I think I tend to remember things visually as well. I guess that's why ortography comes naturally to me.
Obres wrote:
Does procrastinating count?
Oh, how about using proper capitalization and grammar when typing online? I notice most posters in this thread have done so, but in other places it tends to be rare.
This is one of my main... things. I just can't type in an internet way. I'd have to learn it like a new language and I mostly don't see the point. Although I am very fond of certain abbreviations. And smilies. I am... obsessed with smilies.
IdahoRose wrote:
I can learn to play songs on the piano without sheet music. They're admittedly simple songs, compared to stuff other people can play. I mostly pick up songs from movies, church, video games, and stuff I remember hearing in elementary school music class.
Learning songs from sheet music can be fun, but it's even more fun to do it without. ^^ I don't have a piano though, so I can't do it most of the time. I used to do it when I was still at home.
Mikomi wrote:
I have very good writing skills.
I have very good speaking skills, as long as it is a topic I know a lot about and I have a social script for presenting the information.
I have an uncanny ability to recall numerical information (dates, birthdates, phone numbers, lock combinations from ten years ago, etc.)
I've been called a walking medical book because I never forget anything I read about health science, medicine or medications and drug therapies and their side effects.
And recently I've learned I have the capacity to learn sign language very rapidly.
I also remember random data for longer periods of time. I remember birthdates quickly as well.
The real disadvantage is that I cannot remember things I am interested in or don't understand.
"It's how they see things. It's a way of bringing class to an environment, and I say that pejoratively because, obviously, good music is good music however it's created, however it's motivated." - Thomas Newman