Think my husband has Aspreger
He knows that we have a problem in our marriage--but in his view it is all my fault--he is happy with me, and I am not happy with him.
His lack of attention is really frustrating. For exapmle, he gave me a pair of boots for my bday that was identical to the boots I already had. Now I have two pairs of exactly the same boots. How could he not remember that I already have the same pair? i wear it all the time in front of him. And he cant understand why i would be upset about it.
As for communicating with him and your ketchup example, in our case it is more complicated.
When I ask him how his family is doing, he gets a blank expression and then says--differently. He never gives a definate answer, it is always--I don’t know, or so-so, or differently.
Also, when he tries to be funny it is pretty offensive and he does not get it. Like he can tell that my dress looks like a pillowcase, or that it is good that he can still hug me (meaning I am not that fat yet), all his jokes are pretty hurtful.
I think it might help him if he were to know about hfa, he might be able to better answer your concerns w/ understanding problems b/tw you.
"I am to misbehave" - Mal
BATMAN: I'll do everything I can to rehabilitate you.
CATWOMAN: Marry me.
BATMAN: Everything except that. - "Odd One Out: Reality with a refreshing slice of aspie"
I think you should try to write things down in a clear way instead of talking about your feelings or what you need. It's probably too much for him to process verbally and going for hours at a stretch will just be too tiring for him to ever get. Write down what you want, need, how things make you feel in stepwise fashion. Then give it to him, and go away (go shopping or out to eat with friends). Let him read it in silence and peace. Then when you get back, let him talk to you about it or write you a note in reply. It may sound silly, but you want to get your point across first and that can be much easier in written form.
Also, give him phrases of things he can say that make you happy. He wants to make you happy, he just doesn't know how. And you probably will have to understand that he may not be able to meet you half way. He is saying I love you every day in his own way, you aren't listening to him just like he isn't listening to you.
ETA: Actually change listening to UNDERSTANDING in that sentence for both instances.
Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.
-Terry Pratchett, Jingo - Discworld
This is going to sound harsh and I may be wrong or premature, we're going by your descriptions. But it sounds like a bad match. You are wanting things from him that he has never done. It's not fair.
It's not your job to change him and the more you try, the harder life will be. We are often much more animated, literate and emotional on print. To say that we should be more expressive offline is wrong.
The jokes you posted aren't offensive to me, but it's common for us to be misunderstood or to have poor delivery of humor.
I understand wanting to share stuff emotionally with your spouse but it just sounds like he's never promised that kind of relationship. Your mom crying because he didn't talk to her during a trip sounds like a massive overreaction. It does sound like you're on the opposite spectrum of emotional expression.
I was raised in an NT environment and my parents are hyper-NT (non autistic, very social, expressive and emotional). But they don't share that much together because they are old-fashioned. Dad is macho and mom is feminine. MOm has her girlfriends, girly movies and lap dog. Dad has hobbies, male friends, hunting and sports.
That said, I don't think your husband's expectations and behavior is "wrong". You just don't like it.
It would be sad if your relationship ended. But I wouldn't count on changing him. You've already expressed you're afraid of becoming like him.
mmaestro, right now just talking about really helps, this is the first time I am doing it. And I am geathering my strengh for action--I have already talked to him about it. I think I should do it litte by little.
I am trying to find a support group in NYC where we can go and meet people like him, I think it would really help
insomniakat---I tried writing already--I sent him an email describing all issues, as you can see--no result, the same response--this is who I am, deal with it, other people do.
I also tried to teach him what to say--I suggested writing compliments and warm words on the piece of paper, not even for me--for his mom. I think it is possible to train yourseld to do it and say it even if you don’t understand. But I think for him it is too hard to say it. When we are intimate in bed i ask him to say something nice, he gets all tense and stressed, very pressured. He cant get it out of him
this is what I am trying to do--to understand, because he is like an alien to me right now
Kim, yes, i know that we are a bad match, but I do love him, and he loves me. I tried leaving, it is devastating, he falls apart, starts crying, begging me to stay. And me too, I really miss him when he is not around---even for 2-3 days, I want to see him, hug him, kiss him. It is not going to be an easy break up.
So before I go this road I want to try and see if we can work it out.
I dont think he will be better off without me, neither will I. Despite all the differences there are a lot of things that I like, and it is obvious that he wants to be with me too.
Yes, he never promised me to be more open and stuff, but I cant help it--I get depressed and lonely, and for me marriage is sacrificing and trying to learn each other's differences and how to deal with them
No one is perfect. Either accept his faults and appreciate the good things about him and learn ways to cope or seek counseling to help you both communicate better with each other.
Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.
-Terry Pratchett, Jingo - Discworld
insomniak, it is not about him being not perfect--it is about me not being able to cope, and I dont think i will ever be able. Talking to me is like a drug, thats what I live for--i am only happy when I am around people. When I am alone with him--in the restaurant, in the car, movies, etc, i get in a very dark mood, i feel empty inside, i just cant help it, i cant stand silence for a long period of time. And he is the other way around-he cant stand talking. So I guess we are screwed.......

