Kajjie wrote:
Is stimming voluntary? I thought it was, so I thought I stim, but I've read stuff to say it's not.
For me... which is all I can answer for... the need/drive/impulse/compulsion to stim is not voluntary...
The first one I remember, that I can track the progression of, was picking. During puberty I got paranoid about my skin, so I started checking got what I envisioned were ghastly enormous pimples. It was intentional, so I can say voluntary... but it was also not a stim at first. Somewhere along the line it became ritual and habitual. I would brush hand on each cheek, wipe nose, run fingers along eyebrows, temples, forehead, of my neck... all very nerve rich areas... pretty soon it was all habit and no thought... and it took me decades to reroute those urges to different actions...
I don't know... I can STOP any stimming activity... but I'm going to start again.