naturalplastic wrote:
skibum wrote:
Pepe wrote:
skibum wrote:
Pepe wrote:
What is that?
A particular person didn't like my German spelling of: 'Ameri-ka'.
Germans use a 'k' rather than a 'c'.
The person who hassled me LITERALLY for 2-3 years about it has been banned now.
Karma carma.
Ironically, he liked to use 'k' also.
Good grief. How silly to be so stressed that you spell it the German way. A splash of carma mit hott sause!!
Well...I dunno if its so "silly".
Because when English speaking Americans spell it that way its usually on purpose to make a provocative political point. So if you're not trying to be provocative then (for your own sake) you should spell it right.
Back in circa 1970 the Weather Underground would spell it on posters with a K to equate the US with Nazi Germany. A lady teacher I had in high school got offended by a girl in class who would spell it that way on test answers, and lectured her in front of class. The girl(who happened to be from the redneck part of town)just shrugged and said "thats how everyone in my family spells it"( ie that she was too illiterate to know any better and wasnt making a statement with the spelling). Though you dont see that deliberate misspelling much anymore you do see the related "Amerikkka" occasionally (three Ks for the KKK).
So, since every German spells Ammmeria with a 'K', they are all suggesting the country is fascist?
Keep in mind, I had no idea that spelling it with a "k" had a different connotation in the USA.
No one informed me of this piece of information.
The erroneous assumption is that I, an Australian, knew all the nuances of Ameeeerian colloquialisms.
Epic Failure, and not the only one by a longshot.
Rather than informing me in PM, I was hounded for almost 3 years without realising what the issue was.
I suspect the person involved only had a problem with the German spelling rather than any connotation associated with it.
The more I was hounded, the more defiant I became.
Anyway, Karma.
BTW, 3 brackets on either side of a person's handle, E.G. (((Pepe))), is considered anti-semitic these days, but most don't know it.