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11 Jun 2016, 12:40 am

goatfish57 wrote:
r00tb33r wrote:
You're welcome to lead a solitary life. For a lot of us it seems the condition forces us to be solitary anyway. I basically haven't left my room for the past 1.5 years since I left the last startup I worked for.

What happened at your last job? Startups can be really difficult. I have had my own experiences with failed projects and companies in the past. They can leave you in a bad place. The politics of failure is much worse than the politics of success. Luckily, I was able to walk away from that world.

Well, it was sort of a brief rebound after my own business tanked (I could have probably resurrected it, but I was too burned out at that point) two years ago. Some friends of my family were in discovery phase for an online service which they wanted to provide through a mobile app. By that point they were struggling with development for over a year and I was brought in as a last-ditch effort to act on this business idea, otherwise their group had set a deadline to disband if no progress was made.

I made a breakthrough in just one week.

So I got to go to a meeting with the rest of the group. At that point I had no knowledge regarding what the terms of my involvement will be. The folks on the business end of the group did their presentation to me. I'm by no means stupid and I was asking them difficult questions regarding their business model, marketing and monetization. Now, these people are executives at an insurance and investment firm during daytime, and they had a lot of confidence. They were unprepared for some of my questions and apparently I knocked them off balance, something they aren't used to. At the same time I guess I had regressed with my autism back when my business sank... So when the attention was directed to me I wasn't able to present myself the best way possible. I actually had real hard time with eye contact during that meeting, more than usual. And I stuttered, and that hasn't happened to me for several years by that point. Later I was told by those friends of my family that the business people didn't like me, put lightly. In fact they didn't like me so much that in parallel with me they decided to hire another outfit to attempt developing the system.

I got subcontracting terms. I was insulted by the low offer, but I took it anyway because I figured I will swallow my pride and not offend friends of my family by turning it down, and I wasn't busy with anything else. I reminded them that they don't have to hire me for anything and they can get free consultations from me regardless. I was promised that I will get better terms after prototype stage.

So for the next two months I was turning in solid work. The pay sucked but I was looking forward to the better terms. During this time there has been a lot of friction with the rest of the group because of their inability to obey deadlines. My stuff was always in on time. I admit that I was coming across kind of harsh, but it wasn't me who's work is perpetually late.

The prototype was delivered. My initial contract was up. Negotiations for new terms began.

I received a profit sharing offer but with fine print that would basically make it so I would not see a dime for a long, long time. I presented them with how I see the numbers working under different subscriber growth rates. They said they liked my analysis, but they said they couldn't believe their offer was was coming out so bad in numbers. "We can't believe it, no way" they said. They asked me "Do you not have faith in our cause?" I said, "I just go by the numbers." I told them that clarifications are needed on how exactly they see me getting paid for my work. I said that I need a break for a week or two while they are evaluating the prototype anyway and that should give them enough time to clarify or rework the offer. In shock they asked me "Are you suspending work on this project?" I answered "You already went on vacation during this time, and it's a good time for me to have the break during evaluation of the prototype, this should give you enough time to gather feedback and look over the offer." On parting I said that I will be awaiting their phone call.

My prototype won against the prototype submitted by the other outfit, but I never heard from the group again. I guess they really hated working with me (and I do go down hard on slackers and frauds).

I later found out they hired a 3rd outfit to continue implementing my design, building on top of my prototype. I admit it was a pretty slick way to swindle me out of earnings.

I sulked for a bit, then I became preoccupied with my family's online business, which of course doesn't require me to go outside much. That's how 1.5 years went by.

Sorry if this came out long.


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11 Jun 2016, 3:52 am

Sounds like you handled it quite well and dodge a bullet. Bonuses, options and profit sharing can be hard to collect. It is always good to understand your upside and downside on a contract.

Rdos: ND 133/200, NT 75/200

Not Diagnosed and Not Sure


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20 Jun 2016, 10:55 am

For years I have was so stressed out trying to act like everyone else. After I was diagnosed with Asperger's. I now just be who I am. I feel so much better and more relaxed. I stay away from NT's that look at me funny or think I am weird.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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27 Apr 2017, 11:07 am

r00tb33r wrote:
goatfish57 wrote:
r00tb33r wrote:
You're welcome to lead a solitary life. For a lot of us it seems the condition forces us to be solitary anyway. I basically haven't left my room for the past 1.5 years since I left the last startup I worked for.

