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23 Mar 2008, 10:03 pm

I notice things before anyone else does, also things they don't even notice at all.

So simple, it's complicated


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23 Mar 2008, 10:05 pm

Social_Fantom wrote:
I notice things before anyone else does, also things they don't even notice at all.

I notice your modesty. When did you lose it?


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23 Mar 2008, 10:06 pm

Social_Fantom wrote:
I notice things before anyone else does, also things they don't even notice at all.

I do that too. Usually it is something shiny like a nail or a tack on the floor.


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23 Mar 2008, 10:10 pm

ArtisticAspie wrote:
Social_Fantom wrote:
I notice things before anyone else does, also things they don't even notice at all.

I do that too. Usually it is something shiny like a nail or a tack on the floor.

That's really sweet, you are trying to make a connection. I notice them things as well as shiny objects.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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23 Mar 2008, 10:53 pm

my aspie powers

-confusing body language when i want to
-mad drumming skills, without lessons or a drumset (i play on a friend's once every couple weeks)
-languages (i learned almost 4 years worth of spanish curriculum from 1. intuition 2. a semester of exposure 3. learning other languages
-ability to create good first impressions
-intelligence and wisdom to the max
-mega concentration


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23 Mar 2008, 11:02 pm

Figuring out what all the buttons on things do within seconds without even having to press them. I have no idea why I'm good at this, but it comes in handy.

Resourcefulness, tied to visual skills. Once scraped the frost off the car window with a CD case and fashioned a Christmas tree out of bedslats, green sweaters, colored twine, and a pair of tennis shoes.

Extraordinary reading and writing ability (the NYT said this is very common in girls with AS in the same way that math skills are common in boys with AS)

Memory (mom calls me her "blackberry" sometimes)

A beautiful immunity to at least some of our societal trash.

Powered by quotes since 7/25/10

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Tufted Titmouse

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17 Mar 2012, 7:26 pm

First off, I am a trained Civil Engineer. Some of my abilities include:

1) The ability to mentally turn 3-Dimensional objects around in my head randomly and repetitively in order to see things from a different angle (no I don't get dizzy and doing it is quite fun)

2) I have an extraordinary ability to remember dates in history as well in my personal life. I can accurately remember events in my life since I was 2 1/2 years old. I can also tell you many of my ancestor's birthdays and anniversaries, going back 5 or 6 generations. There is always a before & after, and telling time is very important to me.

3) I have a photographic memory when it comes to remembering maps. This includes states and capitals, the nations of the world, specific towns and counties in my vicinity, the planets of the solar system, and every road and side street in my hometown. (Knowing where I am at is very important to me.) Remembering places is directly related to remembering time. My mind literally looks like a solar system in Einstein's Space-Time Continuum. Remember that the GPS doesn't work unless it knows what time it is. (I keep forgetting though where I place my car keys.)

4) When doing advanced math, such as algebra or calculus, I do not see the actual equations on paper. I visualize the actual motions that are occurring as they travel through space.

5) I am a master of the English language, and I am able to consistently say humorous things with double meanings. I am also fluent in Spanish (¡Ay Caramba!).

6) I am also a talented artist, and I especially enjoy painting and drawing.


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17 Mar 2012, 9:19 pm

I've been told I'm very good at solving mechanical problems.
I actually used to get annoyed with people for interrupting me to help them with something. I could see the problem in seconds and fix it. A lot of the times they'd say "how the hell did you do that?"
Apparently I came off as a bit of an ass about it because I gave the impression that they were wasting my time doing something so simple.

I can also visualize mechanical things in my head very vividly. It's as if I have a CAD program in my head. It's the same way with fiction books. I listen to audiobooks at work and it's like watching a movie in my head while my body's on autopilot.

I'm also pretty good at mazes. I can somehow look at the whole thing and find the path through it without having to backtrack.

Not sure if these are actually aspie traits, they're just what I'm good at.

