I generally wear only natural fibres: cotton, linen and wool (wool over the top of other things, not next to the skin). I adore silk and cashmere but they're too expensive. I don't like denim at all because it's too stiff. Clothing needs to be loose - trousers at least one, or preferably two or three sizes too big. I can't bear for my legs to touch each other, so I always wear jammies rather than a nightdress. I can't wear tights at all - they feel like sandpaper and are absolutely unbearable. These factors combined meant that I couldn't wear skirts until shops suddenly started selling cotton leggings, which I now wear underneath skirts sometimes. If I'm honest though, I prefer trousers.
So: a typical outfit consists of a loose cotton T-shirt with a dinosaur on it, baggy combat trousers made out of very flimsy cotton, dinosaur trainers with dinosaur socks, dinosaur watch, dinosaur earrings (have to be pure silver and cleaned with surgical spirit first) and a dinosaur sweater if it's cold. It usually gets the response from random NT strangers: "Wow, you like dinosaurs, huh?" To which I reply, "Yes," and then completely refuse to enter into a conversation about it.
Do I look like a freaking people person?