Aspie Nation,If we build it will they come?

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04 Sep 2007, 5:24 pm

krex wrote:
username88 wrote:
Heres another thing. Realistically, how many of us have enough money to start something like this in America? Its more logical to take our money where the USD is worth more, thus making us wealthy and able to afford anything we need/want. many of us have any money?Most countries have an excess labor pool willing to work for a hovel and some rice.Are they going to hire you?The places where things are "cheap" are cheap because they have a weak economy and lots of poverty.Thats a great place to live "if" you have your own unlimited financial resources,retirement account with a steady income from stocks and bonds or something.I read a great book about this by a women named Cleo.This was a about the American and Euro kids moving to India because it was so "cheap"(beautiful scenery but you are surounded by poverty)and the only way they could make money was by being "drug mules"......very lucritive and very dangerious,if you know how long those countries lock you into jail(watch, Midnight Express).There is also a big business of kidnapping Ameri/Euro's because they think we are all rich.If these countries were so fantastic,I dont think the people would be working their whole lives so that they kids could immagrat to Euro/America.They are not stuipid,dont hate their family/friends/country....they are leaving for a chance at economic stability.

What we need to gain independence is an economy of our own.A chance to work and invest in our own community.I've spent many years of my life below the poverty line with a job.All my labor did was make someone else wealthy.If I am going to have to eat Ramon noodles for a year,I would like to know that it is to earn a bigger investment over time.Buildings,jobs,community center.A chance to grow buinesses to sell aspie "products" and "skills".Some of us dont have money for trade schools or college.Some of us have problems being hired,even with a degree(Krex raises her hand),.This would be an internship to learn a skill that you could use to build your own adobe dwelling and make others for new residents.You would own your own construction company at the end of a year.As other businesses develop we could create a "vacation camp" for aspie with horse back riding(there is a huge state park within an hours drive).We could start a business training service dogs for aspies.When the anima studio is begun,they can offer interships to get that job experience.

We would be a "unique community" and NT's have a thirst for novelty.We can sell our own suvineers based on being an aspie community and the book and anima series.Nothing on this scale has ever been tried before that wasnt based on being a "hippy" or a "religion".We can be the first and help others learn from our successes and failures to create more communities world wide.

I think a real big issue would be that an aspie community would have to want to measure everything, understand the 'mechanics' of displacement of time, matter and energy. The real world is so f****d up because they have no understanding of how what the do effects themselves and others, most do not approach it from a scientific perspective. We'd also need something that stores value and does not "deflate" in value, in modern market economies, it's BS that the value of your money deflates over time, we'd have to take a serious look and try to rethink money in terms of TIME, it's a horrible tragedy that people that work all their lives for low wages have no security against hardship, and really wanting to understand and tackle the problem from a cultural - ethics/values, and duty perspective, IMHO would have to be discussed. The reasons societies break down is because people all want to go too far towards individualism, they become basicaly irresponsible overgrown children.

The world isn't really "full of adults", it's full of feral children, you have companies paying people to modify how they look or hire attractive employee's so they can negotiate and win deals, this kind of non-meritocratic animalistic BS is what keeps humanity mired in the backwaters of retardsvile as many aspies can attest.


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04 Sep 2007, 5:41 pm

Gee, talk about kindered spirits.
I read some literature recently that indicated that Autism/ Aspergers was carried genetically on a dominant gene.
Maybe we are the first generation of a new world anyway - regardless of wether we "build" it or not.
Maybe the very traits alot of us exhibit is what is needed to "un****" the world.
Strangely I don't see our need to measure or analyse everything as a disadvantage but rather as "shrewd enviromental budgeting."
When I look around it seems most of the distruction is caused by greed and lack of restraint or respect for consequence.


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04 Sep 2007, 9:43 pm

We will have to compose a national anthem for our Aspie Nation.

The title I propose is Proud to be an Aspie from Aspergia

It would be a tweaked version (à la Weird Al Yankovic) of Merle Haggard's Okie from Muskogee -not that I'm a fan of country music; ... e-497.html but Merle Haggard's tune is a cheery one that really sticks out in my mind's ears.