What happened at your last job? Startups can be really difficult. I have had my own experiences with failed projects and companies in the past. They can leave you in a bad place. The politics of failure is much worse than the politics of success. Luckily, I was able to walk away from that world.

Well, it was sort of a brief rebound after my own business tanked (I could have probably resurrected it, but I was too burned out at that point) two years ago. Some friends of my family were in discovery phase for an online service which they wanted to provide through a mobile app. By that point they were struggling with development for over a year and I was brought in as a last-ditch effort to act on this business idea, otherwise their group had set a deadline to disband if no progress was made.

I made a breakthrough in just one week.

So I got to go to a meeting with the rest of the group. At that point I had no knowledge regarding what the terms of my involvement will be. The folks on the business end of the group did their presentation to me. I'm by no means stupid and I was asking them difficult questions regarding their business model, marketing and monetization. Now, these people are executives at an insurance and investment firm during daytime, and they had a lot of confidence. They were unprepared for some of my questions and apparently I knocked them off balance, something they aren't used to. At the same time I guess I had regressed with my autism back when my business sank... So when the attention was directed to me I wasn't able to present myself the best way possible. I actually had real hard time with eye contact during that meeting, more than usual. And I stuttered, and that hasn't happened to me for several years by that point. Later I was told by those friends of my family that the business people didn't like me, put lightly. In fact they didn't like me so much that in parallel with me they decided to hire another outfit to attempt developing the system.

I got subcontracting terms. I was insulted by the low offer, but I took it anyway because I figured I will swallow my pride and not offend friends of my family by turning it down, and I wasn't busy with anything else. I reminded them that they don't have to hire me for anything and they can get free consultations from me regardless. I was promised that I will get better terms after prototype stage.

So for the next two months I was turning in solid work. The pay sucked but I was looking forward to the better terms. During this time there has been a lot of friction with the rest of the group because of their inability to obey deadlines. My stuff was always in on time. I admit that I was coming across kind of harsh, but it wasn't me who's work is perpetually late.

The prototype was delivered. My initial contract was up. Negotiations for new terms began.

I received a profit sharing offer but with fine print that would basically make it so I would not see a dime for a long, long time. I presented them with how I see the numbers working under different subscriber growth rates. They said they liked my analysis, but they said they couldn't believe their offer was was coming out so bad in numbers. "We can't believe it, no way" they said. They asked me "Do you not have faith in our cause?" I said, "I just go by the numbers." I told them that clarifications are needed on how exactly they see me getting paid for my work. I said that I need a break for a week or two while they are evaluating the prototype anyway and that should give them enough time to clarify or rework the offer. In shock they asked me "Are you suspending work on this project?" I answered "You already went on vacation during this time, and it's a good time for me to have the break during evaluation of the prototype, this should give you enough time to gather feedback and look over the offer." On parting I said that I will be awaiting their phone call.

My prototype won against the prototype submitted by the other outfit, but I never heard from the group again. I guess they really hated working with me (and I do go down hard on slackers and frauds).

I later found out they hired a 3rd outfit to continue implementing my design, building on top of my prototype. I admit it was a pretty slick way to swindle me out of earnings.

I sulked for a bit, then I became preoccupied with my family's online business, which of course doesn't require me to go outside much. That's how 1.5 years went by.

Sorry if this came out long.

This is unfortunately similar to my experience of NT's. I now feel that there is often a big piece missing in them and you have to be prepared for this kind of thing so I am now working towards making sure I get my needs met by specifying precisely what they are and making sure they stick to the deal. They seem to be comfortably numb regarding give and take. ie. there is more take if you let them get away with it.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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27 Apr 2017, 11:29 am

ToughDiamond wrote:
random1 wrote:
do you feel like you are not accepted

Not so much these days, as I keep away from people who don't accept me, as far as possible, and gravitate towards those who do. Also I feel that some of my feelings of alienation are my own doing, I'm not the most outgoing person in the world, sometimes I think I love my privacy and autonomy more than I other love people. And I prefer to be fiercely individualist and off-centre, and won't wear social masks very much, so the herd, if there is such a thing any more, are bound to find it hard to relate to me.
do u feel like nobody cares about you in social situations

Same as above.
do u feel like u never have anything to say

Sometimes. Other times I feel like I have far too much to say. It's very hard to find the middle ground.
how often do u feel sad

Depends on what you mean by sad. I guess I'm somewhere in the middle, rarely extremely happy or sad but I flip around the centre line a lot.
Why can't NTs accept us for what we are?

