That statement makes no sense to me? I read it to mean... that unless I act in a way that's uncomfortable to others, based on my gender, other people will define me as 'normal'? A 'normal' girl, or a 'normal' human?

Actually, I don't think I've ever been thought of as 'normal'. In either sense.

Again, though, it comes down to how undefinable gender is. Even people who live up to stereotypes are unacceptable to some and acceptable to others.

In YOUR case, a normal girl. Normal for whatever group you happen to be judged in.
I don't think you understand...
Stigma - being 'gifted' is like the opposite of having something 'wrong' with you. Being a gifted child meant that I was seen as a child without problems (this is based on my own experiences as a well behaved but detached child). Things like attention span, social relationships, sensory issues, that kind of thing - any problems I had with those were often noticed but dismissed because I was gifted. Like being gifted made everything else okay. Which didn't have good results a few years later. That is what I mean by 'stigma' - the same 'stigma' that comes from being female when a lot of people are sexist and ignorant.
I wasn't happy to be gifted when I was little. I wasn't unhappy either. I just was. I didn't know I was gifted until they actually showed us the registered gifted, talented and academic students. Before then I wasn't aware enough of myself compared to others to realise, or to care either way. I was 14 by then, and yes I was happy to be gifted, then. But that doesn't diminish the fact that being so was why I wasn't given the right support during my education.
OK, I saw stigma as a necessarily bad thing. You know.... Throughout my entire life, save ONE paper, everything supported the idea that highly gifted people almost ALWAYS had a a problem with SOMETHING! Almost like an idiot savant in reverse. An idiot savant has profound problems in most areas, and highly excels in some. People that are REALLY smart tend to be normal or highly excel in most areas, and are behind in others.
BTW Interestingly(Realize that I was born in the early 60s, and never thought about any common ailment, etc..... but) The two areas the average genius was behind in were coordination and social!! !! ! Interesting coincidence, huh? Look in old films, etc... It is a stereotype!
ALSO, there HAVE been geniuses that have gone nuts, or were very temperamental.
So it would be DUMB for them to figure that genius means all is well. Still, in the US, their goal is to put in a day. If they don't get fired, they figure all is fine. If they happen to pass everyone with a decent grade, they figure they are fantastic teachers. Maybe the UK is the same way.
BTW I couldn't even explain the sensory problems. They didn't care. They never even fixed the stupid lights until months later when they were bad enough to bug EVERYONE! They NEVER noticed the pattern in that they went bad in the order I specified, and soon afterwards!
The idea of one marriage terrifies me, let alone three.

When I was little I thought all people got married. It was just a fact of life that at some point you had to get married. I was so relieved when I got older and realised that that is not so.

How do you think I feel about marriage? I LOVE the idea of a companion, feeling complete in a way, having someone to relate to, etc... Taxes would be lower, our costs could be lower, maybe have a few kids. GREAT! Frankly, if she was the right one, our income could skyrocket(Even if she never made another penny, by the way), and we could both be happy until the other dies. All my real reasons for depression would be GONE! With that, any chemical depression should be easy to ride through.
The whole idea of the ceremony, the fact that the woman is effectively dressed up as, treated as, and has the control of, a queen, with all attendant costs. That means a lot of stress, expense, and loss of control for me. The fact that I risk 2-3 months salary up front(Before paying a penny on the wedding) and possibly far more later.
Of course, all of that would be worth it, if she was THE one.
When I heard about AS, I thought WOW! I have been attracted to girls for as long as I can remember, but all of my other failings held me back so much. Now I know why.

Yes! And it does not seem safe to even express my opinion about why.
Having observed for sixty years, it seems gender is somehow related to biology.
People deny that their gender has anything to do with their behavior?
Now it seems that girls were taught how to use sex to get their way, so it is someone elses fault, just like teaching an arsonist to use matches? I have chosen a lifetime of ignorance because I do not accept the blame for their behavior?
Billions of years of nature have been overruled in the last fifty? Changing realities? Reality is that which changes over millions of years.
There is no differance in gender, everyone is equal? Equal to what, are we the same now? I missed it.
Not being prey is the worst fault in a biological system. It makes predators unhappy.
"Yes, but watch out for them old men. In my experience they are the worst as*holes in the world."
This thread is about Scary Girls, when one comes up to me stands too close, makes with the big eyes, I do not think I have become suddenly studly, I think she is hunting for something.
I think the girls have done more to show why they are scarey than I ever could.
I don't suppose there's any chance of frightening you to the point of silence?
I don't really have time to explain in detail all the ways you're wrong. . .
I mean, if you're scared, there's not much I can do about that.
It's your practice of attributing all sorts of shifty motives to everyone with two x chromosomes and not responding to any argument on their behalf that gets to me.
And if I die before I learn to speak
will money pay for all the days I lived awake but half asleep

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That sounds just like what a person with a vagina would say.

