Neologism, word playing, idiosyncratic humour

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09 Apr 2024, 10:41 pm

I do not want to deprave anyone! Words "ausexual" and "autisexual", which are somewhat "coincidentally" similar to words "asexual" and "antisexual"... "Au" on the beginning of these two words is from "autism", of course, and these words mean "non-(neuro)typical" sexualities which can be present in some individuals who have autism spectrum disorder, having these sexualities can mean being opposite to being asexual or (or and) to being antisexual.


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09 Apr 2024, 11:56 pm

RhodyStruggle wrote:
I recently started using the term "flat-minds" to refer to neurotypical people, based on the hypothesis that the greater neural synaptic density associated with autism spectrum disorders manifests (or can manifest under the right conditions) as additional cognitive capacity suitable for analytic thought of more dimensions (i.e. variables) than neurotypical minds are capable of.

I like the label because it reverses the typical discourse on autism by describing the neurotypical in terms of what they lack.

I know this is from like 2014 but still I felt the need to comment on this.

I don't like this way of thinking because it perpetuates this dichotomy of neurodiverse people seeming "superior" compared to neurotypical people. It's the same way when people use the term "normie" and the context it is used in is always the same with the same implications.


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07 Jun 2024, 8:28 am


When you've been nodding "hello" to someone for years but you don't actually know them at all. (from "fremder", "stranger" in German.)

You're so vain
I bet you think this sig is about you


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13 Jul 2024, 9:50 am

My brain upon encountering the "Big Chungus" meme of a pear-shaped Bugs Bunny:

Little Chungus. Red Chungus. Chungoid. Chungi. Chungal. In the chungal, the mighty chungal, the Rabbit sleeps tonight.

You're so vain
I bet you think this sig is about you


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24 Aug 2024, 5:44 am

Icedecimal sequence - from ICD-10 and decimal (associated with 10). Geometric sequences: descending 84, 42, 21 and ascending 21, 42, 84. Reference to combination of F84.5 (Asperger syndrome), F42.2 (mixed obsessive-compulsive disorder), F21 (schizotypal disorder) which I received first time 28.04.2015. In Polish icedecimal might be superficially translated as "lodowodziesiątkowy" czy "lodowodziesiętny" ("ice" - "lód" in Polish, adverb "lodowo". "decimal" - "dziesiątkowy", "dziesiętny"), so "icedecimal sequence" would mean "ciąg lodowodziesiątkowy". Terms of icedecimal sequence, first digits of its terms, second digits of its terms, numbers formed by swapping digits of this sequence, sums of digits in its terms, differences of digits in its terms, products of digits in its terms and quotients of digits in its terms all eight form geometric sequences with all terms being positive natural numbers (84, 42, 21; 8, 4, 2; 4, 2, 1; 48, 24, 21; 12, 6, 3; 4, 2, 1; 2, 8, 32; 2, 2, 2), the last sequence is constant and arithmetic also.

Nulicja - translation of the word "nullity" (a concept in transreal arithmetic denoted by Φ, or similarly in wheel theory denoted by ⊥) to Polish.


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24 Aug 2024, 2:05 pm

Fragment from an answer in the page ... be-made-to:

Personally, I tend to think that “nullity” is is exactly the wrong name for 0/0, as “null” means “nothing” and 0/0 is anything but. Rather, I'd call it “omnity” after the fact that 0/0 is usually left undefined because it could literally be anything. My personal inclination would be to also use ⊙ to denote 0/0 precisely because that's also the preferred symbol of the wheel, thus reinforcing the notion that the element is a stand-in for “could be anything”; but I can understand the problems of conflation they would cause. Alternately, the symbol could be an underscore “_”, denoting the “fill in the blank” nature of the element.

If "nullity" could be "nulicja" in Polish, then "omnity" would be "omnicja". "Omnity" for me looks to be better name for "the result" of division 0/0 than "nullity", because it is something different than mere null, something different than mere zero and equation 0 - (0*x) = 0 has infinitely many solutions (zero, natural, negative, rational, irrational, complex...).


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26 Aug 2024, 3:46 pm

Dennik - protologism for the bottom element in wheel theory or just for the (usually considered undefined) quotient of two zeros (0/0), "new" noun from Polish noun "dno", which means "bottom" (but not "bottom" in the sense of buttocks), the word "dennik" just occurs in Polish and means a species of fish (Liparis liparis) or an element of ship (Wikipedia article in Polish). "Dennik" has the same Simple English Gematria value as the words "moon" and "arsen" which is 57.

DENNIK = 4 + 5+ 14 + 14 + 9 + 11 = 9 + 28 + 20 = 37 + 20 = 57
MOON = 13 + 15 + 15 + 14 = 28 + 29 = 57
ARSEN = 1 + 18 + 19 + 5 + 14 = 19 + 24 + 14 = 43 + 14 = 57

I do not like the name "nullity" for the bottom element in wheel algebra, "the bottom element" or simply "bottom" does not make association with annihiliation or nothingness unlike the word "nullity" which is associated with zero, the null.


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01 Sep 2024, 12:23 pm

Quotiential triplet, quotiental triplet (proper three-membered geometric sequence) - ordered triplet of numbers numbers: a, b, c where:
- all three: a, b, c are not zeros and
- b divided by a equals c divided by b.

"Geometrotypal triplet" - ordered triplet of numbers numbers: a, b, c where b squared equals a times c (b^2 = a*c). In "geometrotypal triplet" zeros are possible.

1, 2, 4 is a "geometrotypal triplet" and a quotiental triplet.
1, 1, 1 is a "geometrotypal triplet" and a quotiental triplet.
0, 0, 0 is a "geometrotypal triplet" but not a quotiental triplet.
1, 0, 0 is a "geometrotypal triplet" but not a quotiental triplet.


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12 Oct 2024, 10:01 am

Schizospectral autism, schizodevelopmental autism - "classic autistic psychopathy", a kind of autism and pervasive developmental disorder probably urelated to classic autism and with pretty different symptomatology.

DOHI - disorder of high intelligence. SDOHI - severe disorder of high intelligence. MDOHI - mild disorder of high intelligence.

Singulaphrenia - schizospectral autism, schizodevelopmental autism.
Solipsophrenia - severe form of singulaphrenia.

Multimixia (Polish: multimiksja, abbreviation MMX) - pervasive developmental disorder with schizophrenia spectrum disorder and possibly other disorders, like anxiety disorders, personality disorders, ADHD, NVLD etc.


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12 Oct 2024, 3:05 pm

Dysuramphoremia. - The inability to pee in a bottle without missing.
Arthrofenestringestion - Having your head out of the window and swallowing a bug.
Rotary Caniscatalation - Not holding your breath when the lawnmower hits a dried dog turd


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13 Oct 2024, 10:42 pm

Bispectral - having both autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia spectrum disorder.

Fajsz, fojasz, fajszuń, fajszoń, fojaszszo, fojaszszu - dog (Canis familiaris). Protologism based on Slavic words for domestic dog like Polish pies, Czech pes, Croatian pas. "P" shifted into "f" (analogous to p -> f in First Germanic Sound Shift), vovel was diphtongized into aj, oj (ai, oi), "s" changed into "sz" (pronounced hardly, like "sh" ("ш") in Russian).


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14 Oct 2024, 1:43 am

5 rounds...bispectral...fired for effect....SHOT !


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Yesterday, 12:10 pm

The term radio rental ((Cockney rhyming slang) Mental; crazy; insane) looks very funny to my "mentality".

"I am such a radio rental"!

Cockney rhyming slang words and phrases are generally funny :)