Glory wrote:
That said, I've always found UFOs piloted by aliens extremely difficult to believe because modern technology would have found them years ago, given that modern radar can pinpoint anything bigger than an apple without too much difficulty, providing we are watching a sparse enough area (the upper atmosphere for existence). Of course, you can appeal to conspiracy but I just cannot believe that someone major has not blown the lid on it. With time, the political and military personal will age and new people come into the system. Surely at least a few of them, when they first encounter this evidence (and certainly evidence for contact between humans and aliens) would feel it worth mentioning. Or if they did not want to ruin their career, why not wait until they retire or indeed are dying, achieve lasting fame by revealing the truth to the world. I'm fairly convinced that, at least at some point before I die, I would try and get this material out into the public if I were sufficiently important, say a general or major politician. Could Bush have turned round the republican party’s and his own fortunes by finally being the party and person who reveals the truth to the public? Sure it would have helped.
Seriously, how far do you think this would get. If Bush was to come out on CNN tonight and announce that the government had been tracking UFO's all these years. Even IF this was really going on, it would not be that simple.
In any case, I believe UFOs exist as there is plenty of documentation of unkown objects as both visual and radar contacts.
I myself have seen unidentified objects which did not fit in the aircraft/weather balloon pattern. In as far as specifically identifying these objects as alien space craft from such and such a system. Well, if they ARE identified as such, then they are not UFO's anymore are they and would then just become another of the KNOWN objects leaving us with the OTHER UFOs that are not alien to wonder about.