2. saying thankyou
3. respecting another person's person, space, property
4. apologizing for wrongs(REAL apologizing means to give an apology, make amends, and STOP continuing the wrong)
5. saying excuse me and allowing the person to act BEFORE trespassing/interrupting.
6. giving a person some respect by default
7. giving certain courtesies
What is wrong with THOSE!?!?!?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
I'm "conservative culture" in my nature. (Not in my upbringing, not at all - my sister is THE party-goer of the neighborhood...) I respect authority (most of the time - i.e. I'm not one for teenage revolt in any way, shape or form). I have morals, and I don't need the thought of a God with thunderbolts or a Satan with trident to scare me into doing what's generally considered to be "right". What I don't have is what's generally called "common sense". (And yes, I've read out of Thomas Paine. As well as actually read the Classics for non-prestige-related reasons.)
Everyone's trying to think outside the box, but how am I supposed to get in?
what do you mean? Bush I and the Persian Gulf War I was a prime example of that, they use the media to their propaganda purposes a LOT
well yes.
how is Amendment I in line with Christianity as people preach it? There are bible quotes regarding 'heresy' punishments and all
erm...republicans threaten that all the time (getting the IRS to cut off funding to 'liberal' churches-didnt they try going after the Unitarians once...
he hasnt supported Obama in elections though
well I've looked at 'charm classes', etiquette books and they seem to be bs in that a lot of it is subtle, manipulating. bsing/lying, etc...
"you must have impeccable manners". "use the right spoon" and the like. Be able to BS (I mean, make 'good conversation') with guests....don't tell them the truth IF THEY ASK IT (example: "what would you grade your parents"? "C" ".....(disbelief at honesty and no "the best the best").....". Also see the dick-sucking you see on some forums to authority figures....
maybe this book ... 0684826453
pissed me off. but ive perused other 'etiquette' books and remember people bitching about 'the art of conservation' and how the 'conservatives' all white-wash and protect and make the ultra-conservative oppressive soviety of the 1950s (BS gender roles, suppression of the Black Man, religious crap everywhere forced in your lives, nationalist BS...oh and scapegoating greasers/rockers/communists! etc....)
EDIT: as a prime I dont watch this show I was waiting for a bath in a room once and this was on so I watched it and it turned out pretty damned good an ep. this has happened in the past, regardless of the disclaimer (the treatment of genderqueer people would include electric shocks and the like, for example South Africa had a program in their military like that in the past ) ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related
how interesting that autistic people experience the same in the Judge Rotenburg Center....and the 'conservatives' would be more likely yto be curebies (nevermind; they'd think it's a fraud and needs to be beatdown.....) gotta be social and s**t.....yes I know the underlined is a stereotype
1. asking please
2. saying thankyou
3. respecting another person's person, space, property
4. apologizing for wrongs(REAL apologizing means to give an apology, make amends, and STOP continuing the wrong)
5. saying excuse me and allowing the person to act BEFORE trespassing/interrupting.
6. giving a person some respect by default
7. giving certain courtesies
What is wrong with THOSE!?!?!?
not much actually
I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!
Last edited by Warsie on 13 Oct 2008, 4:04 am, edited 3 times in total.
It is the result without the foundation, and a fine example is the subprime mortgage.
Everyone should own a home, we have lots of land.
the reason that exists is due to American culture emphasizing home ownership (with a lawn!) to make "you a man" or some other BS status symbol..also part of why US Metro areas have large numbers of spread out suburbs vs. European cities...that and them being built in a time of cheap gas for the US, though again the cars and the like that allowed extensive suburbs are part of American culture...a strong reference to "the rugged man who settled this huge continent" still left-over, anti-urban sentiments in the US are strong and still are, that's why the suburbs formed...all with lawns and the like....something distinctly conservative a view ("no apartment! that's for sissy liberals in their central city apartments! Metrosexuals....!").
given how some credit ratings are are you sure
just make sure you do not kick them out like theyre pulling in New Orleans and in some other places they did....take their houses down and 'give' them housing they cannot afford. MAKE SURE (yes I know you said it earlier)
that's a 'liberal' view actually...'common good' and all..
odd that financial conservatives would call you a socialist for that and the above statement. Don't know too many 'convervatives' who say that.
EDIT: also yes people I know how vague 'conservative' and 'liberal' are; Im using the US definitions...
I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!
My personal view as a left winger is that it's not of much use to hate the rich as individuals, tempting though it can be at times. The real struggle is an impersonal one between Capital and Labour. The rich are often just as trapped in a painful system as the poor. If some well-meaning activist had killed Reagan or Thatcher, nothing would have changed.
what do you mean? Bush I and the Persian Gulf War I was a prime example of that, they use the media to their propaganda purposes a LOT
I meant he wasn't the source of the "lie". Who is to say that it is wrong anyway? Absence of proof is NOT proof of absence.
how is Amendment I in line with Christianity as people preach it? There are bible quotes regarding 'heresy' punishments and all
I wish I had LOTS of examples of jewish cults. HEY, how about nation of islam? OK, I guess someone COULD say that is a christian cult also. The NAME and SOME things tie it to moslem, but they say THEY are the chosen people, and REAL christians. They may use the symbology of ANY of them.
