BeeBee wrote:
I beleive the guards should be tried and justice done....which, I beleive, is happening.
Yes, that should be done by the military. What shouldn't happen is that scum-of-the-earth newspapers use it to increase their sales by reporting an extremely one-sided account of something that is far from common place. That is completely irresponsible and against the national interest. It directly contributes to the problems our troops face in Iraq and, I believe, has much to do with why young "British" Muslims blow themselves up on London Buses.
I think the British media people responsible for propagating this kind of crap are traitors. Freedom of speech is fine, but those in the media who have such huge power and influence have great responsibility, too. They are clearly abusing that. In my opinion they are traitors, and should be rounded up, put to trial, then executed if found guilty.