Well, how can I express my relief knowing there is an actual site like this for AS people. Another translation for me, for AS that is, will be "Acutely Super" and I really enjoyed the posts sharing their experiences with loved ones, and themselves...
For many years I was puzzled by my son's behaviour, he seemed special from the getgo, but I always thought it was because he was so physically handsome and striking...people would stop me on the street and ask if he was a Ralph Lauren child model when he was a toddler, and beyond. He also developed verbal skills quite early...could memorize easily things off the television or car radio, parrot them back, yet be clumsy with puzzles and take forever to tie his shoes, so methodical that it would drive me bananas...ah well...I am NOT here to go down memory lane with you, just want all of you to know how happy I am that I think I am in the right place to learn, learn learn, without being judged or put down, and really I appreciate all your openness and humour. It's going to take some time with me to open up, because I am still taking baby steps on how to help my son...I found out too late what was the source of all his frustrations and being labeled a misfit by others, a reclusive child by insensitive teachers, bullied by the brutish kids...and he was a gem of a person, to boot...ahhhh, well, best of luck to you all, I look forward to sharing...Love you!