I cant really remember what my earliest obsession was , I know my obsession with all things dog started at about 4 and I got my first one for my 5th birthday , I read about dogs , collected books about dogs knew all the different breeds , kept a scrap book or several of dog pictures cut out from papers and magazines .
Then there was witches ..... and potions I loved mixing stuff up and collected strange and curios things that I thought looked magical , even things like shells and sea worn bits of broken glass and animal bones found in the woods.
Then it was lego I had enough lego to cover my bedroom floor when it was all built into buildings , I had that obsession from around about 7 but it could be earlier . Then there was polishing and taking apart my biycicle that started at 7 also . and gerbils which started about 10 , and reading books like the hobbit , swallows and amazons and those books that showed you how to be a detective or a spy , I cant recall the name of them but I had a whole collection which I loved for many years . I cant think of any other obsessions I had as a child , I never even considered them obsessions , but i guess they were because im still fascinated by or have the stuff now and im 34 .
bb natty