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27 Mar 2007, 4:26 pm


Truth can be hidden but not changed. The most important things that ever happened were done by women. I cannot imagine a man discovering spinning and weaving, or pottery. If it needs to be beaten with a stone ax, get a man, they do have a hunting skill, but if you want the ax head to stay on, ask a woman to do it for you. With twisted and platted hair, gum glues of plant sap, and fire roasting, technology was a girl thing.

The loss of a hunter was always a loss to the tribe, but tribes exist to do one thing, to protect the women of childbearing age, and the children.

The reason knowledge has survived two ice ages is because it was kept by the women, and taught to the children. Boys did not learn on the hunt till after they were raised as children by the women. No boy would make it to manhood without a mother, or be complete without a wife. His role is narrow, go forth, return with food, do it again tomorrow. Once he shows these skills, ability, consistancy, loyality, some woman might have him.

"A man picks a wife like a cow picks a farmer."

The only meaning of life is to produce and raise the next generation. By biology and skill, women's work.

Men will meet a pride of lions in the open with a spear, so the women and children can escape. All of the men of the tribe will die in battle, so the women and children will survive.

Girly does not mean airhead. It is the center of the culture, and protecting it gives meaning to the life of men. He takes the simple job, provider. She takes a hundred jobs, creator of a comfortable home, warmth and food when the hunt goes badly, producer, raiser, educator of children, maker of clothing from bloody hides, animal hair, and nurishes her man just as she does her children.

Man the hunter alone would eat raw meat when he could, live outside, sleep on the ground, and would have a short life. Only a woman can provide the shelter, warmth, food, cooked and digestable, like she makes for the children, a warm dry place to rest. Only a woman can protect him and give his life meaning.

Woman the tool maker, woman the inventor, woman who turned hair to string, rope, nets, cloth, baskets. Woman who mastered fire, the art of cooking, learned to harden wood, heat and bend, and the bright flame that turned mud to stone.

The three faces of The Great Mother, our Mother, our Wife, our Daughter, proper worship for a man.

The single factor that has advanced us toward a social life, has been what men women chose for breeding the next generation. The intelligent and good natured, trustworthy providers, perhaps talented in music, songs, stories, and it does help to be cute. A woman seeks in a man what she wants in her children.

The social network that brings unity to the tribe is through the women. The peace between tribes comes from women marrying out of their local clan, spreading skills, and learning new.

I follow The Great Mother, I am a Feminist. Women are Liberated from being female like a thief Liberates money, something of great value was taken.

I have been owned and opperated by a girl for the last fifteen years, she is now eighteen. She is a Princess, she is perfect, and so beautiful that it is just not fair to the other girls. We are the best of friends. Through her I worship The Great Mother, and she likes being an object of worship.

I speak the truth plainly, I bring her presents, I even learned to gift wrap, I support her in her education, three computer so far, a TI programable calculator, college in the fall. She is a girly girl, and has studied the subject well. She likes herself. So does everyone else. She does not use it to get her way, she has a brain for that, nor does it get in her way, college is important, not boys. I am her measure of a man, she has a guide book to judge the future Mister Princess.

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27 Mar 2007, 5:19 pm

Apatura wrote:
I don't know Inventor... I think the real revenge taken is by the daughters of these women, who more and more now are choosing to stay home to raise their children (or wishing like hell they could), and who are turning down significant careers in favor of family (I personally know one woman who threw out her Columbia law degree to raise her two young boys). And another revenge is the fact that family courts are favoring mothers less and less, if at all. If a woman files for divorce these days she is absolutely not guaranteed custody of her children, probably won't get alimony, and due to shared custody situations, will not get as much child support as once would have been determined.

Home economics might be out of the curriculum but the craft business is booming. Quilting, knitting, you name it. Companies like Michaels and Joannes are raking in money because many women still love doing home economics type things. It's not so easy to shed something as intrinsic as gender. The first couple generations of feminists might have been naive enough to expect this, but their daughters are biting them in the butts.

Not to start some big debate on feminism, but I think some women are finally starting to realize that it’s just not possible to “have it all”. You can have a family, or a career. Not both. Very few women can actually succeed at doing both exceptionally well. I read some BS article about creative “time-saving” for the career-woman-with-a-family not too long ago, in which one woman actually joked that she fed her two toddlers dinner in the bathtub on weeknights because it “saved at least 20 minutes”. Give me a break!