My statements weren't REALLY about Christianity, but the idea that CULTS are made and partially to get tax exemption. L ron hubbard even mentioned that! There IS a limit to the idea of tolerance. They won't allow jehovahs witnesses to deny their kids certain treatments. They wouldn't allow the idea of bad punishments. One city has an arab majority, and they WANT to get those punishments. Last I heard, they are being denied that. The idea was supposed to be to honor religion. NOT a particular one, but the idea of it. CLEAR CULTS shouldn't qualify. If they DO, then why won't they just let me create my OWN!?!?!? HECK, LRH did! He has SHIPS(BIG ONES)! He has HOTELS! He has BANKS of lawyers and propaganda machines! He has a spa where he charges a FORTUNE! He is selling galvanic machines(REAL CHEAP lie detectors) for over $10,000 a pop! He is paying BELOW MINIMUM wage! How much could you flaunt the law? OK, HE is not still alive, though his organization ACTS like he is.
erm...republicans threaten that all the time (getting the IRS to cut off funding to 'liberal' churches-didnt they try going after the Unitarians once...
They may threaten, but it seems only the others do. HEY, UNITARIANS! There is ANOTHER example!
he hasnt supported Obama in elections though
Wright put himself between a rock and a hard place. If he HATES obama, and supports obama, people can see the hate, and Obama MIGHT do better! OTHERWISE, if he supports obama, it will HURT obama! Don't forget, there ARE some decent blacks that WON'T vote for a racist bigot! And most whites certainly won't. Frankly, I am SHOCKED that so few whites talk about it, etc...
well I've looked at 'charm classes', etiquette books and they seem to be bs in that a lot of it is subtle, manipulating. bsing/lying, etc...
OK, I haven't been to "charm school". A lot of shows, etc... make it sound mostly pretentious! I DON'T like THAT!
OK, I AGREE with you there! I actually DID have "training" about those things. I IGNORED it! I don't get that many different types of spoons and forks, and most people don't care, anyway. ... 0684826453
pissed me off. but ive perused other 'etiquette' books and remember people bitching about 'the art of conservation' and how the 'conservatives' all white-wash and protect and make the ultra-conservative oppressive soviety of the 1950s (BS gender roles, suppression of the Black Man, religious crap everywhere forced in your lives, nationalist BS...oh and scapegoating greasers/rockers/communists! etc....)
EDIT: as a prime I dont watch this show I was waiting for a bath in a room once and this was on so I watched it and it turned out pretty damned good an ep. this has happened in the past, regardless of the disclaimer (the treatment of genderqueer people would include electric shocks and the like, for example South Africa had a program in their military like that in the past ) ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related
how interesting that autistic people experience the same in the Judge Rotenburg Center....and the 'conservatives' would be more likely yto be curebies (nevermind; they'd think it's a fraud and needs to be beatdown.....) gotta be social and sh**.....yes I know the underlined is a stereotype
1. asking please
2. saying thankyou
3. respecting another person's person, space, property
4. apologizing for wrongs(REAL apologizing means to give an apology, make amends, and STOP continuing the wrong)
5. saying excuse me and allowing the person to act BEFORE trespassing/interrupting.
6. giving a person some respect by default
7. giving certain courtesies
What is wrong with THOSE!?!?!?
not much actually
WOW, we AGREE!! !! !
The society is dominated by NT values, so its not so natural for aspies to be a conservative. That doesnt mean one has to be for change for the purpose of change itself. But conservativism in itself also means accepting opression. By the way, you may even be a communist without partying! I dont think there is any clearcut relation here.
However, it could of course have its advantages for aspie men if society didnt accept having many sex partners, as that would mean that there would be a more even distribution between available men and available women.
what do you mean? Bush I and the Persian Gulf War I was a prime example of that, they use the media to their propaganda purposes a LOT
well yes.
how is Amendment I in line with Christianity as people preach it? There are bible quotes regarding 'heresy' punishments and all
erm...republicans threaten that all the time (getting the IRS to cut off funding to 'liberal' churches-didnt they try going after the Unitarians once...
he hasnt supported Obama in elections though
well I've looked at 'charm classes', etiquette books and they seem to be bs in that a lot of it is subtle, manipulating. bsing/lying, etc...
"you must have impeccable manners". "use the right spoon" and the like. Be able to BS (I mean, make 'good conversation') with guests....don't tell them the truth IF THEY ASK IT (example: "what would you grade your parents"? "C" ".....(disbelief at honesty and no "the best the best").....". Also see the dick-sucking you see on some forums to authority figures....
maybe this book ... 0684826453
pissed me off. but ive perused other 'etiquette' books and remember people bitching about 'the art of conservation' and how the 'conservatives' all white-wash and protect and make the ultra-conservative oppressive soviety of the 1950s (BS gender roles, suppression of the Black Man, religious crap everywhere forced in your lives, nationalist BS...oh and scapegoating greasers/rockers/communists! etc....)
