Inspades, you are right. In terms of social fields. I aspire to change that about myself.
I've noticed something. I have a delay response in picking up on certain things. It's only until after I am out of the situation and replay it in my head that I pick up on things.
Another things I've noticed is that there are also some people that are very sociable but what they lack at is etiquette. Not very good at it. I guess as long as you can yammer and throw in topics about shopping, sports, celebrity gossip basically anything someone would have a mainstream opinion about, the lack of good manners does not matter.
It's in my opinion that it all revolves around what makes the most money currently. I can't believe how much money sports players make. Even the ones sitting on the bleachers make ALOT.
Somewhere society has taken a turn. It has in a sense become easy in some ways for those who lack certain skills and harsher for those who don't have the skills in the chosen areas.
Life is not going to get easier in society for aspies unless a drastic overhaul is made.
I am the DAN Monster. I have your child. You owe me twenty five thousand dollars.
xx Dan Monster