Men never had to make the career vs. family choice. They always had both because, historically, “a family” included a wife to look after the home and children. Men have always been the primary providers, while women have been the primary caregivers. It’s not because women have been “oppressed” all this time (although, arguably, many were), it’s just the way that human nature evolved. But once 20th century technology and mass consumerism came along, much of the “work” was effectively cut out of traditional housework. Machines started to do the laundry, torn clothes could be inexpensively replaced instead of mended, and handy frozen meals could go from freezer to table in minutes with zero preparation.

Once the kids trotted off to school, the housewives were suddenly left with a whole lot of extra time on their hands and naturally started getting bored. And now that they were living in cutesy little suburbs, all the bored housewives were able to be bored together. And just like when any group of bored people get together, they talked. That talk turned to ideas, and those ideas eventually became the women’s lib movement.

They taught their daughters that there was more to life than cooking, cleaning, sewing and changing dirty diapers. Fast food, fancy appliances, designer clothing, and daycare could all be bought. And they didn’t have to be “just” nurses, teachers, or secretaries, either - oh no - they could be ANYTHING they wanted to be.

Fast forward a couple of generations, and you get this – declining birthrates as more and more women are waiting until their 30s, even 40s, to have kids – if they have kids at all. Those that DO have kids scramble to find good daycare. They let their kids get away with murder because they are so tired from working 60 hours a week that it’s easier to turn a blind eye than to actually discipline them. They hire professional organizers to come in and help them clean up the mess they’ve made of their houses, financial planners to fix their finances, and therapists to cry to when it all becomes just “too much”. Divorce rates are at an all time high because couples argue much more about money and the sharing of responsibilities now than they ever did a century ago.

Some women – possibly those who were fed dinner in the bathtub by their own time-strapped mothers - are finally starting to understand this, and are choosing one over the other (hence the declining birthrates, as well as the slowly re-emerging trend toward stay-at-home moms). But most still foolishly think they can have both.

But – and this is the part that no one truly even realizes – for many women it’s not even so much about equality and personal fulfillment anymore as it is about just trying to get by financially. See, once the average household income started to go up, so did inflation. Now, the average single-income family can’t even afford to buy a house at all. Unless her husband makes damn good money, a woman has to work whether she wants to or not.

Yes, it’s quite a mess we’ve made for ourselves.


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27 Mar 2007, 5:26 pm

I am female and I really don't understand the woman's mind.

Currently Reading: Survival by Juliet E. Czerneda
Vote Kalister 2008


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27 Mar 2007, 5:33 pm

Inventor, I also think women have been the drive of all civilization in one way or another. Not really directly, but indrectly. Lowe's figured this out and it's how they came to beat Home Depot. Lowe's realized that while men finance most major purchases, the woman is the one who makes the final decision and is responsible for the actual purchase going through. So they started marketing to women while Home Depot continued to market to men. Lowe's is now doing much better than Home Depot.

Erilyn, I read a statistic somewhere that the higher a woman's salary is in comparison to her husband's, the more likely she is to divorce.


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27 Mar 2007, 6:01 pm

Apatura wrote:
Inventor, I also think women have been the drive of all civilization in one way or another. Not really directly, but indrectly. Lowe's figured this out and it's how they came to beat Home Depot. Lowe's realized that while men finance most major purchases, the woman is the one who makes the final decision and is responsible for the actual purchase going through. So they started marketing to women while Home Depot continued to market to men. Lowe's is now doing much better than Home Depot.

Erilyn, I read a statistic somewhere that the higher a woman's salary is in comparison to her husband's, the more likely she is to divorce.

No offense to women, and I COULD say a similar thing about men, but women that marry could be said to fall into two groups.

1. Those that want something like money, power.
2. Those that do it for love and desire.

The first group will probably cheat, steal, divorce. The second group will be far less likely to. Yet another fear I have had. I would want someone in the second group.



