The subject line of this thread may be oversimplfying, but it’s dead-on. An Aspie brain is a seething machine that never stops churning. It’s why we have such trouble sleeping, too.
mikegee wrote:
RafaHendrix wrote:
I simply do not understand those people. It seems to them the important things are sports scores, drama and the latest i-pod. Although we are labeled 'abnormal', I believe the nt's are really the abnormal ones. In the whole scheme of things of course.
"normal" "abnormal" these are just labels... but really, irrelevant. NT mindset is based on social norms, peer acceptance, superficialities. Aspie mindset is based on analysis, intelligent contemplation and focused priorities.
Again, an oversimplification, but generally true.
A way I like to think of it is, while the world of NTs has been squabbling over petty differences for centuries, we’ve been doing more “important” things that are essential to the NTs' existence and quality of life, like, let’s see, developing the theory of gravity, composing masterpieces of classical music, inventing the personal computer, and creating Facebook and the iPhone… The worst part is, we invent stuff that the rest of the world uses to blow each other up.
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