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There is a point also, though, where you have to stop making excuses for him. You know, if she's suggested problems, possible solutions, investigating AS, told him what she needs, and he's refused to even try to help smooth things over, then that's not OK. That's not cool. That's being an as*hole. It may be that they're just not a good match, but whatever your problems are, you need to be willing to take steps to try and address them, fix them where possible and live with them where not. But not even acknowledging there may be an issue and telling your partner it's her problem? Not cool. Not cool at all.
You know, we none of us know for sure that he even has autism. He probably does, but he might not. It could be an entirely different problem, it could - being honest here - be an NT who's horribly passive-aggressive, manipulative, and borderline abusive. I don't think that's likely, but it is possible. And, in the end, without some professional help and attempts to address the problem, Isaura has no way to be sure which it is. That's one of the reasons the husband in question has an obligation to try and help find solutions and pinpoint the problem. Because if he won't, he's essentially saying he has no interest in fixing their marriage, and no interest in caring for his wife. Not cool. Not cool in anyone, Autist or NT.
"You're never more alone than when you're alone in a crowd"
-Captain Sheridan, Babylon 5
Music of the Moment: Radiohead - In Rainbows
I don't mean to be offensive or argumentative, but why does your husband have to fill this...people addiction?...for you. You mentioned you have a lot of friends. Are they not enough to fill this for you? It sounds like you contradict yourself. One point you say you want your husband to be more emotional with you, and then later you say you want him to fill this talkative need for you. And then you keep changing back and forth with it.
Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.
-Terry Pratchett, Jingo - Discworld

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Your relationship sounds as though no compromise is possible and, as I'm sure you know, compromise is the heart of any long-term relationship. Without at least trying to get to a middle ground in some way, any way, I do not see how your marriage is going anywhere. In fact, I can't see how you got this far without going totally insane. Sorry to be so gloomy.
Just out of curiosity, and I don't know if this has been mentioned previously since I can't remember, but were there any clues about his behavior when you started dating in person? Not picking up on social cues, having trouble with eye contact, not sure how to touch you, etc.?
"I love those who yearn for the impossible":Goethe.
"For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure": Emerson.
Snowy Owl

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mmaestro, I don’t think he is a manipulative NT, I really don’t, he was like this all this life, throughout his childhood he did not have any friends and could not communicate to his peers. And I can see that he is trying, but it is painful for him, he does not understand. I really think he does not understand, it is not because he does not care, he just does not understand.
insomniak, it is not people addiction--I am just not autistic, most of the people enjoy human communication and each others company.
You don’t get the point--talking to friends is one thing, having an INTIMATE conversation with your husband is another--I feel like he is a complete stranger, I don’t know his inner world, I never know what he feels or thinks, he never communicates any of his problems to me, like if he had a hard day at work. He is my husband, you know.
it is both--not being emotional and not talking.
Guys, I looked at your videos that are clipped here, he is so similar it is almost creepy--facial expression, the look, the way he talks….but most of you guys are much more talkative then him

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They're not mutually exclusive, you know. One can legitimately want both.
Here's the deal with marriage: it has to be what both parties need it to be. Some people in a marriage need a lot of communication, some people don't. Whether you think that's sensible, justified, or whatever is irrelevant. The point is that both parties need to come to an agreement on what is needed within theirs, and then live up to that. Isaura is saying she needs something from her relationship she's not getting right now. That's a problem. She's tried to bring it up with her partner, he's blown her off. That's a bigger problem.
Does her husband have to fill her "people addiction" for her? Absolutely, if he wants her to be happy. That's the deal. We sometimes have to do for our partners things we don't enjoy because it'll make them happy. I hate dancing. Loathe it. It scares me, makes me shake sometimes just thinking about it. I slow dance with my wife if the opportunity presents itself because it makes her happy.
"You're never more alone than when you're alone in a crowd"
-Captain Sheridan, Babylon 5
Music of the Moment: Radiohead - In Rainbows
mmaestro, your wife is very lucky to have you!
I agree with you--both people have to work on changing in marriage--and I did change a lot for him. I used to curse all the time, now i dont, because he does not like it. When he ask me to change somethin in me, i try to do it, i want him to be happy. But right now I feel like it is all one-way, i am adjusting, changing, trying to deal with everything, but he is not even trying. I belive that if you truly love you should first of all think about your partner and how to make him/her happy.
Sometimes I get home and I am tired, but my mom wants to talk to me--about something she told me ten times and I have no interest it, but i do talk to her, i show interest and attention. I PRETEND, we often pretend to make others happy, and there is nothing wrong with it. we make an effort, if you want to, if you care for the other person, you should do it
Ah, I get it.
Tell him to go to couple counseling with you or it's over. Maybe saying it like ultimatium...will help him see that it's that important to you.
Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.
-Terry Pratchett, Jingo - Discworld
Yes, it is emotionally exhausting. I think it is for him too. I wish we never had to argue.
Aspies/auties definitely feel, very much. Rest assured he isn't empty inside. Neurotypical people rely on shows of these feelings, while someone with autism often doesn't understand this need. In fact, to them, it appears overly needy. I am an aspie, by the way, and even I feel very alone sometimes because of my husband's lack of outwardly showing affection. However, I see in so many other ways how much he does care, and those things mean the world to me.
This might be something you just have to accept. It sounds like you and your husband could have a very active and fulfilling life together if you can accept him as he is. I know it's hard when his emotional needs and your emotional needs don't line up. It sounds like he is enjoying doing these things with you, but not talking is part of who he is. If you're hoping he will talk more, it probably won't happen...but it isn't because he doesn't love you. I think your biggest issue here is needing to know, by some outward sign, that he reciprocates your feelings. The best advice I can offer is to look beyond language. He probably shows it in his own way, or feels that it is simply something that is known and does not need to be reiterated. Might sound silly to an NT, but it is perfectly rational to an aspie.
They tell me I think too much. I tell them they don't think enough.
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