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10 Apr 2008, 1:21 pm

SilverProteus wrote:
My math skills are close to null.

Mine, too. I'm fine with geometry and algebra - I like proofs, they're kind of like puzzles - but basic calculations are an issue for me. I've never been able to memorize the times tables past 6x6 or add more than 2 digits without counting or using a calculator.



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10 Apr 2008, 1:28 pm

A positive stereotype topic

Not often you find one of these. I have been reading the other posts, this does not seem to fit. Even if we are talented in mathematics, we learn it differently. I did well in high school math but college and university would be too abstract. I tutor in math up to grade 12 level, and I find most of the students I help are not taught to deconstruct math problems, which is an analytical way of learning and doing. It works. :D

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10 Apr 2008, 6:16 pm

I was always bad at math. I'm only good at art and writing.


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10 Apr 2008, 7:02 pm

I do really great at math, but only if I practice. (usual amount of practice required would only be a homework assignment's worth). I got a D in math 107 my first time around, and I never did the homework, but I'm taking math 107 now, doing all the homework, and I have an A in the class. I'm not sure how much work "normal" people have to put in to their math, but I think I'm only good at math if I put work into it.

As a side note, I never pay attention in my math classes, but instead learn the math through my homework (reverse-engineering using my answer manual)

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10 Apr 2008, 7:11 pm

I hate maths it gives me headaches. I'm not joking it really does. It feels I'm working one part of my brain 4 times harder because I don't have the part of the brain that's good at math. lol

So my brain gets uber stress and then just hurts.


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22 May 2008, 7:43 am

sartresue wrote:
A positive stereotype topic

Not often you find one of these. I have been reading the other posts, this does not seem to fit. Even if we are talented in mathematics, we learn it differently. I did well in high school math but college and university would be too abstract. I tutor in math up to grade 12 level, and I find most of the students I help are not taught to deconstruct math problems, which is an analytical way of learning and doing. It works. :D

Wow, that sounds awfully familiar! I was stumped by first semester calculus -- tutors would show how, but not explain why. But one day, after staring at my book for hours, it suddenly became clear how the "game" of math was played -- so I could "translate" what the book/professor was saying into "normal thought" (from my POV :wink: ). I aced that class and the other 4-5 math classes after that. I later did some tutoring, and my "translated" way of understanding worked very well for my students, too! 8)

(The higher level stuff like complex analysis ate me alive, though.)

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22 May 2008, 8:20 am

Im not very good at maths, but music works. I hear intervals, harmonies, and thats IS a kind of mathematics.. just not with numbers.


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22 May 2008, 8:33 am

MikaelL wrote:
Im not very good at maths, but music works. I hear intervals, harmonies, and thats IS a kind of mathematics.. just not with numbers.

Same here. I can harmonize pretty much to anything. I can see patterns well and logic. I am creative in arts and writing. I can play tunes on the piano by ear. But maths...

Strangely enough I can "understand" quantum physics. I can "understand" string theory. I find it beautiful! Maybe a strange word to describe it but thats how I feel. I love the logic and structure and how it all fits together. I love taking one thought, following it through and speculating etc. But ask me to write an equation to proof any of it or even understand a written equation forget it! I was kinda OK with maths up to 6th grade. Then algebra hit and I ran. 8O


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22 May 2008, 8:51 am

Im not good with numbers. I can learn math, i know how to divide, subract etc. But im not GOOD at it. I have to work hard to learn math, im not very interested in it.


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09 Oct 2008, 8:07 am

TheNathan wrote:
I was curious as to how many of you feel about the "math wiz" stereotype associated with Asperger's syndrome, as according to my research and personal observations it appears to largely be a myth. There are individuals with Asperger's that are very good at math, no doubt about that, but being good at math certainly does not preclude having Asperger's and is most definitely not part of the diagnostic criteria. I strongly suspect I have it, for instance, and I am very much mediocre at math (though I'm eerily good at estimation and guessing people's ages) as my real skill is writing, particularly writing skills associated with analytical thought.

I hate math. I only need math and science to graduate high school, but it's too difficult for me. I have severe ADD as well, so that may account for my problems.

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09 Oct 2008, 8:26 am

I wish I had those math skills. I can only do basic math.


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09 Oct 2008, 10:23 am

I suck at math too.... I wish i was good at it...


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09 Oct 2008, 11:31 am

I'm 100% science as well. Math was great up through college level algebra, I struggled but had great grades. Couldn't do anything with Trig or Calc no matter what.


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09 Oct 2008, 3:06 pm

My skills lie in music and lyrical writing, as well as being articulate.

I am terrible at maths and academics in general.

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09 Oct 2008, 4:26 pm

i'm actually good at math... and i liked stuff like geometry and algebra in high school... the only math i really didn't like was when we had to do proofs in pre-cal.. to me.. i don't understand the concept at all... not to say i was particularly bad at it... i just didn't care much for it. now that i'm in college, though, i don't have to take any more math classes... and i'm glad. even though i'm pretty good at math, i'm very lazy about it. :lol: i prefer not to do it if i can. however, when i was about 9, i got obsessed about dividing or multiplying (can't remember) a certain number (which i don't remember what the original number was) by another number (which i also don't remember) and the resulting number again by that number, etc.... and the pattern that it created, which i could then follow and get the answer to the next problem without actually doing the math.

i'm also good at science... but i suck at spelling!!



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09 Oct 2008, 5:04 pm

Everytime someone brings up the math sterotype, I want to strange them. Math was my worst subject in school. I also had bad teachers who would say to me when I asked them to explain one simple topic over again, "I already explained it, if you weren't listining that is your fault." They also weren't good at teaching it to someone who needed constant visual aids to understand it. In third grade we had to to timed mutlipatication tests and would get to pick a special prize if every answer was correct. I couldn't get passed the threes and could never finish a test let alone get every answer right. It was embarasing and I felt left out when I saw all the other kids getting to pick out neat toys. I soon gave up and would just draw or color whenever there was a math test or lesson. I always wanted to be a veternatian but people always told me I could not becuase of how bad I am in math. Now that I am homeschooled and allowed to learn at my own pace with no pressure, literature is my worst subject.