MathGirl wrote:
I kind of use Tumblr as an outlet and do write autism-related posts, even respond to others' posts occasionally. Whatever I see something that I don't support, including obsessive self-diagnosing, I just ignore and don't follow said blogs. I simply don't have enough time on my hands to care about things that bother me but that I can't change.
I don't take it seriously because, after all, the bulk of my existence is in person, not online. Perhaps the multiple divergent identity layering thing that's why my blog is not really gaining momentum. Aside from my ASD and some other learning challenges, there's not much unique about me - I'm straight, white, don't have any other conditions, have pretty typical interests, and study a subject in university that many other girls study. I honestly felt a bit out of place with all of the LGBT people on there with multiple conditions/disorders. Perhaps that's why I haven't gone on as much lately. I like going places where I fit in.
You know I have this problem with aspie support groups and other such places similar to tumblr.. it's mostly social justice issues. The aspie groups, while everyone is autistic, they focus more on LGBT issues than they do autistic politics. I have no disrespect towards LGBT but I can't emphasize at all with those issues.. I'm all for rights, but I'm just not passionate about going out there and supporting gay marriage, and it's as if saying that makes me a horrible insensitive person to them. I just don't know how to contribute to any discussion related to those, I don't feel like I can make a difference, either. WP is different, I feel we're all here for one common reason and I feel I can learn from others, or teach someone something.
Either way, it's a huge waste of everyone's time to point out the flaws in internet culture. I can't change the hypocritical standards of the modern SJW/liberal "Agree with me or you're a piece of s**t" mentality and I can't stop self-diagnosing or the "My husband ignores me and is a jerk, is he autistic?!?!" posts, so naturally when I hear that being autistic suddenly makes you cool for "being different" I'm going to assume people are using tumblr for attention seeking and completely ignore it.
If Jesus died for my sins, then I should sin as much as possible, so he didn't die for nothing.