Set of scientific tests related to Autism Spectrum Disorders

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Emu Egg
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24 Feb 2013, 11:31 pm

You scored 62 aloof, 44 rigid and 52 pragmatic

Crazy. Funny how they don't include any sensory/sound items or obsessive behaviors...

btw some of the above responses about being over-empathic remind me a lot more of introversion. You should read 'Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking' by Susan Cain. Sometimes its hard to disentangle the personality aspects of individual differences...


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26 Feb 2013, 5:04 pm

EmpressJess wrote:
Thanks for posting these. I have huge difficulty in responding to tests, because I have passed as NT all my life, so it's hard to separate my native, autistic spectrum responses, and the way I've learnt to be, so I could complete each test twice and give completely different responses. I have great difficulty in social situations and quickly get exhausted by social contact. However, if anything I feel that I'm over-empathic. It's as if I'm feeling everyone else's emotions and don't know what to do with this or how to process it. I often know what I should do in a social situation but am not sure how to do it, nor am I even interested in doing it. This doesn't show up in tests relating to emotional intelligence / empathy. I've come across quite a lot of people on the autistic spectrum who feel something similar. Anyone identify?

I took a few of these after my son was diagnosed with AS/HFA-ASD... and came out way NT. Then I considered my prolonged childhood social alienation and misery and the deliberate decision I had made to work against my instincts to develop a social life in high school... and I took the test again, this time making sure to give my honest answers rather than the answers of the persona I developed at thirteen...

Your Aspie score: 116 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 85 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits-

I am thinking back to specific events in childhood--a therapist playing catch with me when I was about 8, evaluating my terrible motor skills.
The specialist in school who was concerned with my eye contact during speech. I became very self conscious about this and studied "how to do it right" so that people would be comfortable... How "Star Wars" became the focus for a geeks' circle--my first friends. I have been reading a lot on this board and looking at a lot of videos since hearing the specialist diagnose my son.... And I feel very much at home here.

But I am extremely empathetic, so much so that many people say my intuition and empathy border on telepathy. I thought this would disqualify me from any place on the spectrum, but I am learning that this is not so.

I certainly have the special interests. I have been passionate about science since childhood (Dinosaurs, Geology, Physics, Astronomy, Meteorology) and some cultural things (Celtic mythology, Japanese art, architecture and film, printmaking, sculpture, modern architecture, painting) and I can pursue these passions to the point of forgetting to eat, drink or sleep (often the need to use the bathroom is the only thing that can pull me away from deep engagement in a passion.) That state of being lost in the passionate focus is one of my favorite states of being. I think it was people mean when they talk about the "flow" state and it's something many people have to work very hard to enter but comes easily to me.

I also had the sensory issues: light levels, sounds (I had hearing test that showed my range was way outside normal at both extremes, thankfully this is going with age!), air pressure, heat, textures, others.

I was a very picky eater, but largely outgrew that.

I was last to be picked for every team in every school.

I was discussing this with my son's therapist and mentioned that though I had overcome most social awkwardness in small groups or public speaking situations, I still have two big difficulties--being in big, crowded places (like markets, malls and train stations) and talking on the phone.

The therapist is referring me to a psychiatrist to get anti-anxiety meds that he thinks will really help. He was exited to hear my story because he believes that some of the strategies I developed to "get a social life" in high school will help my son. But the successful strategies I adopted as a teenager to end my social isolation, loneliness, despair and depression also make it hard for me to answer these questions honestly, because it is "second nature" for me now to check the model and respond with what it says I should say:

I like meeting new people / I like new situations / I would rather go out and socialize than stay in and get lost in my own beautiful world...

None of it is really true, but it allows me to create relationships that immeasurably enrich my life, so it's worth the effort.

But it is so exhausting.

I don't know if I am on the spectrum, in the broader phenotype or just a really odd NT, but I do know that the communication here has been very helpful to me.

Ayway, great to be with all you weird and wonderful people.
Reading your expression of your thoughts and experiences makes me really glad I never completely gave in to the despair and ended it all--something I did consider often in the long friendless years.


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27 Feb 2013, 7:05 pm

Took the AQ test trying to give answers true to my deepest self, rather than the persona I have used to get by for decades.

AQ = 33 or 40 depending on how I interpret the questions.


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04 Mar 2013, 1:45 am

interesting tests, although i got impatient near the end because it was taking long.

