autism_diva wrote:
I didn't mean to imply spouses of spectrum people are never hurt by spectrum people, it's just that there is a noisy group of women who seem like sociopaths to me. They marry a guy and then blame him for every single problem they have. Like I said, it's very convenient.
I know the type, or type of posts actually, and it's not limited to ASD's, or women. Glad you brought it up so I feel I wasn't far off, I never was certain how to respond to them, as most of the time their methods appeared to work in getting attention, without anyone questioning them.
Don't know about Attwood, perhaps he's just trying to catch them with honey rather then vinegar, as that is what they seek. Alienating these types is not going to help their aspie husbands (or wives), but once he's got their devotion it might give him more opportunities to make a difference.