neurotypicalET wrote:
I'm really not in a position to diagnose her...but if she were...she picked a very good special interest (herself) fact, the only time she talked about people besides herself was to criticize them...worst part is she actually goes out of her way just to be around them....I've tried to help her by advising her to avoid those people but I only came out being the bad guy....and forget about help with homework...only the first three questions was about your homework.... The rest of it was her monologuing about her life story...hmmnnn...I think I'm becoming her...
I had a neighbour lady who would only stop talking after you left. Her best feature was that she stayed at her own gate.
On the homework end, a roommate once had her father, a high school teacher, visiting. He was telling me about some ancient event one morning, and I had to go and give someone else a message before they left. I dashed into the kitchen and got it done, and then the teacher's wife heard him still droning on, with everyone else in the kitchen. "Who is he talking to Now?" she exclaimed.
"Myself, I'm afraid" I replied before dashing back.
He didn't fill in what I'd missed.
There have also been politicians who could not quit mid-speech, even if told that everyone had already voted in agreement.