I have no qualms with crossing anyone, but it seems like I am not very good at pissing people off. I can call a girl a b***h and she'll just giggle.

I will befriend the friendless, help the helpless, and defeat... the feetless?
I'm scared of Aspie girls. They might say something to to make me cry

I think inventor was trying to express how upset he is by some of the one sided stuff, etc.... Women and men fight and all for much the same reasons, but in different ways. And women tend to be more subtle.
I'm not saying everyone does it. Benji sounds like she doesn't do some of the more unreasonable stuff, and I certainly don't either, but some DO! And even BENJI may be attracting attention she doesn't want.
You know, there is a thread about who would want to be able to experience kanners or NT for a period of time. Male/Female might be just as worthwhile. Of course, neither will ever happen, but it would be neat if they could.
I think the girls have done more to show why they are scarey than I ever could.
I still don't understand why you're afraid of girls. How do the girls here act like they want something from you? Do you really think that all girls are scary? And that they are hunting for something?
This doesn't make sense to me, or fit with my experiences. I've never hunted for men. Most of my friends are guys. Some of those friendships have naturally turned into something more, but it wasn't something intentional or expected.
I'm not trying to fight with you or scare anyone. I'm just trying to have an intelligent conversation and understand your point of view because it's foreign to me and that naturally makes me curious. I promise I mean no harm. Would you like to explain further?

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I think the girls have done more to show why they are scarey than I ever could.
I still don't understand why you're afraid of girls. How do the girls here act like they want something from you? Do you really think that all girls are scary? And that they are hunting for something?
This doesn't make sense to me, or fit with my experiences. I've never hunted for men. Most of my friends are guys. Some of those friendships have naturally turned into something more, but it wasn't something intentional or expected.
I'm not trying to fight with you or scare anyone. I'm just trying to have an intelligent conversation and understand your point of view because it's foreign to me and that naturally makes me curious. I promise I mean no harm. Would you like to explain further?
He thinks all woman and girls are born evil and are out to get his money.

lol Napoleon complex?

Sounds like the girl I like.

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.
I thought the point was, what scares you about girls?
I replied. There were many intelligent comments, others expressing what they found scary.
There were other comments, not about scary girls, but from them, Ageism, profanity, demands for silence, taking my statments as a declaration of war on the gender. Attacking the poster in a personal way.
"It's your practice of attributing all sorts of shifty motives to everyone with two x chromosomes and not responding to any argument on their behalf that get to me."
"Methinks the Lady doth protest too much."
It is not my practice to lump everyone together, nor am I scared of girls. Many are a credit to their gender.
I am not upset by their behavior, I see it as Nature in action.
I do not think I said anything demening to the gender as a group, or directed at any person, I just posted on SCARY BEHAVIOR, and got a load of it in reply.
When she is good, she is very good, and when she is bad, she's awful!
Everybody is looking for something, we are all hunters.
What is with the response from The Scary Girl Union?
Why do they identify?
EvilKimEvil, how did this get to, why you'r afraid of all girls, and do you really think that all girls are scary.
I never said all, if asked I would have said one out of a hundred, but now, and here, one out of ten.
And the Sugar and Spice, and Everything Nice award goes to......CockneyRebel!

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I find females less scary than males, but that's only because I get along better with women than I do men. Men worry me. I get nervous around other guys, when the beer and testosterone starts to flow.
But that's in general. This thread is about "Aspie girlz" so in light of what I've seen here... Nope, I think the girls here seem very friendly, intelligent (as is to be expected) and intriguing individuals. I think there are a few that have a bit more "spice" than "sugar" but I'm actually drawn to people with more of a spark in them. I like women who are more complicated than simple, more deep than shallow, more intense than subdued.
I'll admit, some of my past relationships have been disasterous because the women I went out with were unusual to the point of being disturbed. But I still prefer a fire cracker to a fizzer.
This makes me think of Species...
Xavier Fitch: We decided to make it female so it would be more docile and controllable.
Preston Lennox: More docile and controllable, eh? You guys don't get out much.
I think the girls have done more to show why they are scarey than I ever could.
I still don't understand why you're afraid of girls. How do the girls here act like they want something from you? Do you really think that all girls are scary? And that they are hunting for something?
This doesn't make sense to me, or fit with my experiences. I've never hunted for men. Most of my friends are guys. Some of those friendships have naturally turned into something more, but it wasn't something intentional or expected.
I'm not trying to fight with you or scare anyone. I'm just trying to have an intelligent conversation and understand your point of view because it's foreign to me and that naturally makes me curious. I promise I mean no harm. Would you like to explain further?
He thinks all woman and girls are born evil and are out to get his money.
He has MONEY???! !! ! Well why didn't you say so!
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