quirky wrote:
This is a show where she has to put forward a good appearance at certain periods during filming (I doubt they constantly film all of her life.) Did she say she has an official diagnosis? I believe I'm on the autism spectrum, but that I'm not severe enough to be AS. My voice is normal, and when putting on a presentation (as in, there's something that I clearly have to do, like moedling, and we're discussing a specific topic that I'm interested in, as she must be interested in modeling) I seem very normal, articulate, bright etc. I stim really badly, but I have control over it - I only do it when alone or do it discreetly when people aren't watching me. I wouldn't do it knowing I was being filmed, or when I'm occupied with another task. My socialization is decent - I can definitely appear normal for a few hours - I just can't do it all the time or in all situations. So she could just be like me - maybe she falls apart when alone, which is what I tend to do, or when she is forced into random long term social situations that have no clear topic/purpose.
OK, MAKE UP YOUR MIND! You say "I believe I'm on the autism spectrum, but that I'm not severe enough to be AS."! So WHICH IS IT!?!? If you are "Not severe enough to be AS", then you AREN'T on the autistic spectrum! HECK, many never let on I am different. I DON'T stim badly, and can stop any moment. My socialization is decent. If I REALLY tried, maybe I could do better.
BUT, NEWS FOR YOU! Se has shown about every little symptom of AS. Se is physically "clumbsy", shy, has the same motions, obsessed, etc...
And YEAH, I will freely admit I am not officially diagnosed, but MAN, I am seeing it ALL THROUGH my life. And I guess it shows. Just a few hours ago, I was speaking with a woman. She said I reminded her of her father! When I asked "HOW?", she said I was timid and shy like her father. I didn't think I came off as shy at that time. I couldn't tell you what color her eyes were if she was caucasion. I never looked! I never sat next to anyone.
Even this morning, I was admonished by my boss for being too blunt! It was because he remembered of something that happened 4 years ago(At the time, I didn't even HEAR of AS) where I was accused of being racist because of "body language". He said I am clearly NOT racist, but sometimes SOUND so because I am so blunt. HEY, I have spoken about groups of WHITES also! BTW Interestingly, te IDIOT that accused me of being racist IS considered white, and I would NEVER have known what his CULTURE was if he didn't TELL me!! !! I hate his guts ONLY because of the filthy lie he said!
Wait...what? I'm confused. You can be on the autism spectrum without having Asperger's Syndrome. I don't think my symptoms are severe enough to be considered AS, but I definitely have significant autistic traits. I'm not accusing you of not having AS - I was wondering if she had said she had an AS diagnosis or just that she had autistic traits and diagnosed herself. I'm sorry you're having a rough time, but I don't see how it applies to my comments. I'm not saying you don't struggle - I do, and I'm sure the girl on ANTM does. I'm just saying maybe the reason she doesn't appear severely impaired is because she's not severely austistic. I'm just giving an excuse as to why she might not appear autistic, as some people are accusing.