Silver_Meteor wrote:
I lived in Augusta, GA years ago. For lack of better terminology Augusta took the cheesy way out to attain big city status. It originally had a population of around 45,000 or so and was the 2nd largest metropolitan area in Georgia. For a city of around 45,000 it had one heck of an impressive skyline. So how did it go from a city of around 45,000 to a city of about 185,000? It simply merged with Richmond County.
Some other cities have done this as well. I believe Louisville, KY is one city who has merged their city population with the county population to inflate their numbers.
My city (Shreveport, LA) is really bad about annexing newer areas in order to expand the city's population before a Census count, and I hope they never try to annex the parish to further inflate the population. The main reason Shreveport does this, however, is because it has steadily lost population over the past 20-30 years.