I think it's mainly down to people in general not being all that good at taking each other's different perspectives and supporting each other. We humans never seem quite able to make up our minds whether we want to compete or co-operate. And with the AS-NT divide, autism is a hellishly complicated thing, it's probably not surprising that most people don't have the time or inclination to understand it. It's much easier to demonise and shun those who are different.

Amen to that. I don't think NT's show much empathy or reciprocation. Most schools have sports on the curriculum to teach NT's the concept of teamwork. ie they have to be taught to work together. This continues at Uni where something called 'the hidden curriculum' tries to prepare NT's for working life. Go figure. I am now specifying what I expect in reciprocation for cooperation with NT demands.


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27 Apr 2017, 1:01 pm

I guess it´s because we´re different. And a lot of kids at school seem like they make fun of me but usually can´t tell because it´s hard to tell who it is and if they´re having fun with me or at me. The only reason how I know that is because other people have told me. But I can´t tell the difference. But most of the boys in my school are stupid and immature. Well different type of immature than I am. Yelling random stuff and doing stupid things. My immaturity is from social problems and not knowing what to say and if it´s appropriate or not. And it seems like my grandparents think it´s ridiculous that I don´t like social events and always wants to stay home in my room when things like this happens.


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27 Apr 2017, 1:22 pm

I often ask myself this. Fortunately not all NTs are nasty, but there still are a lot out there who just have to be insensitive.

I remember one time at my voluntary job about 7 years ago, when 2 of the people there began upsetting me. I could tell they talked about me when I weren't there, and they kept criticising and humiliating me about things I like doing, in subtle ways. They talked to me like I was stupid, and yelled at me if I made a mess while doing my work, and got on my case about things that were none of their business. Then one day they had the cheek to humiliate me about one of my harmless quirks, and it really made me cry. And these were 2 women in their 50s and 60s.
All I did was go there to do volunteering (which is good), because I was unemployed (although I was looking for a paid job). And yet these 2 bitchy women had to start picking on me, just because they couldn't cope with the way I was. Yes I can be quirky, I can be inattentive, but I am very tactful, would never say things to hurt other people's feelings, and I am a very thoughtful, generous person. Thankfully not all the people there were nasty, but these 2 people were always there so I couldn't avoid them. So they drove me out of there and I had to go someone else.


You'd have thought grown NT adults would know better to not upset someone who is a little bit odd, and instead use their brains to think before they hurt our feelings. I thought NTs didn't like tactlessness, and I didn't think they'd want to look nasty.



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27 Apr 2017, 1:32 pm

Joe90 wrote:
I often ask myself this. Fortunately not all NTs are nasty, but there still are a lot out there who just have to be insensitive.

I remember one time at my voluntary job about 7 years ago, when 2 of the people there began upsetting me. I could tell they talked about me when I weren't there, and they kept criticising and humiliating me about things I like doing, in subtle ways. They talked to me like I was stupid, and yelled at me if I made a mess while doing my work, and got on my case about things that were none of their business. Then one day they had the cheek to humiliate me about one of my harmless quirks, and it really made me cry. And these were 2 women in their 50s and 60s.
All I did was go there to do volunteering (which is good), because I was unemployed (although I was looking for a paid job). And yet these 2 bitchy women had to start picking on me, just because they couldn't cope with the way I was. Yes I can be quirky, I can be inattentive, but I am very tactful, would never say things to hurt other people's feelings, and I am a very thoughtful, generous person. Thankfully not all the people there were nasty, but these 2 people were always there so I couldn't avoid them. So they drove me out of there and I had to go someone else.


You'd have thought grown NT adults would know better to not upset someone who is a little bit odd, and instead use their brains to think before they hurt our feelings. I thought NTs didn't like tactlessness, and I didn't think they'd want to look nasty.

