Raleigh wrote:
^ I thought Rose's character had a bit of dementia, maybe.
I don't believe it was really dementia but in one episode she explained that her grandfather was the one who told her all those crazy St. Olaf stories and that he would also call her by her sister's name and other odd stuff so that's probably where Rose gets all her facts mixed up.

One of the things I loved most about Rose was her ability to call the other characters out on their B.S. without being mean about it. She was never outright insulting like the others but she could say things like:
"Sophia, maybe you did what you did because you're just a mean old lady like the paperboy says?"
Or when Blanche tried to say "I don't look right in American clothes, I have a more European body" and Rose said "Do they all have big butts in Europe?"
Or when Blanche was offering to show two teenage girls her beauty secrets and said "Let me show you how I transform into a fresh-faced innocent young thing" and Rose said "Can you skip the innocent part Blanche? The movie starts in two hours"