Cheyenne.m wrote:
He does have alot of rules I don't mean this bad in anyway and don,t know any other way to say it but I find he is more a regular kids than a autistic kid
This is what I meant by seeing past the autism, which sounds like you are beginning to do. You will find out that aside from his autism he is just an ordinary person for the most part. None of this is easy.
Cheyenne.m wrote:
First I didn't mean any offense I really don't know how to explain it I guess I had a preconceived notion of him after the first day and I'm finding everything I thought was wrong I guess it was like my way of admitting that I was kind of being judgemental.
That is perfectly understandable. If we met in real life, I would seem like a different person until you got to know me better.
Cheyenne.m wrote:
Ok I know i ask alot of questions sorry but is it normal for him to hide his possession the reason i ask he coming home with me to ride horses but and ask if i had a place he could hide his things so no one can get them or is this a problem at his home
Please don't be sorry, these questions are great, keep them coming. It can be really hard for someone autistic to go into a new environment with strangers. People with autism have trouble adjusting to new situations. It's normal for him to want to keep things to self.