Standing on the fringes of life... offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor.
---- Stephen Chbosky
ASD Diagnosis on 7-17-14
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17 Mar 2012, 10:43 pm

Music (I play several instruments as well as DJ), audio engineering & recording, stage lighting, visuals and effects, computers (building, repairing and operating), marksmanship, reading (was already at college level upon entering middle school).

You can't tell which way the train went by looking at the tracks.


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17 Mar 2012, 11:27 pm

I've read before that an adult my age isn't supposed to hear (let alone learn to produce) subtle differences in sounds when it comes to a new language... Before I knew I was an Aspie, I thought that was BS, since I always hear the minute differences in both languages, as well as accents within a language (even if it's not a language I'm fluent in!) I learned how to roll my Spanish R's around 17 years old, after a teacher told me that (due to my age) I'd never be able to do it. I've learned to make many different sounds that don't exist in English, but do in other languages. I actually consider it my hobby.

I'm also pretty good at guessing what language is being spoken around me, even if I've never heard it spoken before.

But I'm not as good at that as I am with this: You can give me almost any word, in English (or in a Romance language, even), and I can tell you with high accuracy what language it originates from. It's not that I studied a dictionary to remember every word (although I have studied dictionaries in the past, *cough*), but that there are certain characteristics to words that only come from certain languages. For example, words with that use "ph" instead of "f" are likely from Greek, and words that deal with sea travel are likely from Scandinavian. I guess I'm just really good at remembering all those little details.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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18 Mar 2012, 1:06 am

I learn systems extremely fast and I'm good at seeing how things are related to each other.

I'm really funny, apparently.

Wicked good at math.


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18 Mar 2012, 6:47 am

Eat 10 cheeseburgers in 10 minutes.

'You seem very clever at explaining words, Sir,' said Alice. 'Would you kindly tell me the meaning of the poem called "Jabberwocky"?'


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18 Mar 2012, 7:11 am

I think I tend to remember things visually as well. I guess that's why ortography comes naturally to me.

Obres wrote:
Does procrastinating count?

Oh, how about using proper capitalization and grammar when typing online? I notice most posters in this thread have done so, but in other places it tends to be rare.

This is one of my main... things. I just can't type in an internet way. I'd have to learn it like a new language and I mostly don't see the point. Although I am very fond of certain abbreviations. And smilies. I am... obsessed with smilies.

IdahoRose wrote:
I can learn to play songs on the piano without sheet music. They're admittedly simple songs, compared to stuff other people can play. I mostly pick up songs from movies, church, video games, and stuff I remember hearing in elementary school music class.

Learning songs from sheet music can be fun, but it's even more fun to do it without. ^^ I don't have a piano though, so I can't do it most of the time. I used to do it when I was still at home.

Mikomi wrote:
I have very good writing skills.

I have very good speaking skills, as long as it is a topic I know a lot about and I have a social script for presenting the information.

I have an uncanny ability to recall numerical information (dates, birthdates, phone numbers, lock combinations from ten years ago, etc.)

I've been called a walking medical book because I never forget anything I read about health science, medicine or medications and drug therapies and their side effects.

And recently I've learned I have the capacity to learn sign language very rapidly.

I also remember random data for longer periods of time. I remember birthdates quickly as well.

The real disadvantage is that I cannot remember things I am interested in or don't understand.


"It's how they see things. It's a way of bringing class to an environment, and I say that pejoratively because, obviously, good music is good music however it's created, however it's motivated." - Thomas Newman


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18 Mar 2012, 7:24 am

-I'm very good at reading
-I'm very good at spelling
-I'm very good at writing
-I'm very observant
-I'm detail oriented
-I'm patient with people
-I'm respectful
-I'm calm and quiet
-I'm a good listener
-I'm very punctual
-I'm loyal
-I'm pretty honest
-I know a lot of random facts
-I'm pretty independent
-I'm a good mediator
-I love doing the boring repetitive work
-I love organizing things
-I have a good long-term memory