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03 Dec 2005, 10:54 pm

Dear MoOC,
I applaud your efforts! The computer class is a great idea since computer is generally a lab and most labs require use of work with partners.

But i can see the whole thing play out in my mind so i submit caution. And i will offer some advice from both personal experience and observation;

FIRST and foremost:
Let the instructor teach!! ! you will be automatically shunned if you try to prove how gifted and smart you are.

2.) Let a partner happen naturally, don't force yourself on the prettiest girl in class. It is mu understanding that you wan't SOME social life. Most people are social beings as a result if you make a friend that is a guy or girl it does not matter since they will introduce you to new social environs. Friendship occurs in the least likely of situations it cannot be choreographed or master minded, it must happen naturally at its own pace.

3.) DO NOT talk on and on about your situation or one topic.

4.) Ask some questions about the other person. BUT DO NOT ask personal questions.

5.) Respond ONLY to the question asked of you. And DO NOT get personal or reveal personal points about yourself. that takes time and a certain level of trust to feel comfortable talking about.

6.) If asked, you just moved into this town and haven't had a chance to meet new people yet.

7.) DO NOT act overbering. Just because you have some-one's phone number doesn't mean that you have to call them 20 times a day. You will make the other person feel smothered.

8.) Be helpfull. DO NOT show that you are a computer wiz. People only want to know that you can be of use to them, not that you make them feel inferrior.

9.)DO NOT allow yourself to be taken advantage of. Once again, be helpful but don't do other peoples work for them.

10.) Be honest, and be yourself. No phoney Charades.

i will not cease in my never ending pursuit of the truth...


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03 Dec 2005, 11:02 pm

1. Get through automotive technical school with all honors
2. Get a good paying job at an automotive service center
3. Start an automotive technical website called
4. Buy a house
5. Maybe find a woman, get married, and have kids (I don't know if that will happen :cry:)


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03 Dec 2005, 11:28 pm

ultimately? Death.
which is convenient because i don't see how i can miss ^_^.

And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
My body is a channel that translates energy from the universe into happiness.
I either express information, or consume it. I am debating which to do right now.


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03 Dec 2005, 11:57 pm

Nomaken wrote:
ultimately? Death.
which is convenient because i don't see how i can miss ^_^.

Watch out. That "irony" is a tricky thing. It might spite you for that and turn you immortal. :lol:

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04 Dec 2005, 12:41 am

I think i'd have fun with immortality. Cause i don't get sick of stuff. I can listen to or watch the same movie as many times as i want, and enjoy it every time.

And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
My body is a channel that translates energy from the universe into happiness.
I either express information, or consume it. I am debating which to do right now.


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05 Dec 2005, 6:03 am

I was sitting in my bathroom thinking just a few minutes ago about the person i want to find in my life. I thought about how people tell me that a copy of myself might not be the person for me. I thought about the person i want to find. And i wondered about the perfect person for me. How would we signal each other? We would make our signal recognizable to each other distinctly. I thought about life, i wondered if anyone sent that signal and i didnt see it. No, the signal hasnt reached me, even if it has been sent. But while the person for me is out there sending that signal or not, i will work as hard as i can to send that single to them. So, how do i send a signal out into the entire world to find the perfect person for me? By becoming known. If i become known enough, the person for me will see me and we will find each other. So what i am going to do in life is preform in such a way so that my person can find me.

There are a ton of ways to do this. Write books, publish theories, art, music, humor. All forms of expression are signals. Signals the one for me will be able to pick up on and know that i am the one for them.

So in effect, even if i dont find someone, a s**t load of books and stuff will get written and popularized, which at the very least i hope to be amusing to somebody.

And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
My body is a channel that translates energy from the universe into happiness.
I either express information, or consume it. I am debating which to do right now.

Last edited by Nomaken on 05 Dec 2005, 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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05 Dec 2005, 10:32 am

Dear Namoken,

Don't let anything stop you from being reknowned. No reason why any one of cannot take something that has already been done and do it much much better.

Also, Did you know in ancient times, in Rome, during the times of the collusium, when the persecuted christions by sport, forcing them to challenge the loins.
It wasn't easy for christions to come out of the closet and admit who they were so they had a signal for each other as a way to identify themselves.

If on suspected the other was of similar mind they would;

draw a half cirlcle in the ground with their foot. the other, if of similar mind would finish the picture by starting at the end point forming another arc and at about ther 3/4 point cross over and thru the other arc, forming a christian fish symbol.

they would be free to open dialog without fear of persecution.

Disclaimer; this is twice that i have made mention of christianity, and i admit to having a vast knowledge on the subject having gone to privat christian schools my entire el-hi life. I do believe in the foundation as a good rule book on how to live your life ou a foundation in which to raise a family. But, i lean more towards the theory that evolution created god. It makes the most sense after all my biased learning has taught me.

i will not cease in my never ending pursuit of the truth...


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05 Dec 2005, 1:24 pm

I just want to have a secure life.

