ixochiyo_yohuallan wrote:
I don't seem to remember having an aversion to any specific words as such. But I do remember disliking practically any words related to stickiness, such as "tar", "glue", "get stuck" (I probably was disgusted by the feel of anything sticky, and by gooey, thick, viscous textures). There seemed to be an almost taboo quality about them, and I developed a type of ritual to use whenever someone uttered them or I did - I would say "to yest" ("or, rather", "in other words") to myself every time I heard them. If something went wrong and I couldn't follow through the ritual as I felt I had to, say, if someone distracted me and I forgot I had to do the ritual for a while, I would say "to yest - proshloe" (in other words - past) or "to yest - pochti proshloe" (in other words - almost past). From what little I remember, I could get pretty caught up in this.
I also vaguely remember some words sounding odd or funny, in a sense, and I repeating them to distraction, as if trying to penetrate into the meaning of the word and find out what the oddness or fun was all about. I would do this until the word appeared to altogether lose any meaning and become a mere conglomeration of sounds. Then I would rest and start over. One thing I remember now is me walking with someone along one of the streets near to our old apartment, and repeating one such word, "ponaroshku" (not for real, as an act, in jest), in a whisper. It, too, sounded odd and funny and brought the most incongruous association - it looked like one of those white plastic spoons that come with children's tea sets, with three triangular prongs. I repeated it almost obsessively, trying to absorb every sound, until I could no longer make out what the sounds meant when taken together. Then I thought, "ponaroshku", "ponaroshku" - what is "ponaroshku"? It was weird. (I still do this a little occasionally, just not to such an extent).
I must have been small then, younger than seven at any rate.
Ixochiyo_yohuallan, what's your mother tongue?
Yes, I know that thing with thinking a word over and over until it sounds really weird and without meaning.