Your Aspie score: 121 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 103 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits

i am both. well i am basically, originally extreme aspi foundation, but with a constructed surface of neurotypical.

i noticed my own severe aspi problems at a young age. i hated being extremely introverted, painfully shy, nerdy, overly intellectual, verbosity, lack of friends, obsession with categorization, obsession with trivial facts, extreme perfectionism, and reclusive. i had episodes of extreme sensory overload. i remember i woke up, suddenly hearing loud booming sounds in the room. i could hear the smallest sound magnified, such as a hair moving on my head. my own hair was screaming loudly. i could see microbes moving on the surface of my dogs eyes. my own senses became scary and bizarre. i thought i was a mutant. luckily this stopped. but the social awkwardness was still there.

i hated being "abnormal", so on my own willpower and without guidance, i forced myself to do everything opposite to my aspi tendencies. no one told me to do it, i did it by myself. i always analyze everything. i had always been extremely analytical, so i finally analyzed myself and my personality, and did not like what i found. i had to do something.

so i forced myself out of hiding in my room, forced myself away from my atlases and encyclopedias, forced myself to talk to people, forced myself to smile and look happy, forced myself to be extroverted, social and outgoing. it took several years, over a decade. eventually people could not believe i was ever introverted. i became flamboyant, social and popular.

i thought i could erase the aspi side at last, but it did not disappear. it is still there. sometimes i have episodes when i become totally introverted, repetitive and reclusive. then periods when i am very flamboyant, friendly and outgoing. instead of getting rid of aspi, i basically created another personality over it. trying to appear neurotypical to avoid the aspi. flamboyance to hide the extreme introversion. ironically that became my compulsion. the result is now i have a problem with compulsive avoidance and extreme procrastination. i am always at the brink of success, but never being successful. i became a mish mash of extremes.


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04 Mar 2013, 3:20 pm

Mannyboo, that sounds just like the process I went through.

The only thing is, that more social person is an act. Sometimes a very successful act, but really, fundamentally fake. And I get tired of maintaining it, at times.
I have to choose to do the opposite of my inclination in order to go out. And because I have made friends with people using a fake persona, I don't trust people. It's very hard to take relationships from the "good but superficial" level to the "intimate friend for life" level--the one I really trust.

If it was not for my wife and her infinitely greater social dexterity, I would hardly have any friends at all.

I am not complaining! I am really grateful for the friends she has brought into my life. I would like to do better on the trust thing and making my own friends, though. My persona has an easy time breaking the ice, but after that I start to want to run away.


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04 Mar 2013, 6:33 pm

Adamantium wrote:
Mannyboo, that sounds just like the process I went through.

The only thing is, that more social person is an act. Sometimes a very successful act, but really, fundamentally fake. And I get tired of maintaining it, at times.
I have to choose to do the opposite of my inclination in order to go out. And because I have made friends with people using a fake persona, I don't trust people. It's very hard to take relationships from the "good but superficial" level to the "intimate friend for life" level--the one I really trust.

If it was not for my wife and her infinitely greater social dexterity, I would hardly have any friends at all.

I am not complaining! I am really grateful for the friends she has brought into my life. I would like to do better on the trust thing and making my own friends, though. My persona has an easy time breaking the ice, but after that I start to want to run away.

Hello Adamantium. Thank you for your reply. You are the first person i have ever met who experiences this same process. It is reassuring. Yes the extroverted social side was initially constructed by me. But i also had lots of genuine fun, precious learning experiences, and memorable times with the social side. I have grown to love and value it. It brings genuine satisfaction, and i don't want it to go away. But the reclusive anti-social side can and does pop up. It is always there. But now I can't say which side is fake? I think maybe now, both have become "real", because they are now real parts of my (double?) personality. But maybe it needs to be balanced and in moderation. Avoid extreme highs and lows. I have not yet mastered this, and still have extreme swings. I hope i can successfully control both social and anti-social sides, some day. I hope to learn from this forum, if I can do that.

I am the same as you, that i easily make friends and successful good social times, but i eventually cannot trust them, because i eventually notice the flaws and imperfections in those friends, then i get disappointed, and want to leave them.
One bad effect, is sometimes i focus a silent and concentrated beam of hatred on a single person, who does not deserve it. Because they did a little trivial thing that i didn't like, i silently hate them forever, and ignore them. Like deleting unwanted files in a computer and putting in the trash bin. I have done this a few times with ex-friends before, and in hindsight disgusted with myself for doing it. None of them deserved it. I was irrational and cruel.

