Dylanperr wrote:
I want to know.
Honey, as a young teenager on the internet, assume that some people do lie to you about their age wherever you go.
Here's the thing:
Sexual predators are everywhere. I mean, they are everywhere in real life, but they are really everywhere on the internet. If there is a community message board there are sexual predators. That's just the way it goes. Anyone who thinks this is different because we have aspergers is delusional.
And teenagers are easy prey. You just can't get around it. You have to just respect that you are young and naive in ways you can't control no matter how smart you are.
I'm sure you feel like you've already heard this and already know this, but it's the bottom line to remember:
Be leery of anyone who sends you a private message, no matter now innocent and friendly it seems. Don't even let them start. If they are good people they won't try to corner you off alone in a private conversation.
I was once a 14 year old on the internet. Between wanting the social gratification and being exceptionally naive (and being hella horny) I had some interactions that left me feeling like a shower couldn't get me clean enough, and feeling a bit abandoned in the aftermath.
And whether you are gay or straight there is a high likelihood you'll be targeted by a predator in the months and years to come. 40% of sexual predators are female. The whole way they work is to make going there feel like it's mutual, or like it's your idea.
Just assume some people are lying, and if anyone tries to chum up to you assume they are probably the liars.
The answer is yes. And underline it. Yes.
When I first started this forum stuff, I was given very strict rules about no off forum contact with any member ever. And to this day I still hold to it.