Recipe for Creating Autism in a Child

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14 Jan 2008, 9:06 am

jjstar wrote:
Dear, in order for an occurance to become *genetic* it must start from soimewhere - in thought, action or deed. Things don't just POP UP out of the blue, they have to be initiated- - sparked from somewhere and something thought, said or done. In these instances where a child's EMOTIONAL world is effected the biology of the mother (in most cases - the father less so) must be examined. What was the mother's lifestyle, what did she experience, was she herself breastfed, vaccinated, exposed to toxins? What caused in HER the genetic upheaval that then caused her to pass it on to her offspring.

And if the occurance was not genetic per se - but is a new deformity of the gene - how did that take place? Was it environment or was it a direct assault on the infant's biology via introduction of a toxin that overwhelmed its system to cause it to virtually RESET itself into pathology...

Norah_W wrote:
jjstar wrote:
Have at least one parent not breast-fed, but fed on bottles, not bonded with mother.
Add to that - mother who ingested pharmaceuticals prior to her pregnancy
mother vaccinated
Mother who suffered severe psychological upheaval prior or during her pregnancy
Mother who opted for epidural, hospital birth, inducing birth trauma, swaddling of infant, immediate separation from infant at birth
Mother who opted to vaccinate infant
and bottle feeding
and incorporating and of the following in the home -
TV, microwave, flourescent lights, plastics that leech toxic substances, lead paint, tainted water, air and earth, mould
Ingestion of toxic components (additives, colorings, preservatives, drugs, alcohol during breastfeeding)
Non-bonding with infant via mirroring from birth onwards (see also rejection, coldness, removal to nursery immediately after birth without a first feeding, inconsistent mothers, numerous caretakers, chaotic surroundings)


Welcome to the Isolated World of Autism. Oh and BTW - Doctors don't know sh*t about what ails the child - but they'll do their darndest to make sure they're *manageable* by any means necessary. Shock, drug or restraint. Whatever it takes.

And parents are still in the dark.

What a shame.
What a bloody shame.

How about: Has at least one parent, relative or ancestor with autism? I thought autism was most likely genetic?

CLEARLY you have no biological education...........

emotions are related to your amygdala and some other structures...
and errors occur ALL the time in DNA replication w/o need for environmental cause.

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14 Jan 2008, 9:07 am

jjstar wrote:
Perfect. I have no problem with this Daniel. Just one question. Since when does an infection cause a gene to MUTATE?!

Unless there's something else going on simultaneously like - an impaired immune system which basically leaves the doors wide open for gene mutation to occur without the ability to ward or/fight the assault. And what is causing THAT?

Danielismyname wrote:
a viral infection of the mother whilst pregnant
a viral infection of the child in the first several years of life
a bacterial infection of the mother whilst pregnant
a bacterial infection of the child in the first several years of life
alignment of certain celestial bodies in the galaxy upon conception
alien impregnation
alien abduction and subsequent alien replacement
Nazi experiment to create super scientists (super soldiers were already done)
et cetera

i think (HOPE) he was joking........

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14 Jan 2008, 9:09 am

jjstar wrote:
Danielismyname wrote:
jjstar wrote:
And what is causing THAT?

I blame [Welsh] interbreeding.

Environmental factors are too numerous to list in reality; chemical, viral, bacterial and what have you are all implicated in the development of autism.


Totally nonsensical and totally along the lines of defeatist lemmingnism.

evryone acknowledges that environment plays SOME role... but it's silly to say that the environment CAUSES complex things like autism

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14 Jan 2008, 9:10 am

jjstar wrote:
Just one thing - do you want to have a serious discourse or do you want to play games.

Animals - have nothing to do with this - - please read Genesis or subscribe to for more info on that query.

As for introducing many scenarios - not every mother has the same biology and every single biological journey before and after pregnancy are entirely different - creating either the PERFECT environment (in creating a perfectly healthy infant) or the IMPERFECT en-vitro/environmental element - creatiing an autistic or other type of pathology. Somewhere along the line - some signal went awry - and these are the LIKELY scenarios in which they are most likely to have occured in either the mother herself (as the gene carrier) or directly to the born child via direct exposure to neuron destroying toxins.

2ukenkerl wrote:
jjstar wrote:
Dear, in order for an occurance to become *genetic* it must start from soimewhere - in thought, action or deed. Things don't just POP UP out of the blue, they have to be initiated- - sparked from somewhere and something thought, said or done.

How did animals come here then?

PLEASE NOTE! This is a trick question! Either evolution, chance, ETs, or GOD results in your saying you were WRONG!