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27 Mar 2007, 7:35 pm

Awww Steve, she might love you, but it might take her awhile to figure that out. I didn't know that for three years and I didn't marry him for money and power. LOL I married him because he told me we were getting married. I just told him I wasn't having any kids...ever. See, now he could deal with that. Much more impressive than money or power, both of which I got for myself. And the fact that he takes care of all the domestic stuff (including Lowes LOL Like I would ever even go into one of those stores...NOT). Now that is priceless. On top of which he is intelligent and quiet. All good stuff. He has all the good stuff.

Boy, I'm sure glad to hear what my girly girl life is all about. My life has no meaning because I had those reproductive parts ripped out (useless things that they were). LOL I so do not care about any of that crap. I will never understand why anyone does, but hey, it's their life and they are welcome to it. As to my life, I live the way I want and enjoy it. That's what it's all about. I won't be getting a refund so I can come back and do it again.


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27 Mar 2007, 9:41 pm

Motherhood is not for everyone, Nature sorts that one too. A lot of our problems have nothing to do with gender, economics has replaced life.

In my neighborhood two income couples live in $500,000 homes because it is an investment. It was till the bubble burst, ajustable rates kicked in, our post Katrina utilities are up 400%, homeowners up 100%.

Our house costs a year's pay in 1955. a car cost three months pay. Mortage rates have been 3% over the last several hundred years. Now it takes two incomes just to pay interest?

Not that long ago women could gather for coffee and talk. They needed a break from the kids.

Something about being real men caused an end to that, Viet Nam and keeping the ChiCom contained. The wealth of two generations went for that, and a lot of lives. Anyone who deals with Commies is a traitor, over 60,000 of my generation died to keep Viet Nam out of the tennis shoe market, and China out of Walmart. They are still commies. All that was just arranging sending our factories and jobs there? Just a game to make the rich richer?

We cannot afford to build affordable housing because the blacks will move in? So what! Build lots of affordable housing, there are not that many blacks. When they move to good new housing with good schools, all the center cities will open for redevelopment. We have an National Slumlord Program.

$50,000 houses would change the world. Blacks have had it rough, but none of them have yet swum back to Africa. I like having comfortable well educated neighbors. I am 60, education has changed, it got worse. It is the cheapest thing we can do to make the next generation better. They have been working on cutting costs! College tutition was, 1963, $131 a symester. Education is not a business. It is a social investment.

Women hold the most votes, as they live longer they have the most money, A Woman's Party with a platform of Home, Education, Health Care, would get my vote. We have tried supression, war, prisons, and watched the same warriors sell out to China. It is the way they are wired, hunt, kill, domination, agression.

These are not the values to run schools with, or a home, or raise children by.

The cost of Iraq has not been reported for a while, I think the first two years cost $500,000,000,000. About a billion a day. If that much was spent to build retirement communities along the Sunset Limited, Senior towns, ten million $50,000 homes could have been built. I was born in 1945, most are younger, but we are a large group moving together to the future. We are not decrepit yet, we could take the contract to build.

It would open 10,000,000 housing units for younger people which would drive down prices. And you would know your own Sunset years are covered. I am not quiting, I am just getting good at web marketing, we will add to the economy.

The only point to life is raising the next generation. That is our investment. Taking care of the old, the young, is the meaning of it all.

I also favor a flat tax on assets 3%-5%. Workers are paying all the taxes, Capital pays nothing. On earnings of 23 Billion dollars the oil companies reported a taxable income of $127, and paid $38 in taxes. When Worldcom was busted, Arther Anderson folded, and no one looked at the thousands of other companies they kept the books for?

I vote for The Broom Party, for women know, a new broom sweeps clean!


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27 Mar 2007, 11:30 pm

Erilyn wrote:

Not to start some big debate on feminism, but I think some women are finally starting to realize that it’s just not possible to “have it all”. You can have a family, or a career. Not both. Very few women can actually succeed at doing both exceptionally well. I read some BS article about creative “time-saving” for the career-woman-with-a-family not too long ago, in which one woman actually joked that she fed her two toddlers dinner in the bathtub on weeknights because it “saved at least 20 minutes”. Give me a break!

Men never had to make the career vs. family choice. .

This reminds me of how I often manage to get my work done. When I'm capable, I'm always working - while eating, bathing, whatever.

As to the latter - I don't see how I could have a career, a family, and my obsessions. Not that I'd want a family, but a lover. Something has to break. It used to be the career. Now it's everything but - which would be fine if that was my special love. It's not.