EDIT: as a prime I dont watch this show I was waiting for a bath in a room once and this was on so I watched it and it turned out pretty damned good an ep. this has happened in the past, regardless of the disclaimer (the treatment of genderqueer people would include electric shocks and the like, for example South Africa had a program in their military like that in the past ) ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related
how interesting that autistic people experience the same in the Judge Rotenburg Center....and the 'conservatives' would be more likely yto be curebies (nevermind; they'd think it's a fraud and needs to be beatdown.....) gotta be social and sh**.....yes I know the underlined is a stereotype
1. asking please
2. saying thankyou
3. respecting another person's person, space, property
4. apologizing for wrongs(REAL apologizing means to give an apology, make amends, and STOP continuing the wrong)
5. saying excuse me and allowing the person to act BEFORE trespassing/interrupting.
6. giving a person some respect by default
7. giving certain courtesies
What is wrong with THOSE!?!?!?
not much actually
Warsie, the black man suppresses himself with thug life and BET culture. Black culture is what is holding down the black man these days, not the white man or any other race.
I honestly haven't seen much difference in the quality of behaviour or interpersonal style of people from different walks of life.
And yes, let's get back on subject. I'm sure all these political arguments are nothing to do with the original question at all.
YES but THE GLASS CEILING remains EXISTENT in SOCIETY which makes ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE like this RARER for WOMEN than it is for MEN, and EQUALITY remains ON THE UP. And ALL the SAME, by TRADITION, WOMEN have received the SHORT END of the STRAW.
It's fairly independent of political stance. Though there are conservatives out there opposing abortion rights, women's suffrage, etc. And in the conservative sense of conserving things, what would be preserved would be an unjust position for women in society.
what do you mean? Bush I and the Persian Gulf War I was a prime example of that, they use the media to their propaganda purposes a LOT
well yes.
how is Amendment I in line with Christianity as people preach it? There are bible quotes regarding 'heresy' punishments and all
erm...republicans threaten that all the time (getting the IRS to cut off funding to 'liberal' churches-didnt they try going after the Unitarians once...
he hasnt supported Obama in elections though
well I've looked at 'charm classes', etiquette books and they seem to be bs in that a lot of it is subtle, manipulating. bsing/lying, etc...
"you must have impeccable manners". "use the right spoon" and the like. Be able to BS (I mean, make 'good conversation') with guests....don't tell them the truth IF THEY ASK IT (example: "what would you grade your parents"? "C" ".....(disbelief at honesty and no "the best the best").....". Also see the dick-sucking you see on some forums to authority figures....
maybe this book ... 0684826453
pissed me off. but ive perused other 'etiquette' books and remember people bitching about 'the art of conservation' and how the 'conservatives' all white-wash and protect and make the ultra-conservative oppressive soviety of the 1950s (BS gender roles, suppression of the Black Man, religious crap everywhere forced in your lives, nationalist BS...oh and scapegoating greasers/rockers/communists! etc....)
EDIT: as a prime I dont watch this show I was waiting for a bath in a room once and this was on so I watched it and it turned out pretty damned good an ep. this has happened in the past, regardless of the disclaimer (the treatment of genderqueer people would include electric shocks and the like, for example South Africa had a program in their military like that in the past ) ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related
how interesting that autistic people experience the same in the Judge Rotenburg Center....and the 'conservatives' would be more likely yto be curebies (nevermind; they'd think it's a fraud and needs to be beatdown.....) gotta be social and sh**.....yes I know the underlined is a stereotype
1. asking please
2. saying thankyou
3. respecting another person's person, space, property
4. apologizing for wrongs(REAL apologizing means to give an apology, make amends, and STOP continuing the wrong)
5. saying excuse me and allowing the person to act BEFORE trespassing/interrupting.
6. giving a person some respect by default
7. giving certain courtesies
What is wrong with THOSE!?!?!?
not much actually
Warsie, the black man suppresses himself with thug life and BET culture. Black culture is what is holding down the black man these days, not the white man or any other race.
You have THAT right! I mean blackcat said her family hated her because she was "acting white"!?!?!? CRAZY! Some NON ethnic music is NICE. Though I wouldn't call it black, I wouldn't say it was white either. And the idea of "ebonics" is pretty stupid. Nobody said anyone had to be caucasion to speak proper English. If they REALLY want to "be black", maybe they should learn a native african language, and speak THAT. And after oprah, michael jackson, black sports people, etc.... they still talk like they have to be in the ghetto? COME ON! NOBODY, outside of the very lucky, is BORN into great wealth and ease.
Frankly, the average black, or immigrant for that matter, would do better if they just tried to fit in. Some blacks DO, and they probably don't notice even HALF the problems the others do.
That wasn't my point. My point was that black people are victims of their own culture. The black man's culture is killing the black man, because he is making himself out to be a gangbanger, drug-dealer, thief, misogynist, thief etc. And then he has the temerity to whine about discimination and negative media portayals. BET culture is a negative portrayal. And anyone in that community who tries to solve the problem and reform the black community is called an Uncle Tom or a sellout.
And things just keep making themselves worse as Thug Life goes on and on ...