ButchCoolidge wrote:
Danielismyname wrote:
Asperger's is an autism spectrum disorder, and its social difficulties are as severe as "LFA" and "HFA", but they usually manifest differently [in a way that allows one to show interest in social interaction]; its repetitive behaviors are as severe as LFA/HFA too, but they too manifest differently in most cases (a way that involves a better chance at fitting in to society).
How could you possibly say that the social difficulties of AS are as severe as those of "LFA" when tons of people with AS have friends, family, spouses, etc. whereas there are tons of people with LFA who are completely non-verbal?
Are you saying that non-verbal people don't have family to care for them?
Are you saying that given the correct tools, and having someone figure out how to communicate with an LFA won't allow them to have friends?
LFA doesn't mean vegetable, it means unable to communicate in channels that others can understand.
There are research studies going on with music, light/sound combinations, shaped card systems, even simple computer usage that may bring some of the LFA Non-Verbal into the communicating world.... they just don't verbalise their wants/needs like we do.
Actually, I'd say that after you reach the magic age of 21, AS people may have more issues than LFA, people don't expect LFA's to hold a job when they get stressed, there is actual funding for them after childhood, there isn't any in america for AS adults.
edited (as an afterthought):
Here is some "food for thought"
think of a meltdown.... AS, HFA and LFA have them
for AS and HFA that meltdown carries us for 10 minutes to an hour into the realm of LFA
we need the same sensory accomadations (sp?) as the LFA's in order to keep from having them
only we are supposed to go to school, find work, and have children while dealing with sensory input
they may be non-verbal, but how long does it take to figure out what is bothering a non-verbal person when they normally have daily caretakers
just a thought