BTW i notice your handle name. i am wondering if interest in things like marvel comics is also a sign? when i was a junior high school student, i used to totally be impressed with The Watcher, he was my hero, not Spiderman and the rest. :wink:


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05 Mar 2013, 12:22 am

i took the other tests, and this is the result

BAP Test = Aloof Personality. You scored 90 aloof, 80 rigid and 76 pragmatic
Note: Schizoid personality is probably about the same thing as aloof personality.

AQ Test = 33

EQ Test = 12

i can't believe my EQ is so low, even if considered aspergers.
i always felt i had empathy for others. this is disturbing to me.
and the comment about schizoid possibility is also disturbing.


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05 Mar 2013, 4:07 am

It's been a while, so I just retook some of these:

EQ: 20
SQ: 40

Mind in the eyes: 29 (I generally don't have a problem with this test)

My last AQ score was 39.

I didn't get a numerical score for the EIQ this time--it looks like they changed the reporting format--but I got three strengths, three potential strengths, and a ridiculous number of weaknesses. 8O I seem to be OK at understanding what people are feeling once I know the context, but without the context, I'm not as good.

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06 Mar 2013, 2:17 pm

BAP Test - You scored 112 aloof, 93 rigid and 126 pragmatic

You scored above the cutoff on all three scales. Clearly, you are either autistic or on the broader autistic phenotype. You probably are not very social, and when you do interact with others, you come off as strange or rude without meaning to. You probably also like things to be familiar and predictable and don't like changes, especially unexpected ones.

I am social, I just choose my friends and acquaintances wisely and I can't tolerate idiots. Sorry if there are any idiots reading this post :P

AQ Test - 43

EQ Test - 18

Your Empathizing Quotient is 18. Baron-Cohen (2003) suggests that this means "you have a lower than average ability for understanding how other people feel and responding appropriately".

I know a few people have had concerns about a low score on this. I don't have issues with what people feel, I tend to find that it takes me a few days to process at the time why someone is feeling the way they do and miss the marker for responding appropriately.

SQ Test - 58

Your Systemizing Quotient is 58. Baron-Cohen (2003) suggests that this means "you have an above average ability for analysing and exploring a system".

Goes hand in hand with the EQ, I know in myself I spend more time trying to analyse everything to determine what is a socially appropriate response so even though I get there in the end, I spend more time analysing a situation that reacting to it.

E-S Type - Extreme S

Tests of the E-S model show that twice as many females than males are Type E and twice as many males than females are Type S. 65% of people with autism spectrum conditions are Extreme Type S.

EIQ - Closed down without getting score but the summary showed:

The following is a summarized version of your results, categorized as Strengths, Potential Strengths, and Limitation.


• You are doing well in the area of Emotional Understanding
• You performed well on the emotional integration aspect of the test
• You are socially insightful
• The manner in which YOU would resolve conflict situations on the test was extremely healthy

Potential Strengths

• You sometimes act in accordance with your values
• You chose some exceptionally good forms of resolution for others' conflict situations on the test
• You are sometimes able/willing to adapt your social skills to the circumstances around you
• Your level of self-esteem is satisfactory


• Improvement is required in the area of Emotional Identification, Perception, and Expression
• Your emotional self-awareness is limited
• You don't seem to be entirely aware of your strengths and weaknesses
• You are not very comfortable with emotions in general
• You struggled with recognizing emotions depicted on the test
• Improvement is required in the area of Emotional Facilitation of Thought
• You have a tendency to ruminate excessively
• Your resilience/hardiness needs further development
• You are not very assertive

Aspie Quiz - Your Aspie score: 150 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 42 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie

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08 Mar 2013, 4:12 am

1. Broad Autism Phenotype Test:

Autistic/ BAP

"You scored above the cutoff on all three scales. Clearly, you are either autistic or on the broader autistic phenotype. You probably are not very social, and when you do interact with others, you come off as strange or rude without meaning to. You probably also like things to be familiar and predictable and don't like changes, especially unexpected ones."


You scored 104% on aloof, higher than 47% of your peers.
You scored 104% on rigid, higher than 67% of your peers.
You scored 101% on pragmatic, higher than 73% of your peers.
You scored 9% on diagnosis, higher than 91% of your peers.

2. AQ: 41/50 (higher than AS average)

3. EQ: 14/60, SQ: 43/60 = Extreme Systemizer

4. EIQ (Queendom):

Overall Results
EQ score = 86
Percentile score = 18

"Your score on this assessment is not very strong. This is a concern because this test was designed to flag those
individuals who might have limitations in understanding their own emotions and those of others. This area can
certainly be improved with effort; however, for some people, it is difficult to improve without help. Seeking guidance
from a professional (psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, etc.) would probably be a great start to improving.
On a positive note, awareness is key to helping you find the motivation to improve in this area, and knowing which
areas you most need to work on developing."