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27 Mar 2007, 11:42 pm

'Girly girls' are idiots. I prefer tom-boys, like myself.


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28 Mar 2007, 12:05 am

RedMage wrote:
'Girly girls' are idiots. I prefer tom-boys, like myself.

Yes, we pwn!


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28 Mar 2007, 12:26 am

Well what do you expect from warriors, spraying perfume on their enemies? Girls can do anything, including change.

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28 Mar 2007, 5:17 am

Knasher wrote:
I blurted the first thing that popped into my head: "I'm *so* sorry." I really meant it, too. Too bad for her....

I love it, what was her response?

Still tho aside from having no real problem with the exsistance of girly girls, I don't think I could ever be really involved with one. I wouldn't be able to help myself from looking down on them, is it not extremely sad for your entire personality to revolve around the dating scene and members of the opposite sex? Normal people should have something more to their lives, I mean come on how would you even hold a conversation with them?

She gave me a look like she couldn't believe I'd really said it--like her brain couldn't quite process the fact that I'd said something so completely on the other side of what's considered acceptable conversation. I apologized, though, and we got on okay...I have to admit though, that all the time I knew her, I always felt there was something a little off about her. I think that stemmed from the fact that she was probably aggressively and completely normal. *sigh*

More recently, I was sitting on a streetcar with several other English teachers--from Canada and England and Scotland and maybe America. They started in about some actor and pretty soon were literally squealing over the hottness of this dude, whoever he was (can't remember, didn't care)--my mouth actually, literally dropped open at this as I sat and watched them. It fell open--this is the first time this has ever happened to me. On a fundamental level, I couldn't believe what I was watching. I just *couldn't believe it*. What kind of mind works like that? One of the other teachers happened to glance at me sitting there catching flies, and I felt like the silly one, but...

I'll talk about quantum theory, or evolution, or conservation or anything related to science, or books or music or movies (theory, that is) or games or comics or anthropology or language or culture, but...yeah. It was like being a stranger in a strange land. A strange, inane land.


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28 Mar 2007, 6:13 am

Erilyn wrote:
Not to start some big debate on feminism, but I think some women are finally starting to realize that it’s just not possible to “have it all”. You can have a family, or a career. Not both. Very few women can actually succeed at doing both exceptionally well. I read some BS article about creative “time-saving” for the career-woman-with-a-family not too long ago, in which one woman actually joked that she fed her two toddlers dinner in the bathtub on weeknights because it “saved at least 20 minutes”. Give me a break!

Men never had to make the career vs. family choice. They always had both because, historically, “a family” included a wife to look after the home and children. Men have always been the primary providers, while women have been the primary caregivers. It’s not because women have been “oppressed” all this time (although, arguably, many were), it’s just the way that human nature evolved. But once 20th century technology and mass consumerism came along, much of the “work” was effectively cut out of traditional housework. Machines started to do the laundry, torn clothes could be inexpensively replaced instead of mended, and handy frozen meals could go from freezer to table in minutes with zero preparation.

Once the kids trotted off to school, the housewives were suddenly left with a whole lot of extra time on their hands and naturally started getting bored. And now that they were living in cutesy little suburbs, all the bored housewives were able to be bored together. And just like when any group of bored people get together, they talked. That talk turned to ideas, and those ideas eventually became the women’s lib movement.

They taught their daughters that there was more to life than cooking, cleaning, sewing and changing dirty diapers. Fast food, fancy appliances, designer clothing, and daycare could all be bought. And they didn’t have to be “just” nurses, teachers, or secretaries, either - oh no - they could be ANYTHING they wanted to be.

Fast forward a couple of generations, and you get this – declining birthrates as more and more women are waiting until their 30s, even 40s, to have kids – if they have kids at all. Those that DO have kids scramble to find good daycare. They let their kids get away with murder because they are so tired from working 60 hours a week that it’s easier to turn a blind eye than to actually discipline them. They hire professional organizers to come in and help them clean up the mess they’ve made of their houses, financial planners to fix their finances, and therapists to cry to when it all becomes just “too much”. Divorce rates are at an all time high because couples argue much more about money and the sharing of responsibilities now than they ever did a century ago.

