kraftiekortie wrote:
Owl had the idea that I was following her somehow. If she had posted BEFORE me, then she would have a case LOL.
She was baffled because I seemed to respond to her threads, or to be within her threads all the time.
Here is what Owl wrote in completion:
Owl123 wrote:
Dear Kraftiekortie,
I am wondering why I often see you on the threads whenever I post a comment or a new topic. It just makes me baffle. What makes you often comment on what I post, or comment? Please answer me clearly to erase misunderstanding in my mind.
Thank you.
Consider this:
What makes you often comment on what I post, or comment?
This is independent on who posted first.
I find this comment by Owl a little unclear:
I am wondering why I often see you on the threads whenever I post a comment or a new topic.
It could be inferred to mean that Owl feels "stalked"...
It could simply be a remnant of a concern/consideration from previous encounters...
It could be an expression of frustration or paranoia...
It would be helpful if Owl could explain what she meant...
I actually I thought you were responding to my post...
Could you clarify that that is the case or tell us who you were replying to?
Oh, the humanity...
The misunderstanding...