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>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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05 Dec 2005, 3:51 pm

SB2 wrote:
Reply to both previous posts

Land the hottest babe I possibly can

Show me the hottest girl in the world, and i'll show you a guy who's tired of making love to her!

Seriously, there's nothing wrong with wanting a Babe. But you will get bored. I can think of many more tedious actions which are much worse than that.

Yeah, but It will be fun getting there!! ! :lol:

All hail Comrade Napoleon!! !


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05 Dec 2005, 5:07 pm

good another So. Cal wierdo.
good to see more of us, and more close to home.

You are from Anaheim, which makes my wonder if you have had the experience, Hot Babe etc.

with all the insecure beauty around us i assume that you have had the chance. the superficial georgeous babes only want validation, they are the easiest of all, and the least of all which are interresting.

My advantage, i believe, when it comes to socialization, is the fact that i am fairly good looking. it seems, like the hot babe, that when you have looks then you are forgiven of many of your short-comings.

i will not cease in my never ending pursuit of the truth...

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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05 Dec 2005, 9:18 pm

to make it untill the END OF TIME. that is all.


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05 Dec 2005, 10:11 pm

1.To become a psychitrist and a author.

2.To become a nicer,funnier,more fun-loving person.

3.To overcome my emotional pain.

-SpaceCase :)

Live and let live.


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05 Dec 2005, 10:23 pm

Elk wrote:
to make it untill the END OF TIME. that is all.

To make it past the end of time.

Unfortunately being human is a genetic disorder, and ultimately fatal.


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06 Dec 2005, 12:46 am

SB2 wrote:
It seems to me that people are conditioned into need. Wanting what they don't have. What everybody does have is themselves. And having that is the greatest acquisition of all. Problem is, many people aren't happy about it. I argue that if you want a relationship then be honest with yourself. Ask yourself, "is it because i'm supposed to?" If you can truthfully argue that you do for the reasions acceptable to yourself, then you must first be content with yourself.

Trust me on this one: It is better to want more, and need more, than to not want anything at all.
You have a wife, you have kids, you say you are complete. But would you still say that if you didn't have a wife, or kids? Take another look at yourself, and tell me if you really don't want anything. How would you feel if you lost your wife and kids, if you lost everything you had? Would you still feel the same way, knowing that you HAD them? Of course not. And so you want to keep hold of them, you don't want to lose them. You NEED to keep hold of them, or else your life loses what meaning you currently hold for it. You lose the bounds by which you are defining your contentment. Contentment isn't the absence of want; it's having what you want which in turn makes you want to keep it.
Now consider this. Consider you don't want anything, you don't need anything; you have no desires or ambitions; no feelings or connections with anything. How do you define contentment? When you don't want, nothing has value. You can't place a value on something you don't care to have. Contentment is having what you value most. For you, it's your wife and family. But when nothing has value, contentment is utter emptiness. Life has no meaning, no purpose, and it's simply slow monotonous unending existence; every breath you take is only to further your own existence. There's no greed or jealousy or desire, but the price you pay is the absence of joy and happiness and contentment.


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06 Dec 2005, 12:46 pm

did you take for granted, then subsequently lose those things which you deem important?

if so, then i submit that you should always be happy with what you have, or even who you are. For once you lose these things then you find yourself wishing in reverse.

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07 Dec 2005, 12:11 am

You misunderstand me, SB2. I was challenging the points you made in the passage I quoted. You stated, that to achieve a happy and content life, you should be content with yourself, and that that was all that is necessary to contentment; that you shouldn't want what you don't have, because you already have yourself. I was employing rhetoric to help convey my point: Would you still be content if you lost your wife and kids? As case may be, you are content with the current status quo of your life, because you have those things you value. You would not be content if you lost those things. You may well be happy, content with WHO you are, but that does not guarantee being content with your life.
The secret to being happy with yourself, is realizing that no matter how flawed you are, you are fine just the way you are. As much as you try to convince yourself that people should be happy with just themselves and not wanting/needing, that is still part of who you are. It's necessary to a happy life. I am trying to point out that the absence of need, the absence of want, does not make you content. The absence of need and want makes life empty and meaningless. I know this, because I am where you are telling people to go, and it's not the wonderful place you envisage. Try and imagine it, if you can: You live alone in a house in the middle of the desert. Nothing but sand for miles. You don't want for food or shelter, and the weather is always the same. That's what it is like. There is only one way you survive like that, and that is to shut down your awareness, make it your entire world and try to forget anything else exists.

I listen to people talk about mental institutes and tell me I don't really want to be in one. It's just I've lived in one for my whole life, in solitairy confinement, only for the majority of that time I've been unaware of it. Now I am aware of it; my time is punctured by brief moments where I'm aware that there is another world so close behind the walls. I don't want to break out from them, I want to stay behind them, forget there's anything else out there. Except because my walls are invisible, there is noone to control my life. They leave it to me, but I can't either. I don't care enough. I don't have any ambitions for myself, no desires or dreams of achievement. I just want someone to take control, and then I'll happily stay behind my walls and forget anything else exists.