosed as Savant 1949, Autist 1950, Unfulfilled musical genius 1953, Autistic Psychopath 1960, Aspie 1994, appointed as the County Surveyors Society Chief Instructor Suicide Avoidance and Prevention in 1995, became Amazon Best Selling Author in Biographies and Memoirs of Childhood Autism and Asperger's Syndrome 2014, and Ambassador for Autie and Aspie Students of Energime University 2016.


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22 Dec 2014, 1:10 pm

MathIm wrote:
Or maybe, I'm not autism spectrum.
I'm sorry I misunderstood your sentence above.
I'm not autism spectrum.
If so, I'm very sorry I disturb everyone here so much.
Forget me.
I have supposedly a different spectrum from autism.

But I hope you reconsider my idea particularly similarity of a woman and a autism spectrum.
This two looks absolutely different, unbearably different, intolerably different, but at least, there's very important relation between them, I'm sure.

I'm sorry.
Don't trust me.
Because I'm different from autism.

In autism, very often the brain structure, and metacognition is very different from normal.

Also, having fragmented personality, or distinct personality components is quite normal, though many people lack the metacognition to be aware of how distinct the components are, and just attribute differences to mood.

It seems that true schizophrenia is very misunderstood to be only associated with multiple personality disorder, which is not correct.

You can have autism, and also other disorders of various types, either associated with ASD or not.
It's not a one or the other type of situation.

What you say about women is a generalization I know, but probably comes from the fact that the female brain most often lends itself to becoming what is sometimes called "super-NT" in that they have very strong or exaggerated neurotypical traits, especially in the areas of negotiating social hierarchies, and empathic reciprocation.

youtube video

Anachronism: an object misplaced in time.
"It's true we are immune, when fact is fiction and TV reality"
"It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards"

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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23 Dec 2014, 5:21 am

I see.
i hope i will be diagnosed.
dissosciative personality tell me about my experience and even now very well.

i hope my awkwardness gives everyone here to understand the difference.

I'm sorry, if i am not autism but schizophrenia.
and i'm tg.
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Snowy Owl
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23 Dec 2014, 6:29 am

I had dissociative amnesia after a head injury at age 15 that lasted until age 49 - and retrograde, psychogenic and anterograde amnesia - but wasnt diagnosed as having dissociative personality disorder - in fact I got the impression it was par for the course