Danielismyname wrote:
Care and empathy aren't related.
You scored quite high for someone with AS, so you "should" be able to feel the emotions of those around you to some extent, when you haven't experienced the causative agent that made the emotion in them. Can you do this?
For the first time on this site, I don't understand the above statement. It's not even an argument -- I just don't get it. Maybe it's a definition question. What is "empathy?"
I scored high because I'm older than dirt and I've been working on it.
My complaint was that the test asked a lot of unrelated questions and was nonsense.
catspurr wrote:
4. I find it difficult to explain to others things that I understand easily, when they don't understand it first time.
That's the story of my life. My mind takes quantum leaps and I make instant connections that would take years to explain to the typical NT. All I'm doing is calculating the available data, but the NT sees it as voodo.
My first impulse is that it's so obvious, I don't understand why it needs any explanation at all. To me, it's like 2 + 2 = 4. Which part don't you get?
Like I said, the person who created this test is hopelessly confused doesn't understand his own question. Garbage in -- garbage out.
I think the whole idea of "rigid thinking" is pure crap.
My mother always said that I was "stubborn." I didn't even understand the accusation until I was an adult. For one thing, it takes two to create a power struggle. And it's usually about a bully who can't figure out how to mind his own business.
I am not "rigid" at all, but the extreme opposite. It's really about being so far out of the box that rigid people don't understand it, are frightened and threatened by it and feel a need to control it. When they can't control it, they make the only assumption their tiny minds can grasp.
The author of this test needs to get a grip on his own unresolved issues before he can open his eyes and take a look at me.
Add to that a communication BARRIOR (not "disorder") that this genius can't see and makes no effort to cross.
It's an inkblot test, and the author is judging us by his own twisted reading of the inkblots.
Satellite wrote:
From what I gather there are some questions on the quiz that don't affect the scoring at all, they're meant just to obfuscate the test...
I didn't think of that, but it explains a lot. He's trying to talk over our heads, when he has no idea where our heads are.
If he could just take his head out of his arse, he might just catch a clue. But probably not.
sgrannel wrote:
One of my friends tells me he can read what people intend with about 80% accuracy.
He is simply deluded.
sgrannel wrote:
Could it be that they really don't know either, and we know that we don't know, but at least we know that?
Bingo. It's just a mass hallucination. Can you say, "Matrix?"
Occupy Everything!