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Do you let different foods touch?
Yes 57%  57%  [ 75 ]
No 43%  43%  [ 57 ]
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30 Dec 2007, 10:57 am

It would depend on what the foods in question are. If mashed potatoes are touching green beans, it's no big deal. But if a slice of apple pie is touching a slab of meatloaf, then the parts that are touching each other would be kind of yucky.


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30 Dec 2007, 11:14 am

I would also have to say it depends on the food. I don’t like having the gravy on my potatoes running into my green beans, or any runny foods on the same plate as everything else. Bleck… I used to not like having any of my foods touch, but my grandmother somehow convinced me that it was ok to have foods touching. As she used to say, “It all goes to the same place anyway.”

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30 Dec 2007, 11:25 am

When I was little, I never let foods touch, and would yell and scream if they did. People made fun of me for that.

Today, it doesn't matter.


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30 Dec 2007, 12:19 pm

I like mushing up my food. I mash my baked beans and cheese into potatoes and I mash carrots into potato.

The only time when I don't like food mixing is tomato ketchup on chips. I prefer to dip the chips in myself rather than covering them with it beforehand.


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30 Dec 2007, 1:06 pm

In general I like to keep the main foods seperate. Meat, startch and veggies cannot touch.
But it really depends on the food. Steak and potatoes touching is fine but not corn and say, bread. Liquidy foods can't run into each other. And as for sauces, they can't be running all over the food, I like to dip the food in the suace instead.

When I was younger I was much more adamant about food never ever touching. I would refuse to eat it if it touched something I didn't like. My parents and grandma would get so mad at me for being so "picky". :) I hated when they said that "It's all going to the same place anyway".

I especially hate how my grandmother puts dessert on the same plate as dinner!! Nasty!


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30 Dec 2007, 1:34 pm

I don't have a problem with it. In fact, I often mix things up.


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30 Dec 2007, 1:42 pm

I used to have quite a problem with mixing foods when I was younger. I hated eating two different kinds of food at the same time - but now it's fine.


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30 Dec 2007, 1:43 pm

I hate food touching on the plate. I wouldn't eat anything when something on the plate that wasn't supposed to touched when I was younger, it freaked out everyone and they always said how it would end up all together anyway.
But now I can eat almost all kinds of touching food (and it stays down). I prefer not to though, if I'd have a choice, say, if I were eating at a restaurant, I wouldn't eat it. I'm very careful that nobody puts food on my plate, because most people put everything together into the middle of the plate, which is gross in my opinion.
I also resent some kinds of dishes when foods that are not supposed to be together are mixed.


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30 Dec 2007, 2:21 pm

I dislike food touching, though I'm much less anal about it now then when I was a kid. My big pet peeve is when sauce or gravy spreads around to where is doesn't belong, I also hate mashed potatoes getting into other food.

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30 Dec 2007, 2:38 pm

No 8O How, for God's sake is it possible to eat such food when it is mixed :eew: Each ingredient of a dish has its own, individual taste, appropriate for that kind of food and it can't be mixed because when two kinds of taste mix with each other a new taste is created this way and it's always disgusting, doesn't matter how tasteful those ingredients are on their own. :x


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30 Dec 2007, 4:12 pm

I can't answer the question really, since before I can remember I've only ever been served items of food individually. I must have kicked up such a fuss as a baby, but I have to take foods one at a time. Like they're not even going to be on the same plate as each other. I make exceptions for bread, potatoes, batter, and pastry, but only because they're bland. All other foods have to come alone.

And sauces are completely out, I wouldn't even have them in my house.


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30 Dec 2007, 4:27 pm

I do now, but it wasn't always this way. I grew up on TV dinners and fast food (no joke, it was repulsive). The fast food wasn't so much an issue, because everything is individually wrapped. TV dinners were another matter. Often the microwave would boil the contents of one compartment into the other, and *gag* I couldn't eat anything from either compartment. I always heard, "It all ends up in the same place anyway!" :eew:

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30 Jun 2012, 5:40 am

The food cannot touch! Ever. In "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time" the main character is like that, and he's autistic. Before I was diagnosed with AS, I once told my teacher some figures (how much you get after you have finished the Peace Corp), and then corrected myself. He said that I was a bit like the main character in The Curious Incident, and I said, yeah, well, also, I don't like my food touching, like the main character.
...After I was diagnosed, I found out that he had thought I had had AS ever since he had started teaching me, just never said so in case he was wrong.

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30 Jun 2012, 6:37 am

this is my favorite food:


it's called bibimbap in korean (means mixed rice). it's beef, rice, carrots, spinach, mung beans, eggs, kimchi (spicy pickled cabbage) and cucumber in most recipes, along with some delicious korean hot sauce. usually the ingredients are provided separately and you mix them together yourself. so, clearly i've got no issue with my food touching in general.

that said, i don't particularly like it when seafood and meat are mixed or when different types of meat are mixed (chicken and pork, for example.) i'm starting to get over that.

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30 Jun 2012, 8:10 am

I don't really like food touching, like when you have steak and salad and the salad dressing touches the steak. So I try to keep them apart, but I don't freak out when they do, I just don't like it very much.


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30 Jun 2012, 8:29 am

Food touching has never bothered me. Well, I've never thought about it really. Who cares if food touches, it's going to be eaten anyway!
