I have a pretty good command of the English language.
Irulan wrote:
I get really angry when I can't find really precise verbal counterpart of my thought. And you?
I actually like it when that happens. I see it as a good challenge. I sometimes intentionally take the back road because I see it as a good opportunity to use language in an inventive way and use metaphors. It's fun to see what you can make words do.
I read a lot, particularly nonfiction science stuff. As a result, I've picked up a pretty decent vocabulary. I'll sometimes use words that others don't know, or words they don't know but should. One example of this, was one time I was talking with a group and I used the word "indignant." Some girl said, "Whoa, there, whipping out the big words!" I was like... "
indignant is a big word?" I guess when talking to most people it's best to keep it dumb. Other words too... like the word "permeate." I didn't know that was a big word. I one time said that and some dude was like... "geeze, dude, how do you know so many words? What the heck does permeate even mean?"
How do you
not know what it means?
Keep it real simple...