Okay, as a young aspie woman, and I really don't think I'm all that bad looking, I find this entire thread kind of off-putting. I like clubbing. I like to dance. I like going shopping, even. I'm perfectly fine with going out to the pub for a night. So this person's profile, other than being blonde and from a different country, has many elements in common with whatever I would post about myself.
Just because I like these things, it does NOT make it easy for me to date. I haven't had a date in years, frankly, and it is not for lack of wanting one. I don't know how to approach people, and possibly I'm sending out weird signals about whether or not they should approach me. Even if I manage to meet someone, we often don't click, because I've never been good at beginning friendships with NTs. Once they've started, I'm usually okay, but that beginning stage is frighteningly awkward. Also, just being an attractive woman at the bar? Is not enough to get you hit on, and if it is, 9 times out of 10, the gentleman in question is piss drunk and/or looking for sex. Not a date.
I thought I might try putting a profile up on the aspie dating site, thinking it might be a nice way to meet someone I could actually, potentially, have a good time with, rather than someone who after the initial attraction and invitation becomes extremely awkward to deal with. Maybe I still will, but after reading all of the posts on here, I'm somewhat discouraged about doing so. I don't want to be single for another several years, but if the gentlemen who are supposed to understand that just being able to "pass" as an NT in specific situations isn't enough to build things on are this judgemental, maybe I'm better off by myself.
Seriously, guys. We're all in this together. Let's not tear each other up, shall we?