Sean wrote:
Can someone, preferably Kitkatsavy, please explain to me what anybody here did that they deserve to be called an idiot? I can't seem to find anything.
I didn't see that page.
I think there was a leak from another thread.
That looked like a wicked rebound from the antidepressants.
I am anti-medication myself. I have a huge ambivalent relationship with my pscyhostimulant because I can't feel anything different. I want to feel something. I don't even feel more organized. I am, but I don't feel it. I only feel it when I stop it. Major disaster. So I know it must be doing something. On the other hand, on the GF diet, I am way down on the dosage and hope someday to try not taking anything.
Idiot only applies to me when I stop taking my meds....
The other times, other words like crazy, wierd, geek, genius - those are better.
I like being strange.
Raised by Wolves
if you are going through hell, keep going.
Winston Churchill