My letter to autism speaks. I reject a cure.
Thank you.

f**k that. What the hell gives you the right to tell me I have to be ok with what autism puts me through? You wouldn't want a cure? Fine. Don't you dare try to stand between me and a cure, though.
Yes, I have autism. No, it isn't "part of me". Yes, I hate my autism. No, I don't hate myself.
Is Autism really a part of who you are? Scientific evidence shows autism has an neuropathology in the brain. The changes begin and then the rest of the brain changes to adapt or rewrite itself in most scientific models or its genesis. No study shows that the parts of the brain of an autistic grows in parallel to have a finished intended product. The rest of the brain either does not change entirely or does so later in life to adapt in response like the shrinking or loss of the corpus callosum. Why would it be there in the first place if it was to serve no purpose? Would then the supposed autistic brain develop without it if autism is meant to be? Heck, it seems as if the brain body is trying to fight against the changes or nip what it can in the bud. So what is the first cause? It may have to do with large masses of neurons growing rapidly due to a change in transmitters. There is the triple strike model of predisposition, timing, and an external, syndromic, or epigenetic force triggering a disruption. Autism then does not come from within but is the result of combining factors like Alzheimer's. In Alzheimer's loss of neurons in the cerebral cortex cascades affecting the whole brain, the brain has a normal template plus a force acting upon it. Autism is a brain with a force acting upon it but beginning from an earlier stage of life. How do you explain the loss of speech in 2 year olds who have autism? The normal process became disrupted by changes. So is it a part of who you are? It sounds like had the change not occurred even in the womb, you would not develop autism. Making it a part of your identity would be a choice, not an absolute.
I want to apologize to the entire forum. I have been a terrible person, very harsh and critical.
I still hold many of my views, but I will tone down my anger and stop being so bigoted and judgmental. I can't possibly know how you see things and will stop thinking I know everything you all think.
This in fact is not true. Autism is nothing like alzheimers. And yes my autism is a part of who i am. It gives me gifts which some say are not but i choose to look at it in a positive light rather than a negative one. It brings some challenges but everything in life, everyone no matter who they are has something. Some challenge they have to deal with. For example, i have to deal with meltdowns on the negative side, on the positive side, shopping for sensory solutions and such is actually quite fun for me. On the negative side sometimes i go non verbal temporarily in times of great stress. On the positive side i enjoy using ipad to communicate. So much so that sometimes i use it even if i dont need to, but i just dont feel like talking. Sometimes though its because i cant talk. On the negative side some of my interests are obsessive, but on the positive side, i work within those interests and make money, and have fun enjoying my interests while making money doing it. Its like a dream job... you see? Every negative has a positive attached to it and vice versa. But people should not blame autism for all of there problems. For example i have asperger, spd, and anxiety. There are good things about aspergers, and good things about spd, but there is nothing good about anxiety. Its usually one or more of the possible comorbid traits or "disorders" that makes life so incredibly harsh, not the autism iteself. Unless you were raised to believe lies that autistucs are somehow broken, and somehow "normal" should be mandatory then you were raised to believe lies, and whoever told you that is a moron.plain and simple. Love yourself, love your autism and stop the hatered.
Thank you.

f**k that. What the hell gives you the right to tell me I have to be ok with what autism puts me through? You wouldn't want a cure? Fine. Don't you dare try to stand between me and a cure, though.
Wow. This is sad. I feel for you, that you are either uneducated enough, bitter enough, or have been lied to and misunderstood enougn, that you by your comment show a lack of love for yourself and your autism. Please do not personally attack me. I am incredulous that you would say such things to me. This is not good. Your autism isnt to blame for your problems but if you want to blame an innocent part of yourself and live bitter and angry then im not going to try and stop you. I dont know you and logically it wouldnt make sense to try to stop someone i dont know from destroying themselves emotionally. People do it every day. But just know that you are clearly autistic too, and thats okay. Its nothing to be angry or ashamed about. I dont know you but i see that you need help to see your autism for what it is. Please get some help with this. Im sure underneath all the anger and bitterness you have the capacity to love yourself and love your autism for who its made you. Thank you.
Good god, you are arrogant and self-righteous. Of course I'm going to say things to you, especially when you're going to be this dismissive of the views of others.
How dare you. How dare you assume you know me. How dare you tell me that you know me better than I know myself. That the problems I have from autism aren't real. That I need to do things the same way you do, and not in the way that works for me.
You want to take guesses about me and my needs? Ok, let me do you: you are smug and arrogant to mask your insecurities. You need to feel like you are brethren with everyone else who has this brain defect in order to feel good about yourself, so you whine about cures and go "let's all come together guys!" and when someone tells you they do not share your views, you assume they're angry, bitter and have been duped. The idea that their perspective is as valid and as well-informed as yours doesn't occur to you, because you need to be right about this. Perhaps you can't even imagine a person hating their autism without hating themself.
That is your problem, and if you try to make it mine you bet I'm going to be pissed off. Your apparent selfish need to feel warm and fuzzy inside about your autism at others' expense is not something I will abide.
Yes, I have autism. No, it isn't "part of me". Yes, I hate my autism. No, I don't hate myself.
Thank you.