Frankly, you included so many things, that nearly every american, and probably western europe for that matter, for like the last 50 years would have to have autism.

and sir... animals DO have to do with this.... you can observe autistic traits in other mammals all day... well traits anyway, we can't exactly ASK them whether or not they have autism.........

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14 Jan 2008, 9:12 am

jjstar wrote:
Danielismyname wrote:
Pathophysiology: Despite extensive investigation, no consistent pattern of the cause of autism has emerged. In fact, more than 60 different disease entities have been shown to be likely causes of autism, including genetic, infectious, endocrine, toxic, and space-occupying etiologies. This suggests that autism is a final common clinical presentation of a variety of underlying neurobiological and genetic processes.


Sure go ahead and quote *MODERN SCIENCE* who in 100 years hasn't CURED one bloody disease and hasn't a frigging clue on how the mind/brain/body as a whole functions!

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

ok we'll leave those HARD crackerjack puzzles to geniuses like you.

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14 Jan 2008, 9:13 am

jjstar wrote:
2ukenkerl wrote:
jjstar wrote:
Just one thing - do you want to have a serious discourse or do you want to play games.

I could ask YOU the same question!

jjstar wrote:
Animals - have nothing to do with this - - please read Genesis or subscribe to for more info on that query.

OH, OK, I was trying to cover EVERYTHING! OK, let's say HUMANS!

jjstar wrote:
As for introducing many scenarios - not every mother has the same biology and every single biological journey before and after pregnancy are entirely different - creating either the PERFECT environment (in creating a perfectly healthy infant) or the IMPERFECT en-vitro/environmental element - creatiing an autistic or other type of pathology. Somewhere along the line - some signal went awry - and these are the LIKELY scenarios in which they are most likely to have occured in either the mother herself (as the gene carrier) or directly to the born child via direct exposure to neuron destroying toxins.

But you said it was cut and dry! What do you mean "biology" or "gene"?

Biology is the state of the physical body - which does not stand alone and isolated in itself but is part and parcel, integrated, relational and intrinsic with the health of the mind and the spiritual health of the soul.

The gene is the microcosm of those intrinsic bodies.

read dawkin's "Selfish Gene" it's been around a long time... i read it in highschool.

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14 Jan 2008, 9:13 am

nicurn wrote:
jjstar wrote:
In humankind - there is no such thing as natural selection, unless you count governmental experimentations that lead to disease, destruction and disaster that cause human suffering and genocide.

On what do you base this?

Man is not the creator of himself. There is a source of all creation, known as the Creator who decides, plans, forms and enlivens all things and beings and decides who, when, how and why they will die. That is the force behind Nature and that is the only defining factor in life - from its inception to its end and everything in between.

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14 Jan 2008, 9:14 am

coyote wrote:
just a quick reflexion: autism causes many problems to the one who has it. so much that they almost all end-up alone. If this was PURELY genetic, it should have disapeared by natural selection over the last couple thousands years....

not true

it's actually amazing how easy it is for a "bad" mutation to persist in populations.

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14 Jan 2008, 9:15 am

jjstar wrote:
coyote wrote:
just a quick reflexion: autism causes many problems to the one who has it. so much that they almost all end-up alone. If this was PURELY genetic, it should have disapeared by natural selection over the last couple thousands years....

No one is saying it's a purely genetic occurance. As for natural selection - hah. Stupidity, evil and ignorance still seem to be in the gene pool uneradicated and very much a part of the human composite. Do you not think that in order to ERADICATE negativity, evil, gene mutations or what have you - that an act of will - i.e. consciousness - i.e. knowledge, wisdom and understanding - i.e. the actual tools of evolution are needed for this utilization??? Or perhaps :poof: by some kind of magical happening the gene pool is cleared. Don't forget the ignorant, evil and ill are precisely those most likely to reproduce, pass on their genes - mutations and all much for the evolution of mankind.

again.... you have no grasp of evolution.

NS isn't even the only mechanism through which evolution works........

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14 Jan 2008, 9:17 am

jjstar wrote:
Zwerfbeertje wrote:
jjstar wrote:
Dear, in order for an occurance to become *genetic* it must start from soimewhere

Those sparks, btw, are random genetic variations.



Sure if you're unconscious.


PLZ PLZ PLZ take a bio 101 course.... they teach these things a lot earlier in the curriculum than they used to.

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14 Jan 2008, 9:19 am

LeKiwi wrote:
Why do people constantly accuse others of trolling when they aren't?!

