Okay, I'm around the same age as the OP (late 20s, early 30s) and have just now figured my life out to enough of an extent that I can actually have some hobbies. By figuring life out, I mean stuff like having a nest egg, live in an area where police don't bother me for having meltdowns, people on my floor know i'm out and proud about autism, and have a career where i am out and don't get crap for being the way I am.
It's been a long time in the making. But for us, I guess it is as difficult as raising a family or climbing the corporate ladder, whatever, is for NTs. Just making a life. So, keep your chin out and keep working on it. The worst thing to do is to think too much. You have to keep at it and ignore the haters because there will always be NT haters like crabs in a barrel.