Some women – possibly those who were fed dinner in the bathtub by their own time-strapped mothers - are finally starting to understand this, and are choosing one over the other (hence the declining birthrates, as well as the slowly re-emerging trend toward stay-at-home moms). But most still foolishly think they can have both.

But – and this is the part that no one truly even realizes – for many women it’s not even so much about equality and personal fulfillment anymore as it is about just trying to get by financially. See, once the average household income started to go up, so did inflation. Now, the average single-income family can’t even afford to buy a house at all. Unless her husband makes damn good money, a woman has to work whether she wants to or not.

Yes, it’s quite a mess we’ve made for ourselves.

NOBODY with half a brain ever claimed there was a way to have both. and men lost out on a lot TOO. It all depends on what you want. Frankly, if every woman was a femininist, and lived as they wanted all the time, the human race would nearly die off, and the few new kids would be DELINQUINTS! Women ALWAYS had an important part in society and, like it or not, there isn't any way to replace it.

Men DO lose out on a lot of the interaction, milestones, etc... Heck, men can't even really be sure a child is theirs. Honeymoons ORIGINALLY were a way to not only really enjoy one anothers company, etc... but to give the man a chance to have SOME reason to believe that at least the first child was truly is.

BTW I was kind of a latchkey kid. Sometimes I got home, and there wasn't even food. I actually made brownies or cookies with some stuff so I could have SOMETHING to eat.
My mother was too busy working, and my dad had already diverced her. BTW my MOTHER left. Each said it was the others fault. It turns out they were BOTH responsible.

It may not be P.C., but the old way was the best. I KNOW taking care of kids can be hard. BELIEVE me, I had a little taste of it! Apparantly, a number of women actually ENJOY it! And only Women can breast feed. So they ARE the natural caregivers. It can temper the boys actions, and give the girls more comfort.

There WAS a time when Females were respected. They were treated nice, and definately had a place. Men weren't supposed to even EXPOSE them to violence or bad behaviour, or allow them to run into hardship. Men would tip hats, open doors, etc.... Frankly, I STILL try to act that way. BELIEVE ME, it is easier when the woman isn't a stranger that just made a lot of mistakes and lied about them and ended up ripping you off!

Men have historically been more competitive, aggressive, and analytical, so they are often better for working. BTW I am analytical, but NOT the other two, so MY job is held back also. Some women in my position would cry sexism. I don't have that luxery. And when it comes to some blue collar jobs, I can't understand why ANY woman would want to work at them anyway!



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28 Mar 2007, 6:49 am

ghostgurl wrote:
I am female and I really don't understand the woman's mind.



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28 Mar 2007, 9:23 am

Stay at home mom debate aside, because I think people should do what they want and if you have kids you should take responsibility for raising them as best you can, women were really not historically treated well. They were traded like cattle for advantageous marriages and had no say in the matter at all. They were owned like property and could not inherit property (until just over 100 years ago and still can't in much of the world). They had no choice about whether to have kids or not, work or not, etc. In Africa they can't even make the decision to use condoms so they don't get pregnant or contract AIDS. As recently as just after WWII, the tax laws were changed to penalize two-income no kid couples to make women get out of the work market they had been encouraged to get into while all the men went off to war (someone had to make all those vehicles and weapons for the military). As late as 1980, I was told (by a lawyer no less) that he would not hire me because I was a woman and young which meant I would get married and have kids. It made no difference that I was selling my own jewelry just to live (thank God I was a girly girl at that point) or that I had no intention of having kids and never did. He could do that because if it's verbal and in an office, it's your word against theirs and you have no recourse, just expense and no results.

My own mother was forced to get married and have a kid she didn't want as late as the 1950's because it was still perfectly legal for her father to tell her she either did that or he would lock her away for emotional problems. She didn't want either and we, the kids, paid for it. Personally, I wouldn't have done it and he would have just found a dead kid for his trouble because ultimately I control my life or I control the choice not to live it if I can't live it how I want. No one will ever tell me what I can or cannot do the way they did her.

Everyone else may think that old way is grand, but I would rather be dead than ever see that come around again. I don't have these romantic illusions about those times. I grew up with the results of it and I have a realistic view of it. No thanks.

As to the female mind, ghostgurl and Esperanza, welcome to the club. I'm a subset of the subset and that's just the way it is.