This isn't inflammatory or nasty or anything resembling trolling. It's a viewpoint that opposes yours. That doesn't mean it's trolling.

but he is being rude and condescending and therefore offensive to people.

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14 Jan 2008, 9:21 am

jjstar wrote:
nicurn wrote:
jjstar wrote:
In humankind - there is no such thing as natural selection, unless you count governmental experimentations that lead to disease, destruction and disaster that cause human suffering and genocide.

On what do you base this?

Man is not the creator of himself. There is a source of all creation, known as the Creator who decides, plans, forms and enlivens all things and beings and decides who, when, how and why they will die. That is the force behind Nature and that is the only defining factor in life - from its inception to its end and everything in between.

I don't know what philosophy you believe in, but it's a really crappy one that has absolutely NO basis in reality.

Agender person.



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14 Jan 2008, 9:22 am

Immortal wrote:
jjstar wrote:
Perfect. I have no problem with this Daniel. Just one question. Since when does an infection cause a gene to MUTATE?!

Unless there's something else going on simultaneously like - an impaired immune system which basically leaves the doors wide open for gene mutation to occur without the ability to ward or/fight the assault. And what is causing THAT?

Honest question...

Here, you say autism is caused by a gene mutation. Okay, but what I don't understand is how you have listed several things which happen after the child's birth as causes of autism? How can a child's genetic makeup mutate or change after he or she has already been born?

im doing research that is looking at the developmental process of synapse regulation for many sensory and associative learning issues. your brain develops sequentially from back to front and is still maturing actually pretty late in life... but the synapses for these very basic networks are maturing from about 1-5 yrs... right around when autisist behaviors start emerging. if the development of these synapses goes wrong at any point in time (and thus occurring in diff different brain structures), i think it could contribute to accounting for the different "flavors" of autism.

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Last edited by Sedaka on 14 Jan 2008, 9:23 am, edited 1 time in total.


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14 Jan 2008, 9:23 am

Sedaka wrote:
CLEARLY you have no biological education...........

emotions are related to your amygdala and some other structures...

Some other structures? Weren't you the one who was adamant about the brain already being mapped? Surely you have the names for those other structures, their GENE-SIS and their relative functions.

Please provide this data.

and errors occur ALL the time in DNA replication w/o need for environmental cause

I see. Well, that clears THAT up!

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14 Jan 2008, 9:25 am

jjstar wrote:
Immortal wrote:
jjstar wrote:
Perfect. I have no problem with this Daniel. Just one question. Since when does an infection cause a gene to MUTATE?!

Unless there's something else going on simultaneously like - an impaired immune system which basically leaves the doors wide open for gene mutation to occur without the ability to ward or/fight the assault. And what is causing THAT?

Honest question...

Here, you say autism is caused by a gene mutation. Okay, but what I don't understand is how you have listed several things which happen after the child's birth as causes of autism? How can a child's genetic makeup mutate or change after he or she has already been born?

An infant is born with their genetic pattern, however the activation of all potential is up to the individual to manifest. A child becomes conscious of himself/herself, his/her needs, those around him, textures, sounds, familiarizes, associates, responds, develops recognition, attachment, love, independence, learning, observing, reflecting, experiencing - at all different levels of brain, body, spirit (mind) expansion from the age 0 onwards - constantly opening and expanding. With each experience there is an imprint - coding - these are genetic imprints that create who we are to become in relationships - to self, others and Creator. These become patterns - and within the patterns there are pathways that go on to repeat themselves - creating similar experiences - and those are unconscious and there are those pathways that require free-will and a conscious effort - i.e. an awareness - that will develop into new expanded pathways and hierchies creating higher levels of imprints of the mind and consciousness. All of these states are created with neurons - which with thought, speech and action then develop into genomes.

The conditions in which a child - how they are taught, what they ingest, how they are treated, what they experience, who their role models are, their own intelligence, spirit, talents, personality - the level of their soul - all will determine the health of the gene and that of its offspring in later generations.

this selfawareness you speak of, is exactly what my research is looking at... and actually, it usually occurs around 2-3 yrs of age, when those synapses are maturing in the hippocampus and it effectivelys comes online... allowing for episodic memory as well as other forms of memory storing and learning abilities.

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14 Jan 2008, 9:28 am

LeKiwi wrote:
How have antibiotics prevented flu epidemics?? And how does chemo work, when it indiscriminately kills healthy cells alongside cancerous ones??

it doesn't kill ALL cells... only the ones currently dividing... which is why your hair falls out.

there's no magical marker for caner cells... is the hard issue to deal with. they are normal cells that are simply growing (dividing) too fast.

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