There's only one thing I ask: marijuana would have to be legalized in Aspergia :wink:

Any poets and songwriters want to participate? We'll start a thread in Art, Writing, and Music or we could do it here.

If "manners maketh man" as someone said
Then he's the hero of the day
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Be yourself no matter what they say

**Sting, Englishman In New York


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04 Sep 2007, 10:07 pm

Aspies let us rejoice for we are weird and misunderstood... (only kidding) :lol:


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05 Sep 2007, 7:44 am

Well...if I was in charge, drugs would be legalized on the condition you let me put lots of 'enjoy responsibly' and 'quit' ads on television. You don't need to pay attention, just as a legal C.M.A move. Deal?

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05 Sep 2007, 3:21 pm


I think a real big issue would be that an aspie community would have to want to measure everything, understand the 'mechanics' of displacement of time, matter and energy. The real world is so f**** up because they have no understanding of how what the do effects themselves and others, most do not approach it from a scientific perspective. We'd also need something that stores value and does not "deflate" in value, in modern market economies, it's BS that the value of your money deflates over time, we'd have to take a serious look and try to rethink money in terms of TIME, it's a horrible tragedy that people that work all their lives for low wages have no security against hardship, and really wanting to understand and tackle the problem from a cultural - ethics/values, and duty perspective, IMHO would have to be discussed. The reasons societies break down is because people all want to go too far towards individualism, they become basicaly irresponsible overgrown children.

I agree, but we only recently have the right idea of science, and and scientist are just speaking for whoever hires them. We each have computers better than the ones used to run the world twenty-five years ago. I know, I worked IBM in the punch card days. They based everything on the machine, and it told them that half of the fifty million people in Kansas City might buy their product. They were all going to be rich, till I expalined that there were not fifty million people, the book said fifty thousand. Then they were mad at me. They are children.

Recently they saw China as a billion customers, sent them factories, and now we have a billion new manufacturers. It sounded like a good idea at the time. It did give the stock holders short term profits, and half of the Fortune 500 of a decade ago is gone. Recently Enron and Worldcom blew a fifty billion dollar hole in other people's money. Auther Anderson did the books, and then vanished. It is nothing but upper class pilaging.

True value never changes, it is land, water, food production, and housing. Every village on earth knows that debt equals slavery. Somehow, most Americans thought that did not apply to them. Home prices and wages would always go up. They brorrowed from the equity on the way up, and now the west coast is projected to drop 15 to 20% a year at least till 2009. Buyers are still priced out of the market, none could be found for 50%. Those debts do not go away. Credit is maxed out. Housing and home furnishing is a third of the GNP. The crash of 1929 was only a 22% drop.

Through history, all paper money has become worthless. All governments that taxed more than a third fell. Most people do not read history. The full faith and credit of the United States is behind their bonds, most now held by oil producing countries, and China. They have to be paid. The projection that endless growth would pay future bills, advances in science produce more food, hit a snag on birth control, resulting in a much smaller generation to pay my Social Security. The Green Revolution peaked in the 70's, and consumes huge amounts of chemicals and energy, which are getting harder to supply.

More people on the planet, who are mobile, less food, and not enough fresh water for all by 2040.

Huge tracts of land were ruined by overgrazing, first cattle, then sheep, then goats, leaving nothing, but one deer on ten square miles. That is what happens if you just take. The rain still falls, brush grows instead of grass, the sun shines, and there is good ground water. What happened is the cattle ate the grass, which held the minerals, and then were driven to market, taking the key trace elements with them.

In Dune, the cycle is reversed, the people invest in the future, and the land machine recovers. What took 150 years to destroy, might only take five to restore. Adobe makes houses, has for 8000 years, and some are still standing. It is local mud, water, and labor. Labor is the property of the laborer. It can be directly invested in a all weather no energy home that will last hundreds if not thousands of years.

Windmills pump water, and the Chinese are known for feeding eleven people on half an acre. With owned land, housing, water, food, and low taxes, human labor is still there. Wealth comes from yesterday's sweat. After the basics, that labor can produce many things. It is all we really have.

Small isolated villages survived for thousands of years, and they were always getting richer. They were well located, could defend themselves, controlled the only water, and it took major climate change to end them.

