I have started watching this yesterday, with my parents and sister. I knew beforehand what it was about and that it was a comedy, so the exaggeration of Sam's autistic traits and the unbelievably ridiculous situations didn't shock me at all; I was expecting them. And I had no problem with the kind of humor because I am often able to laugh about funny situations, mistakes and misunderstandings, even at my own.
I have only watched the first episode, but I mean to keep watching it. So far I have nothing to criticize about the ASD portrayal (yes, they gave Sam every possible autistic trait and then exaggerated them a bit, but that is the only way to help NTs understand it. Besides, it showed some things that not everybody knows, such as sensory issues and echolalia, and they managed to make Sam relatable, instead of portraying him as an emotionless robot, like some movies have.)
While I can't say I actually feel identified with Sam, there were some general things we have in common (aversion to light touch, special interests, taking some things literally, etc.) I think it will be a good show overall. However, I think we seriously need another one, or maybe a movie, about an autistic girl or woman, with less pronnounced traits. That would make autistic women feel more identified and it would help NTs recognize, understand and accept real autistic people.
Professionally diagnosed with PDD NOS as a child, but only told by my parents at the age of 21.
Autism Quotient: 30
Aspie quiz: 123/200 aspie; 75/200 NT
RAADS: 135