nurseangela wrote:
hasn't fallen right off) and women will always cover it up and say less so they aren't seen as a slut - it's a double standard (for most men I guess - not for me).
I will agree, there is a huge double standard when it comes to sex, and it isn't fair. I think it works both ways, in that men are much more likely to be seen as a loser if they are a virgin or have little experience than women are. That still doesn't make it correct how each gender is labeled.
I think part of it has to do with the gender difference in ease of acquisition. If a woman who is slightly average appearance or better (or maybe even slightly below average) walks into a college party and announces "I want to have sex, who is ready" there would be guys lining up for her. If a guy did the same think, he would be laughed at, mocked, labelled a pervert, but probably wouldn't have any women lining up unless he was famous, extremely good looking, or very wealthy.