The science is not major, it was grassland, now brush, spaced for water. Pull up the brush, take a crap in the hole, spread a handfull of grass seed, and you have changed everything for 100 square foot. Ten people doing this will change an acre every 40 days. Once the grass takes over the brush cannot come back. Just do not get any cows, sheep, goats, and eat the deer that eat your grass.

It can all be speeded up with more water, Miracle Grow, which will grow food in sand, Peters trace elements, and a few big dump trucks of composted manure would not hurt. The close land produces food, and an expanding ring of grass pushes back the brush.

Four villages on a square mile only have to extend their grass 700 foot to cover it all. Once the land is changed it stays changed. A strong stand of grass will spread, kill brush all on it's own. That is why the land was grass.

Hold mud dances, mud and water in a pit, scoop it out, pack a form, pull the form, and do it again. In three weeks you have building block, that morters with the same mud. Walls two foot thick, small windows and doors, and it is not hot or cold inside.

A mile of brush land sells for $250 an acre, with a well, stock tank, something of a house, shop buildings, animal pens. Changed to grass it is worth over $1000 an acre. With four villages it is worth keeping forever.

I do not think I can change the world, but one square mile can be changed.


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05 Sep 2007, 7:15 pm

Krex, not being sarcastic. My hunch is there are a lot more undiagnosed Aspies out there. Difference is they have a different natural support system (family, friends) that keep them going without ever receiving a diagnosis. No one is going to question a successful yet eccentric person. Looking back on who I’ve met in life, I can say for certain there were a few very successful Aspies I have known.

Like NTs, AS comes in a variety, and I agree with several of you who know the best world would be a mutual world where we all got to use our strengths and instead of being mean everyone would be more understanding to each other’s needs and ways of doing things. I know AS is unheard on in the NT world unless you have someone in your life who is effected. But I can assure you if there was that almighty marketing campaign (aka Hollywood blockbuster, and no, not Rainman) to raise awareness that a) AS exists, b) look around you and you will most likely know someone with AS and c) go shake hands with someone smarter than you…they don’t bite (unless you ask in a clear manner that you want to be nibbled).

I think it would be cool to put together cash, buy a private island, no admittance without a documented diagnoses and everyone doing what they do best to make everything work, with no one interfering with other rules of society. Make your own. Tehe, you can let NTs vacation there and be mean to them.


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05 Sep 2007, 7:20 pm

Papillon wrote:
There's only one thing I ask: marijuana would have to be legalized in Aspergia :wink:

Any poets and songwriters want to participate? We'll start a thread in Art, Writing, and Music or we could do it here.


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06 Sep 2007, 1:13 am

computerlove wrote:
Papillon wrote:
There's only one thing I ask: marijuana would have to be legalized in Aspergia :wink:

Any poets and songwriters want to participate? We'll start a thread in Art, Writing, and Music or we could do it here.


There are by the numbers about 2,000,000 in the US. My world is based on digital publishing, I like power and WiFi, UPS and USPS are my economic lines. Other villages can be based on crafts, weaving and pottery, smoking weed, it works for some.

Tourism, resorts, retirement villages, it can take hundreds of forms. What is important is we set the culture in each, protect and preserve it. The Logan's Run Village, when you turn thirty you are deported, all culture is the values of eighteen to twenty-nine, then you have to find another village that will take you.

Twenty homes with fifty little kids is a project, where everyone has a common goal.

I seek a media village, I have the tools to support writers, artists, new product developers. My goal is the finished product, the book, the fine art print, but print on demand, books with runs of ten, prints as sold, and keeping costs down. Joint marketing, I am self publishing, adding ten more books to marketing is easy.

There is a large gap between the creative and the customer, publishers, printers, book sellers, galleries, that can be left out with direct web marketing. The machines to do this were only developed five years ago. What I own cost $10,000 then. The web of 2002 was not the marketplace it is now. It is a new economy.

While I am making my living at it, I do have lacks, art, layout, fonts, the differance between a Word document and a book layout. A book becomes a canvas for a painter, a story to tell in pictures. Some do not write or paint, but can correct my English. Some know the mechanics of binding, and the same book can be soft cover, hard, or Morroccan leather bound.