Man those 2 ladies were jerks to you big time. Where were you volunteering at and why they always there when you were there?


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27 Apr 2017, 1:51 pm

It was at a charity shop in town. Those 2 women happened to like being there. One of them was a manager (rather unprofessional for a paid manager), and the other was a volunteer like me. The manager done a lot of overtime, and sometimes the other one wasn't always there but the manager still picked on me in subtle ways. She had "favourite's", so her favourite people all saw the good (fake) side of her and her non-favourite people knew the mean side of her. The non-favourites liked me but didn't volunteer there very long because they didn't like the manager. The favourites (apart from the other one that picked on me) did all like me but I didn't really want to get them involved.



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27 Apr 2017, 1:57 pm

Joe90 wrote:
It was at a charity shop in town. Those 2 women happened to like being there. One of them was a manager (rather unprofessional for a paid manager), and the other was a volunteer like me. The manager done a lot of overtime, and sometimes the other one wasn't always there but the manager still picked on me in subtle ways. She had "favourite's", so her favourite people all saw the good (fake) side of her and her non-favourite people knew the mean side of her. The non-favourites liked me but didn't volunteer there very long because they didn't like the manager. The favourites (apart from the other one that picked on me) did all like me but I didn't really want to get them involved.

Yeah I understand.

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21 Sep 2017, 8:46 am

GhostsInTheWallpaper wrote:
rugulach wrote:
So what happens if a socially dominant person is rude or oppressive towards you? Do you not consider them a "real person"? Do you become sad? vengeful?
Details please.

Becoming sad or vengeful is one possibility.

Another is that you develop Stockholm syndrome and see their behavior as either done for your own good or your punishment for something you yourself have done bad.

Not seeing them as a real person is also possible: you might label them a "narcissist" or "sociopath" or constantly make fun of them behind their back and hope for a way to escape their oppression.

I do this sometimes. It seems that narc behaviour is quite common in society. I could be right also.

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21 Sep 2017, 8:53 am

StarTrekker wrote:
r00tb33r wrote:
B19 wrote:
understanding isn't possible in the absence of listening, and listening isn't possible if there is no will to listen.

NT people don't need to listen to you to get through the day, a life even. What would they gain by listening, understanding and accepting?

It's not what they would gain, it's what we would gain by having them treat us like real humans with real needs. As human beings, we deserve to be treated with the same minimum level of respect that NTs give each other as a matter of course, and all too frequently we aren't. The NTs I work with don't accept me when they bully me and make me feel like I don't belong. They don't accept me when they laugh at me and cut me off if ever I try to talk about things that interest me. They don't accept me when they refuse to acknowledge the severe reality of my sensory problems, and tell me to just deal with it.

If a super race of telepathic aliens who were impervious to painful sensory stimuli came down to earth and started bullying the NTs for not being able to communicate the way they did, or for getting too hot or too cold or having their senses damaged by excessive stimuli, you can bet the NTs would revolt.

I can't argue with this statement! Accept to say that in their minds they are right, come what may, particularly if a group tend to follow the same belief.


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21 Sep 2017, 10:11 am

Decent people wouldn't bother you and treat you bad but people like to relate to others and when they can't relate to you, they have nothing in common and they don't interact with you or invite you to anything. They might say hi to you or try and do some small talk but when you don't initiate it, they "get the hint" and leave you alone and not bother with you again. They might try and talk to you about something or their personal life and when you have no interest in it, they get the hint and not talk to you anymore figuring you don't like them or don't really care about then. I don't think it's not about not accepting you. They just have a hard time relating to you.

The ones who bully and single you out and talk behind your back are not decent people. I call it immaturity.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.


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21 Sep 2017, 5:36 pm

^ I agree; anyone who mistreats or disrespects others in the ways I've read in some of the comments on here are either totally clueless or utterly indecent people.

I know that more NTs would be kinder if they knew what you might be experiencing and why (such as your diagnosis, for starters), but you shouldn't have to "reveal" yourself to be treated with as much regard as anyone else--that's your business, and people with any principles should give others the benefit of the doubt anyway! Some people are going to matter what, but I'm really hoping that the general public will catch on sooner rather than later.