NeantHumain wrote:
For some reason, many NTs find watching an aspie just trying to live their life and doing the normal things they take for granted endlessly hilarious. "Look! Let's watch the aspie guy try to flirt!" "Look! Let's watch the aspie guy try to order an Egg McMuffin!" I have doubts a popular TV drama would try to cast an aspie in a sensitive, uplifting light; I'd expect grossly misinformed and simplistic stereotypes from Hollywood (not to be stereotyping Hollywood).
90210 Aspie:
Bus schedules
Brainy science/math crap
Wearing big, thick glasses all the time
Pocket protectors falling out of every pocket
Pants pulled up to armpits like Urkel
Annoyingly spews out unasked-for facts about obscure things
Weird, stammering voice with random shifts in inflection and volume
Spits as speaks
Socially awkward
Refers to everyone's mother as "a hottie" for lulz purposes
Folks, just say no to the anti-aspie propaganda.
I always quite liked Steve Urkel. His personality was sort of like mine.
"Caravan is the name of my history, and my life an extraordinary adventure."
~ Amin Maalouf
Taking a break.