Pulled this up from the depths. I figured if I have trouble with expressions, I may have trouble with faces altogether. I performed as follows...
Out of 72 faces, you correctly identified 28.
In other words, you got 39% correct.
On our previous version of this test, the average person with normal face recognition was able to recognize about 80% of the faces. If you correctly identified less than 65% of the faces, this may indicate face recognition difficulties.
I was having a bit of trouble in the first half, then the second part came along and I was in trouble, then the blurry part, and I just guessed each one. I started to act like I would during an exam - badly. I would not be able to recognize those faces now, having just taken the test.
"Think like the whelp, think like the whelp, think like the whelp... " Captain Jack Sparrow
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Inigo Montoya