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19 Feb 2009, 9:02 pm

Last December at a bookstore, some 13-year-old kept staring at my neck for some unknown reason. She did this for about five minutes straight until I finally said "Boo" to her. I grew up in an inner city school district. What do you expect? lol At least she stopped then!

My mom and I had been talking about "Twilight" while she was doing that. I'm assuming she was one of those really obsessed fangirls who probably thought she was a vampire to some extent. Weirdo...


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22 Feb 2009, 2:22 am

Some people just seem strange at first glance. Sometimes only for subtle elusive reasons.
There are people who just catch my eye and draw my curiosity like they were a fairy and I seem to do that to others.
I look stoned (like many aspies). I look cartoony (like many aspies).
People will look at me like they're amused, amazed, scared or just curious.
It can be interesting when I stare back and they don't look away. I've had strange moments when I've met eyes with strangers or people I know.


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22 Feb 2009, 12:24 pm

Yup. For years I thought I was imagining it, but now I know they do. Mostly anymore I stare back, but I know it just stresses me out to worry what they think of me. I did get a good laugh the other day when the neighbor guy across the street was talking on the phone and staring at me. I waved and he turned around with this pissed look on his face :wink:

Like others have said I believe we do have different physical traits and characteristics that others may notice more quickly. We keep to ourselves and many times often do to rejection keep to ourselves which makes NTs either crazy or suspicious particulairly in this day and age. I have come to that conclusion too that they don't understand and they are afraid and curious of what they don't understand.

If they really tried to get to know me they would find out am not that much different. I traveled alot with my family and traveled in Europe with my sister. I read and enjoy cooking, the arts and faith. I am softhearted and will help when I am able. I like children and love to put their art on my fridge and have 2 pets and wish we could afford a farmette. I've said all of this to vent, because people are viewed as different they are often left to themselves, a few friends and some family.

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22 Feb 2009, 12:58 pm

I would have to say yes, and some people wink at me sometimes. The winkers include men and women. I sometimes wonder if I just happen to be catching them blinking in an odd fashion in only one eye. The winking usually follows me asking a question or some kind of brief verbal exchange. When I used to walk more often men would stop and ask if I wanted a ride, I really never knew what to make of that.


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22 Feb 2009, 1:00 pm

Yes and if they notice that it bothers you to be stared at they will do it on purpose to be mean. So, I just try to not let them see that it bothers me or else stare back at them and till they look away. They don't like when you stare back at them so they should know that it's rude for them to be staring at you.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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22 Feb 2009, 1:43 pm

Yes, becuase NTs can instinctivley sense "differences" and it threatens them. In fact, I suspect that goes a long way into why people occasionaly react in violent and hateful ways to my prescence (However, this is somewhat exasperated by the fact that Pennsylvania is not a particularly tolerant place in general).


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22 Feb 2009, 11:31 pm

sunshower wrote:
PunkyKat wrote:
Pretty much all the time. I think maybe it's my meerkat stuffed animal backpack. I've gotten lots of comments on how cute it is but I'm sure there's people who think I'm breaking some sort of fashion law.

That's awesome.


I'm not weird, you're just too normal.


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23 Feb 2009, 2:34 am

Yes. especially younger kids. I also find myself staring at other people, or more acurately, staring through them and not really at them.

Tufted Titmouse
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23 Feb 2009, 5:08 am

Are you sure you have nothing sticking out? Because sometimes that can happen with women and they don't even notice. Come to think of it, guys can do that too. Be sure to check for wordrobe malfunctions before you leave the house. We Aspies often have a really bad sense of fashon.

I really seem to care. About what I have no idea.


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23 Feb 2009, 9:01 am

TheDoctor82 wrote:
And understand, when one person in a group stands out just a little bit, y'can't NOT notice it; it's part of human nature.

I agree that one does tend to naturally notice things perceived as 'different' for whatever reason, but the point is that doesn't it ever occur to these people that it's downright rude to just keep on staring (yes, I get stared at too)? For instance, if I were walking along the street and someone with only one arm were approaching in the opposite direction, I would be fairly likely to notice them. But would I stare as they went past? No. I would make a point not to, because I recognize that it's rude and would make them feel uncomfortable.

If we're able to see that, what excuse have NTs got?

It strikes me that they know perfectly well they're being rude - because they don't like it when it's done back to them - but because we look 'strange/different/weird', we somehow in their minds deserve it and they don't feel under any obligation to use manners.


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23 Feb 2009, 9:44 am

I wouldn't really know if people are staring at me, because I don't look at them to find out. *shrug*

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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23 Feb 2009, 9:51 am

Anniemaniac wrote:
I don't know what it is, but I find that everytime I go out, people always stare, and it's usually always girls, rarely guys.