I do have limits, a hundred copies is a lot for me, and to get to a larger market the secrets of offset printing are needed. 1500 copies is a print run. Some books sell that many in a week. To put it in Barnes and Noble, you have to supply one or two per store, and replace it when it is sold. Marketing is a world of it's own.

I invested a lot to get small production, but then it sold, and bought more and better machines, and the books keep selling. I am doing pre press and pilot production. A print run of ten pays for the next twenty, and some. I buy paper at retail and resell it for a 1000% markup. A book that sells one a week works for me, fifty a year does bring in some money, and I have several that sell in that range.

My machines run for hours a month, so there is room to expand. Ten Micro-Publishers like me could use the machines. Then we could share marketing costs, binding, an offset press, editing and layout, artists, illustrators, and have a shot at high volume sales.

As a business based on exploiting everyone, I become a government informer and tax collector, as a village of artists, I can do as I please, and it will grow. Human talent and self interest is the key to it all.


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06 Sep 2007, 1:21 am

Ahh. So refreshing to meet people with a passion. I would vacation on your island just for mental stimulation, even if you are mean to me...


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06 Sep 2007, 8:32 am

Why not a virtual land?? Like those annoying ones where people pretend to be young and attractive? Except it's for ASpies only ....

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06 Sep 2007, 9:42 am

Prof_Pretorius wrote:
Why not a virtual land?? Like those annoying ones where people pretend to be young and attractive? Except it's for ASpies only ....

I thought that was called "California"? :wink: Actually,as soon as they design a virtual world that will buy my real world food and pay my real world rent....I'm in.(Hopefully they will have a job opening there for my area of skills..."Dog hugging and bunny petting".) :D

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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Last edited by krex on 06 Sep 2007, 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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06 Sep 2007, 12:30 pm

Since we are talking about isolationists and loners banding together and interacting on an intense basis, maybe a trial is in order first. Are there any aspie gatherings? Any examples outside of an internet bulletin board where something small along these lines has been achieved?


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06 Sep 2007, 12:44 pm

I did some research on that but found very little.There are a few,very small communities,that share resources.I will try and provide a link if I can find it in my "history".I guess my perspective is...someones got to take a chance(oh,the burdens of being a risk avoidant aspie,lol).There are many past and present intentional communities that have failed and succeded.None, that I could find,were of the scale I am thinking about or based on neurological traits,with the exceptions of the "institutions and residences" created and run and profited by NT community.Those are not my "ideal role models",to say the least.

This post is not really about creating an "isolationist community", but one that can financial sustain itself with the creative input of people on the spectrum.Opperated by and for that communities interests and shaped to respect their individual and shared traits.Maybe the closest thing,so far is silacon valley?But their are many aspies who are not primarily "tech savey" and they have to live too.

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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Last edited by krex on 06 Sep 2007, 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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06 Sep 2007, 3:07 pm

krex wrote:
Prof_Pretorius wrote:
Why not a virtual land?? Like those annoying ones where people pretend to be young and attractive? Except it's for ASpies only ....

I thought that was called "California"? :wink: Actually,as soon as the design a virtual world that will by my real world food and pay my real world rent....I'm in.(Hopefully they will have a job opening there for my area of skills..."Dog hugging and bunny petting".) :D

Something in a petting zoo?

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06 Sep 2007, 3:22 pm

sigholdaccountlost wrote:
krex wrote:
Prof_Pretorius wrote:
Why not a virtual land?? Like those annoying ones where people pretend to be young and attractive? Except it's for ASpies only ....

I thought that was called "California"? :wink: Actually,as soon as the design a virtual world that will by my real world food and pay my real world rent....I'm in.(Hopefully they will have a job opening there for my area of skills..."Dog hugging and bunny petting".) :D

Something in a petting zoo?

I thought they made you "pay to pet the animals",not pay you to pet them 8O??? .....*krex rushes to the nearest petting zoo with resume in hand.

(I realy,really need to start reviewing my posts for typos and spelling errors before I hit the magic button,doubt I will,though)

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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