skahthic wrote:
I am usually OK with sounds. Except tooth grinding. That is the worst thing in the auditory world. But smells! Some smells I can not tolerate at all. Cigar smoke is the worst and it will actually cause me to vomit. It has a speedy physical effect and therefore I tend to become quite agitatedby even the slightest hint of it... anyway, I am often the CAUSE of alot of sounds. Sorry if you are within earshot...
I don't react that much, to cigs & cigars. It is a reaction that tells you to stay away from it, as its bad for your health. I just get an itchy nose, my eyes start to water & feel like sneezing.
Most keep smoking until they override these defence mechanisms, then they get addicted? Or they gene that stops them is not on? Or don't have enough “NO” yet.
INTJ, Type5 Observer, Ecologists,
?When you make a mistake, don't look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.?