Most of the people who bullied me were self-destructive anyways; Ended up in jail, on the streets, into drugs/alchohol heavy, etc.
Some of them came to realize the consequences of their actions; One of them is now an active member of a youth religious group, and is no logner a bully. A few have just grown up, and don't act that way anymore. One guy who used to pick on me something fierce when I was younger, is now actually a close friend of mine. I don't hold hard feelings; He feels worse about it than I do. He's a sincere guy, honest, intelligent, humorous. He just didn't understand when he was young and foolish.
Sometimes, people still get it into their head to poke fun at me maliciously. I then retort with a cutting jibe, and they either blush, swear, or laugh it off and stop being an ass.
Four is the only number which is itself has the same number of letters as it itself is.