Jimbogf wrote:
Growing up I did, it took me until my late teens to learn how to have decent hygiene. I hardly ever clipped my nails, getting my hair cut, neglected washing certain areas, I wore the same clothes everyday without washing them for awhile, I didn't wipe my ass good enough, and not brushing my teeth for days.

I never understood the importance of hygiene and didn't realize I had bad hygiene, I partly blame my crappy parents though(no pun intended). I was one fat, ugly, smelly loser growing up.
I was very much like this during my teenage years, a period in which I was socially isolated for the most part. I'd fallen into the same routine, day after day; what was the point? No one was seeing me, I had little energy to live life.
Finally I've fallen out of that spell and I'm hugely motivated to meet people and generally reintegrate amongst society. Now that I have this drive, I've reformed in these areas and since last year I've dropped from 107 to 78kg.