I don't have anything that really sticks out about me. I'm kind of plain and blend in. I don't dress wacky or have weird colours in my hair or anything like that. I don't have an unusual walk, but yet, girls always stare at me. Usually teenagers or women in their early 20s. I've also noticed that it's usually a particular type of girl that looks at me. Usually the ones with died hair, make-up, very fashionable usually in groups of 2-4. I don't wear makeup or dress highly fashinable, but I always look presentable to go out and I buy clothes from typical stores that most teens/young women do, so it's not like I wear clown suits to go out in.

I can be doing anything or nothing and they still stare. If I'm shopping, they stare, if I'm crossing a road, they stare, if I'm sitting on a bench, they stare. I don't get it. If I'm on my own they stare, if I'm with someone they stare. When I look at them, they look away.

My AS is very mild. Whenever I mention it to people they're always surprised telling me they'd never have noticed or that I "look normal". Some people don't even believe I have it, so I don't think people who've never met me can guess I have AS or that I'm a little weird just by a few seconds of looking at me. What makes them even stare in the first place? Maybe if I was doing something to catch their attention, sure, but I just go about my business like everyone else. I've asked people if I do anything weird when I'm walking and they always say no, so I don't get it.

Does anyone else get this? Any idea why or what they stare at?

I bet you are really pretty and modest about it. Women probably do check out each other body, maybe some are attracted to you. Maybe some are jealous of you. And maybe some are thinking "I would never wear that." ect.

Now that being said, no one can tell if you have ASD or not so you can stop thinking about that.
Last summer I was in a grocery store, and some young women was staring. I figured it out. They was staring at my body. (I'm a guy). I was wearing shorts. But if I guy looks, I get offended. I'm not gay. So don't worry about. Many people don't even know what ASD is. I only found out about it myself, last year. That's when I was diagnosed with it.

Tufted Titmouse
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23 Feb 2009, 5:41 pm

I do get that feeling that people are looking at me. I usually ignore it but sometimes I feel paranoid.

FVS/FACS Sufferer- drop a line if you want to chat or ask questions or whatever

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06 Jul 2009, 12:31 pm

i just came across this thread as this has been plaguing me too. thank you! its nice to know im not imaginging things. i never could figure ou how people could know theres something different about me from a glance, but they all sure notice something (i am not an attractive female) ;)

Hovis wrote:
TheDoctor82 wrote:
And understand, when one person in a group stands out just a little bit, y'can't NOT notice it; it's part of human nature.

I agree that one does tend to naturally notice things perceived as 'different' for whatever reason, but the point is that doesn't it ever occur to these people that it's downright rude to just keep on staring (yes, I get stared at too)? For instance, if I were walking along the street and someone with only one arm were approaching in the opposite direction, I would be fairly likely to notice them. But would I stare as they went past? No. I would make a point not to, because I recognize that it's rude and would make them feel uncomfortable.

If we're able to see that, what excuse have NTs got?

It strikes me that they know perfectly well they're being rude - because they don't like it when it's done back to them - but because we look 'strange/different/weird', we somehow in their minds deserve it and they don't feel under any obligation to use manners.


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06 Jul 2009, 12:48 pm

8O Yes! (hen I'm not invisible that is.)
I'll be on the tram, and women will stare at me or my clothes. They look away if I catch them, but if I watch them out of the corner of my eye and act like I'm not looking they'll study me at their leisure. WTF? Didn't think I was that interesting.


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06 Jul 2009, 1:05 pm

I noticed in my mid-teens that I was being stared at, even though I was not doing anything particularly 'odd'. I specifically mentioned when because a year or two later, I developed Tourette syndrome followed by dystonia (which makes my right side twist inwards leaving me in an awkward posture) so now there is more reason to stare. I've excepted to some degree that people walking by what looks like a transvestite (I've got short hair and look like a 12 year old boy but wear girls clothes because I AM a girl) in a wheelchair who is twitching and shouting ARE going to stare, but what bothers me is those who not only have a good look, but won't STOP looking at me. I'm just sat there thinking, 'the tourettes isn't going to go, it's not going to change, bugger off!' A lady in the shopping center today was just STARING at me because I was screaming (a tic of mine) and I thought to myself, 'okay, you've taken a good look, now move along...' Instead of moving along, she stopped right in front of my wheelchair, widened her eyes and glared at me. The stress made my tics worse and I suddenly yelled 'F**K YOU!! !' about 4 times... she walked away, staring over her shoulder with what looked like a 'well I never' expression on her face when my TS gave one last 'F**K YOU C**TY B***H!!'... Well at least she stopped staring then...

By the way, I had deliberaetly put myself in a position to keep away from the glare of the public but she seemed to have made some strange effort to walk in front of me.... Oh and also, TS Isn't funny so don't you lot go trying this!

I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite ;) )