mebradhen wrote:
Well life is hard. I only have 3 best friends. But who I am is who I am. Because of Asperger's I'm able to remember a lot. I'm able to make models and art and develop games in my spare time. I'm able to do stuff that requires a long attention expand.
OK FINE. Yes I do have a lot of negatives when it comes to living with it. But that's life.
I like your positive outlook, because while Asperger's sucks in so many ways, it isn't without its positives. Be grateful for those 3 best friends.
I've never had more than one really good friend at a time. I've found myself increasingly isolated in adulthood - to the point where now, at 45, I don't have any close friends anywhere nearby geographically (I have a couple who live, respectively, hundreds and thousands of miles away), and that can make life lonely at times. I have work friends, but I really don't do anything with them outside of my job. I'm very grateful for my wife, but don't really have any guy friends with whom I can hang out. Interestingly, many of my artsy and photographer / model friends tend to be much younger than me, and more often than not I'm doing my own thing by myself aside from occasional photo collaborations.
Thank goodness for special interests.
Formally diagnosed with ASD at the age of 43 (2014), I am the author of "Never One of Them: Growing Up With Autism," available through Amazon and most popular ebook sites.
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