My worst areas were "emotional self-awareness" at 30, "emotional facilitation of thought" at 38, "resilience-hardiness" at 24, "self-motivation" at 18, and "contentment" at 34.

5. HSP test: 24 = highly sensitive person

6. Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test: 22/36 (lowest of average range)

Face Memory Test:

Since the link didn't work, I did this one:

95% correct in recognition

82% correct in temporal memory (did I see it in part 1 or part 2)

I'm really surprised I did so well on this one! I always forget people right after I meet them, and I fail to recognize those that should be familiar quite often. I wonder if it has to do with other things, like social anxiety or sensory overload, when I'm actually faced with real-life situations? Remembering photos seems so different than remembering live people... live people change every time you see them, the angle, the distinguishing features like hairstyles or clothing, the situation, etc.

7. Aspie Quiz = 149/200 Aspie, 30/200 Neurotypical

"You are very likely an Aspie."


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11 Mar 2013, 11:44 am

The BAP results. I don´t understand:
Neurotypical: "Below cut off: You are not on the broader aut. phenotype".
All the others: "You are probably on the broader phenotype or in fact autistic".
Aspie score: 109-110 of 200. Nt: 99-109 of 200 (based on three tests)
AQ: 36
30% :NT

Hmm. Now I see a probable co-working reason for many little things, I´ve wondered about, - and some of the fun too.


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12 Mar 2013, 5:18 pm

Kind of on the fringe (story of my life then).

AQ 28

You scored 118 aloof, 99 rigid and 98 pragmatic

Your Aspie score: 118 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 89 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits

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13 Mar 2013, 11:05 pm

Jensen wrote:
The BAP results. I don´t understand:
Neurotypical: "Below cut off: You are not on the broader aut. phenotype".
All the others: "You are probably on the broader phenotype or in fact autistic".
Aspie score: 109-110 of 200. Nt: 99-109 of 200 (based on three tests)
AQ: 36
30% :NT

Hmm. Now I see a probable co-working reason for many little things, I´ve wondered about, - and some of the fun too.

Are you saying that you got the result "Neurotypical" from doing the BAP test? In other words, you scored below the cut-off for all three scales, "aloof", "rigid", "pragmatic"?

However, you are saying that you scored on the autistic end for all the other tests?

It's strange that the BAP would be the only one you got an NT score on, seeing how the questions on it are fairly similar to those of the other tests. However, there is still the chance that the way these particular questions were worded, or the way this particular test was set up did not catch you as being autistic. (It isn't really a "professional" test.. OkCupid?) The other possibility is that you are on the border in general. These tests don't replace a diagnositian's observation and analysis of you as a unique person.


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18 Mar 2013, 2:23 am

Eh, maybe I have mixed up two tests? I am just wondering about how it is formulated. It seems, that each area is valuated and described one by one.
So, somewhere I have scored 30% NT, "hardly on the spectrum". The rest of them (same test): "suspected", and "probably the broader phenotype or actually autistic".

Aspie-test:109-110 of 200. Nt: 99-109 of 200 (based on three tests)
The latest BAP test: AQ 33, EQ: 27, SQ: 41, Eyes: 31 (good at that).
RAADS: 118 (suspected AS)
BAP: Rigid & Language: You scored 81 aloof, 83 rigid and 87 pragmatic.
You may be either on the broader autistic phenotype, or in fact autistic.

I seem to be in the border area and just a little inside the autistic area.
My personality type INFJ fits HFA more or less, and it, sort of, makes sense.

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21 Mar 2013, 1:22 am

huh. i scored 52% so face blind. I consider myself to be very good with faces. bad with names though. maybe that was the issue.

Diagnosed with ASD at age 17 with the DSM V.
Trying to find Aspie meetups in the Long Beach, CA area.


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22 Mar 2013, 8:47 am

Dumb question. I think. But need clarification.

When the question comes up in these tests regarding whether you like to be alone or with others... I don't know what my answer is because it is subjective. I enjoy to be around my husband and children and I wish I had friends (I have none) but in general other people irritate the hell out of me and I find them to be too judging and not very accepting. Does this mean I should answer I don't like being around people? Even though I love to be around my children and hate not being around them?