f**k that. What the hell gives you the right to tell me I have to be ok with what autism puts me through? You wouldn't want a cure? Fine. Don't you dare try to stand between me and a cure, though.
Wow. This is sad. I feel for you, that you are either uneducated enough, bitter enough, or have been lied to and misunderstood enougn, that you by your comment show a lack of love for yourself and your autism. Please do not personally attack me. I am incredulous that you would say such things to me. This is not good. Your autism isnt to blame for your problems but if you want to blame an innocent part of yourself and live bitter and angry then im not going to try and stop you. I dont know you and logically it wouldnt make sense to try to stop someone i dont know from destroying themselves emotionally. People do it every day. But just know that you are clearly autistic too, and thats okay. Its nothing to be angry or ashamed about. I dont know you but i see that you need help to see your autism for what it is. Please get some help with this. Im sure underneath all the anger and bitterness you have the capacity to love yourself and love your autism for who its made you. Thank you.
No two people experience the world the same way. You have to realize this, this is something that is hard for us as we have theory of mind issues. Autism causes distress and frustration to an individual, heightened anxiety, and so on. Physical symptoms such as dyspraxia and hypotonia exist too. Accommodation won't remove those issues. Seizures aren't gonna go away on their own also.
During the height of Josef Stalin's reign in the USSR, it was common to label someone who disagreed with stalinism as having "false consciousness" because by their logic, nobody could possibly dislike communism and be sane. Can you possibly imagine someone prefers living differently than you? On the other hand, I could also accuse you of being misguided and even back it up with saying your condition is also responsible for making you like being autistic since you do not know better.
I want to apologize to the entire forum. I have been a terrible person, very harsh and critical.
I still hold many of my views, but I will tone down my anger and stop being so bigoted and judgmental. I can't possibly know how you see things and will stop thinking I know everything you all think.
wow. i feel for you. i really and truly do. you are so cruel. but if you choose to live bitter and angry this is not on my conscience. I have better things to do (like advocating for acceptance and neurodiversity and against a cure.)To those who support and can appreciate what i have to say i am thankful.
truly i am. but its been made clear by some that my autism and i are not welcome here. my views are not welcome here.
so i shall say goodbye and while i will still login to check my P.M.s (for those here who are understanding and supportive), i will refrain from being active on the forums anytime in the future. and its clear im not wanted. but for those of you who were willing to read my letter and support me in what i have to say, please do me this last kindness and spread the word of neurodiversity and acceptance to all you can. print and share my letter if you like, just please give me the credit and let them know it was me who wrote it.
i hope to see change in the future. goodbye all, i thought i would be welcome here always, but i guess i was wrong.
i will inform others of this and tell them that WP is not an entirely understanding community or safe space and to be careful what they say here.
goodbye all, i will no longer be active on the forums.
You have completely missed my point. There is scientific evidence that autism is not so natural and there is the point some people have different interests besides yours. They would rather be out there chilling like a neurotypical than only hanging with autistics.
I want to apologize to the entire forum. I have been a terrible person, very harsh and critical.
I still hold many of my views, but I will tone down my anger and stop being so bigoted and judgmental. I can't possibly know how you see things and will stop thinking I know everything you all think.
waterstar0610: If you expected an echo chamber, you did come to the wrong place. You're going to run into dissenting opinions here and need to be mature enough to handle that. If you are not, you may in fact be better served leaving.
Yes, I have autism. No, it isn't "part of me". Yes, I hate my autism. No, I don't hate myself.
When it comes to wanting a cure for autism or not; I guess it depends on whether for you, personally, the positives of it outweigh the negatives.
People's mileage will vary.
A cure should not be forced on those who don't want it. Equally the chance of a cure should not be denied to those who want it.
this is such crap. so now ive gone from an arrogant, self centered, self righteous, insecure idiot, to an immature child incapable of having my own opinion? Ha! talk about calling names... anyhow am I happy? absolutely. am I flourishing because of OT? definitely. would I continue if it wasn't helping me? no. my point is that the focus should be on helping those with autism to love and accept themselves as they are with their autism and to love it as a part of them and focus on helping to improve functioning for health and happiness. there are those out there who want to focus on these things and working with the positives of their autism and on having it help them be the best they can be. what sort of message are YOU sending to those with autism? the message they they are boken, and sick and not okay and wonderful as they are. the message they don't deserve love and acceptance unless they are begging for a cure. begging to be fixed. sorry I may have to live in a neurotypical world, and I have a neurotypical husband who I love and who loves and accepts me as I am. but I wont kiss the feet of a cure and beg to fixed when I'm perfectly fine as I am. thank wont be happy until you and every other neurodiverse person on the plant is neirotypical and indistinguishable from their peers. this view is ableist and arrogant and I hate the attitude. don't be foolish. autism is a gift that comes with challenges and those with it should be encouraged to love themselves, love their autism and be the best they can be. they shouldn't have to live feeling as though there is something "wrong" with them or that they shouldn't exist as they do or that they are broken and need to be fixed or cured. talk about a bad message. this is not a message of love and acceptance. this is a message of cruelty. I wont stand for it.

Joined: 17 Jul 2004
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Posts: 117,611
Location: In my little Olympic World of peace and love
I would like to know your opinion of transgendered people. Are they misguided?
I want to apologize to the entire forum. I have been a terrible person, very harsh and critical.
I still hold many of my views, but I will tone down my anger and stop being so bigoted and judgmental. I can't possibly know how you see things and will stop thinking I know everything you all think.
I'm sorry. I'm not sure I understand the question. I'm sure some of them, like some of the rest of us are misguided in some things. no so much in others...but what exactly are you referring to? If you don't mind me asking. misguided in terms of their sexuality? gender orientation? beliefs? values? language and terminology? misguided... id be happy to answer but... could you please narrow that down?
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