Jo_B1_Kenobi wrote:
I tried facebook for a month a few years ago but couldn't see any point to it. I never did anything which anyone else would be intereseted in hearing about (as far as I can tell) and I wasn't interested in hearing about someone's scores on a farming game. The whole thing seemed pointless. I just don't understand it's purpose.
I think it's best used as a tool to stay in touch with people you may have been friendly with at some point, but now they are too busy to actually try to maintain a friendship with you. This allows such people to feel they still have some contact, when in reality they really do not. I hate speaking in groups. I hate being part of a collection. If we've been friends for years, I'm not going into the same collection as some douchebag you met three weeks ago online.
Also the one reason I would ever use it is, if you are into music, most musicians now update their career progress through Facebook instead of their website now. This causes me to look at it occasionally, I regret to admit.
But maybe for distant family and such I could sort of see it, I just want no part of exposing myself to the world like that.